Corrupt law enforcement agency!!! Legal advice/guidance needed!

Let me start this post by saying a few things! 1st we are law abiding citizens. 2nd I have always taught my children to respect Law Enforcement Officers. 3rd we are pro 2nd amendment! 4th is we have owned our property since Dec. 2000. We have 40acres & have our 3 grown children homes set up on this property. My husband & I live on the same property there is a thin wood line between us & our children. We have never dealt with anything like this.

We are being railroaded by County law enforcement & our neighbor.

A lil back story; on Nov. 25th my son-in-laws mother's Boyfriend threatened to put a gun to his head & shoot him. We dealt with that issue but we're still afraid this psycho felon may show up & follow thru with his threat. So in my & my husbands minds this is relevant for the next part of the story.
On November 28th supposedly our dogs went onto our neighbors property & were chasing their sheep. The neighbor proceeded to use an AR-15 to shoot at our dogs hitting 1 of them, BUT that is beside the point! His shots went across a public road & up towards my childrens houses. My daughter who is pregnant & her 1yr old daughter were down checking the mail as all of the shooting was going on, said that she heard shots, the dogs came running by, & as she stepped out of her car she heard the bullets came by her. Both of my sons were in my oldest son's house & they heard the shots & my daughter screaming so they came running outside & as they did something hit my son's trailer. My 20yr old son ran down to the end of the driveway where my daughter was & started attending to the dog that was shot. My oldest son sped out of the drive headed over to confront the neighbor. Now mind you My husband & myself stay next door & upon hearing all the shots I called my daughter who answered the phone screaming hysterically. In mind my the ex-boyfriend of his mother has shown up so I screamed for my husband who jumped out of bed (it was 10am on Sunday morning we were being lazy) & headed over. As he went to leave he saw my 23yr old son driving past & proceeded to follow him to the neighbors house. As they got there the neighbor had his phone in his hand & his AR-15 & was telling for them to get off his property. After a short verbal confrontation my son got back in his car, turned to leave in fear of being shot & is accused of slinging rocks on a truck causing damage. My husband racted differently! He slapped the phone that the neighbor had pointed in his face. (He know this was wrong & he admitted to his mistake) They both promptly left the neighbor & came back to our property. I had already called the law. The sheriff went to the neighbors house 1st & then came to us. A report was made by the sheriff & we insisted that something be done about him shooting towards our homes as this was the 3rd time bullets have grazed our property, the 2nd that we called the sheriff's dept. & made a report. We finally got investigators to come out on Dec. 6 & boy have they shown us how dirty law enforcement can be. They told us there was nothing we can do about him shooting towards our houses & if he had hit 1 of the homes it would be our fault because of the dogs. They also basically gave him permission to shoot us if he "fears" us in any way. They told us that the hole that is on my sons wall is not from a bullet & that basically we are screwed but I was more then welcomed to come get a copy of the report. So on the 7th I went to Geneva County to get the report. It was not ready at that point they said so I waited until the 10th & went to obtain a copy of their report. Their report is full of so much bias & lies it is disgusting. The investigator claims in his report that my husband said he had a pistol but didn't show it during the altercation with the neighbor & that is 100% a lie. We don't even own a gun of any sort, registered or unregiatered. I called County Sheriff's office, asked to speak with the sheriff, & explained why I wanted to speak with him. They told me to come on at 2pm 10/13. I was there with 2 of my adult children at 1:50. The sheriff was immediately dismissive. Asked where my husband was because he has a warrant for his arrest. I asked what the charges are & they are putting everything on my husband, yes he slapped the phone but my kid caused the damage, but every charge is against my husband. I explained that the investigation report was full of non-truths & asked why it is ok for law enforcement to tell bold face lies. I explained that 90% of the stuff they had my husband saying in that report was things I told the investigators & the other 10% was never said at all. I explained that my husband nor my sons were present when they 1st arrived yet the only names mentioned at all are my husband & oldest son. He didn't want to hear a word negative about his investigators. I proceeded to tell him that I can only assume that the neighbor & the sheriffs office have a buddy system. I explained that we are law abiding citizens & that I teach my children respect but they have given my kids a front row view of the dark side of the law. I guess this is more of a vent post. I am completely lost. I don't understand how a man can get away with shooting an AR-15 across a public road & onto another person property. How law enforcement can tell me because a dog went in his yard he now has free reign to shoot towards our homes. OHHHH! & on top of that this neighbor has now moved his sheep down to his piece of property directly beside the road & I can only assume that is too bait the dogs so he is justified when he shoots up towards our homes again. This is sickening. 1 of us or a passer-by on the road is going to have to get shot before anyone is going to do anything to this crazy man!

