In my WTF moment for today!

So what was your intent in coming in here and shouting fire in the theatre that you were doxed? It makes the people that run the forum look like shit
Are you fucking retarded? Do you not see what the dumbass running the account was trying to do?? Holy shit it doesn’t matter if everyone knew who moose was, the account was trying to dox him. That’s the point. For fucks sake how dumb are you.
They were obviously trying to dox him. That was their intent. Even if most of us already knew who he was. For fucks sake I didn’t realize this many people could be this retarded.
How were they obviously trying to dox him? What the fuck are you talking about? Please explain to me how they were “trying to dox him”

Clearly they know who he was. Why would they need to “try to dox him”
Why didn’t they just out him if they knew who he was? The logic doesn’t follow. Sounds like there was butthurt on both sides, but nobody was “doxed”
Holy fuck!!!! What don’t you understand?? Most everyone knew/knows moose. The person running the instagram didn’t know him, so when they got butt hurt they doxed him. Thought they doxed him. INTENT. Holy fuck.

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