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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Or maybe Jimbo is a snake oil salesman and the aggie "braintrust" has dementia.
We FSU fans tried to warn them. He’s got to have a very special player like Jameis or Dalvin in order for his teams to be better than just very good. I’ve tried not to follow him anymore, he’s a total narcissist. He will blame the players, blame the administration, not take responsibility for his own bad choices, and create more drama than needed. He kept a couple of Coordinators far longer than he should because of his own ego that he could somehow make them successful. First 5 years were great, then he got lazy with recruiting and left us with an empty cupboard before our affirmative action experiment. Eventually his agent will start rumors that he’s going to LSU and Bama and TAMU will capitulate to his demands like the victim in an abusive relationship, because it is.


Jan 9, 2021

Press to Leach: "Why the success vs TAMU?"​

Leach: scratching head "not really sure, I've not really had to do much. They always line up in 3 man fronts and also give away what they are going to do. So truthfully, they have just handed it to me time and time again"

Awesome game, we were there yesterday, I am also a MSU Alum, Great atmosphere, Jimbo Fisher can go screw himself


Jan 8, 2021
There’s a lot of variables at play.

Key driver to US strength is rate hikes. The Fed is hiking rates faster than other currencies, so more yield is earned holding dollars. This is important to note as markets tumble- where do you put cash?

Additionally, in global turmoil, cash is moved to “safe” currencies where there is less volatility, historically that’s the USD and JPY.

With JPY collapse, the USD is all that’s left. This is all creating dollar demand. Specifically RE turmoil, the US has been mostly shielded from the European chaos: Russia, energy etc.

Finally, USD strength is great for consumers who buy stuff from overseas but terrible for local manufacturing as it makes them less competitive overseas: their costs are higher in USD and must sell goods for more.

Another wrinkle is that US companies that have earned revenue overseas at some point will need to bring that money back, however, they’ll now get crushed on the exchange rate. Imagine you had 50MM GBP in the bank with an expected exchange rate of 1.30-1.35 that you would repatriate and distribute to share holders / pay US costs.

If that exchange rate is now 1.10, you’ve just lost ~20% value in your cash.

Thank you. That explains globally why it’s increasing in strength. Can you explain why it’s the opposite at home where shit is getting more expensive. I understand there are supply issues and that contributes but it’s losing value here


Jan 8, 2021

Adding some context here.

20-25% of UK consumer mortgages are variable rate. The US is only 5-10%. US learned their lesson the hard way in 2008-2009 so must folks locked in at fixed rates.

US consumers are mostly protected from rising rates, from a mortgage perspective, and are actually in great shape given the ability to lock in low rates over the past 2-3 years.

BoE has been hesitant to hike even though they need to, I think for this very reason.


Jan 8, 2021
Thank you. That explains globally why it’s increasing in strength. Can you explain why it’s the opposite at home where shit is getting more expensive. I understand there are supply issues and that contributes but it’s losing value here
It’s all nuanced, but simply that’s general inflation. Both coexist.

As we import a large percentage of our goods, if the dollar were weakening the pain would be compounded. As it’s strengthening, I’d argue it’s helping to offset inflation but theres a compelling argument on both sides and I wouldn’t put myself in a corner defending it.

Edit: I’d also argue we haven’t fully realized the benefit of a strong dollar yet. Most contracts to import goods are on lengthy payment terms. As those terms come due for renegotiation, the stronger dollar will be realized and those “gains” would be passed on to the consumer.

Regardless, that’s great for foreign producers but not so much for domestic.


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