Thank you for your time & attention. Sorry for the long rant
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If the cops really said the shots hitting your property were your fault because of your dog running on their property, they are either the dumbest fucks on the planet, or more likely dirty and buddys with your neighbor. Do anything you can to keep your dogs on your property, because it does indeed sound like your neighbor is trying to lure them over so he can finish the job.
Let me start this post by saying a few things! 1st we are law abiding citizens. 2nd I have always taught my children to respect Law Enforcement Officers. 3rd we are pro 2nd amendment! 4th is we have owned our property since Dec. 2000. We have 40acres & have our 3 grown children homes set up on this property. My husband & I live on the same property there is a thin wood line between us & our children. We have never dealt with anything like this.

We are being railroaded by County law enforcement & our neighbor.

A lil back story; on Nov. 25th my son-in-laws mother's Boyfriend threatened to put a gun to his head & shoot him. We dealt with that issue but we're still afraid this psycho felon may show up & follow thru with his threat. So in my & my husbands minds this is relevant for the next part of the story.
On November 28th supposedly our dogs went onto our neighbors property & were chasing their sheep. The neighbor proceeded to use an AR-15 to shoot at our dogs hitting 1 of them, BUT that is beside the point! His shots went across a public road & up towards my childrens houses. My daughter who is pregnant & her 1yr old daughter were down checking the mail as all of the shooting was going on, said that she heard shots, the dogs came running by, & as she stepped out of her car she heard the bullets came by her. Both of my sons were in my oldest son's house & they heard the shots & my daughter screaming so they came running outside & as they did something hit my son's trailer. My 20yr old son ran down to the end of the driveway where my daughter was & started attending to the dog that was shot. My oldest son sped out of the drive headed over to confront the neighbor. Now mind you My husband & myself stay next door & upon hearing all the shots I called my daughter who answered the phone screaming hysterically. In mind my the ex-boyfriend of his mother has shown up so I screamed for my husband who jumped out of bed (it was 10am on Sunday morning we were being lazy) & headed over. As he went to leave he saw my 23yr old son driving past & proceeded to follow him to the neighbors house. As they got there the neighbor had his phone in his hand & his AR-15 & was telling for them to get off his property. After a short verbal confrontation my son got back in his car, turned to leave in fear of being shot & is accused of slinging rocks on a truck causing damage. My husband racted differently! He slapped the phone that the neighbor had pointed in his face. (He know this was wrong & he admitted to his mistake) They both promptly left the neighbor & came back to our property. I had already called the law. The sheriff went to the neighbors house 1st & then came to us. A report was made by the sheriff & we insisted that something be done about him shooting towards our homes as this was the 3rd time bullets have grazed our property, the 2nd that we called the sheriff's dept. & made a report. We finally got investigators to come out on Dec. 6 & boy have they shown us how dirty law enforcement can be. They told us there was nothing we can do about him shooting towards our houses & if he had hit 1 of the homes it would be our fault because of the dogs. They also basically gave him permission to shoot us if he "fears" us in any way. They told us that the hole that is on my sons wall is not from a bullet & that basically we are screwed but I was more then welcomed to come get a copy of the report. So on the 7th I went to Geneva County to get the report. It was not ready at that point they said so I waited until the 10th & went to obtain a copy of their report. Their report is full of so much bias & lies it is disgusting. The investigator claims in his report that my husband said he had a pistol but didn't show it during the altercation with the neighbor & that is 100% a lie. We don't even own a gun of any sort, registered or unregiatered. I called County Sheriff's office, asked to speak with the sheriff, & explained why I wanted to speak with him. They told me to come on at 2pm 10/13. I was there with 2 of my adult children at 1:50. The sheriff was immediately dismissive. Asked where my husband was because he has a warrant for his arrest. I asked what the charges are & they are putting everything on my husband, yes he slapped the phone but my kid caused the damage, but every charge is against my husband. I explained that the investigation report was full of non-truths & asked why it is ok for law enforcement to tell bold face lies. I explained that 90% of the stuff they had my husband saying in that report was things I told the investigators & the other 10% was never said at all. I explained that my husband nor my sons were present when they 1st arrived yet the only names mentioned at all are my husband & oldest son. He didn't want to hear a word negative about his investigators. I proceeded to tell him that I can only assume that the neighbor & the sheriffs office have a buddy system. I explained that we are law abiding citizens & that I teach my children respect but they have given my kids a front row view of the dark side of the law. I guess this is more of a vent post. I am completely lost. I don't understand how a man can get away with shooting an AR-15 across a public road & onto another person property. How law enforcement can tell me because a dog went in his yard he now has free reign to shoot towards our homes. OHHHH! & on top of that this neighbor has now moved his sheep down to his piece of property directly beside the road & I can only assume that is too bait the dogs so he is justified when he shoots up towards our homes again. This is sickening. 1 of us or a passer-by on the road is going to have to get shot before anyone is going to do anything to this crazy man!

Thank you for your time & attention. Sorry for the long rant

I mean this seriously. Do not talk to anyone else until you talk to a lawyer. You can probably get a lawyer to assist you for free. STOP talking to them. They will use your words against you as they already have. Get a lawyer yesterday.
Let me start this post by saying a few things! 1st we are law abiding citizens. 2nd I have always taught my children to respect Law Enforcement Officers. 3rd we are pro 2nd amendment! 4th is we have owned our property since Dec. 2000. We have 40acres & have our 3 grown children homes set up on this property. My husband & I live on the same property there is a thin wood line between us & our children. We have never dealt with anything like this.

We are being railroaded by County law enforcement & our neighbor.

A lil back story; on Nov. 25th my son-in-laws mother's Boyfriend threatened to put a gun to his head & shoot him. We dealt with that issue but we're still afraid this psycho felon may show up & follow thru with his threat. So in my & my husbands minds this is relevant for the next part of the story.
On November 28th supposedly our dogs went onto our neighbors property & were chasing their sheep. The neighbor proceeded to use an AR-15 to shoot at our dogs hitting 1 of them, BUT that is beside the point! His shots went across a public road & up towards my childrens houses. My daughter who is pregnant & her 1yr old daughter were down checking the mail as all of the shooting was going on, said that she heard shots, the dogs came running by, & as she stepped out of her car she heard the bullets came by her. Both of my sons were in my oldest son's house & they heard the shots & my daughter screaming so they came running outside & as they did something hit my son's trailer. My 20yr old son ran down to the end of the driveway where my daughter was & started attending to the dog that was shot. My oldest son sped out of the drive headed over to confront the neighbor. Now mind you My husband & myself stay next door & upon hearing all the shots I called my daughter who answered the phone screaming hysterically. In mind my the ex-boyfriend of his mother has shown up so I screamed for my husband who jumped out of bed (it was 10am on Sunday morning we were being lazy) & headed over. As he went to leave he saw my 23yr old son driving past & proceeded to follow him to the neighbors house. As they got there the neighbor had his phone in his hand & his AR-15 & was telling for them to get off his property. After a short verbal confrontation my son got back in his car, turned to leave in fear of being shot & is accused of slinging rocks on a truck causing damage. My husband racted differently! He slapped the phone that the neighbor had pointed in his face. (He know this was wrong & he admitted to his mistake) They both promptly left the neighbor & came back to our property. I had already called the law. The sheriff went to the neighbors house 1st & then came to us. A report was made by the sheriff & we insisted that something be done about him shooting towards our homes as this was the 3rd time bullets have grazed our property, the 2nd that we called the sheriff's dept. & made a report. We finally got investigators to come out on Dec. 6 & boy have they shown us how dirty law enforcement can be. They told us there was nothing we can do about him shooting towards our houses & if he had hit 1 of the homes it would be our fault because of the dogs. They also basically gave him permission to shoot us if he "fears" us in any way. They told us that the hole that is on my sons wall is not from a bullet & that basically we are screwed but I was more then welcomed to come get a copy of the report. So on the 7th I went to Geneva County to get the report. It was not ready at that point they said so I waited until the 10th & went to obtain a copy of their report. Their report is full of so much bias & lies it is disgusting. The investigator claims in his report that my husband said he had a pistol but didn't show it during the altercation with the neighbor & that is 100% a lie. We don't even own a gun of any sort, registered or unregiatered. I called County Sheriff's office, asked to speak with the sheriff, & explained why I wanted to speak with him. They told me to come on at 2pm 10/13. I was there with 2 of my adult children at 1:50. The sheriff was immediately dismissive. Asked where my husband was because he has a warrant for his arrest. I asked what the charges are & they are putting everything on my husband, yes he slapped the phone but my kid caused the damage, but every charge is against my husband. I explained that the investigation report was full of non-truths & asked why it is ok for law enforcement to tell bold face lies. I explained that 90% of the stuff they had my husband saying in that report was things I told the investigators & the other 10% was never said at all. I explained that my husband nor my sons were present when they 1st arrived yet the only names mentioned at all are my husband & oldest son. He didn't want to hear a word negative about his investigators. I proceeded to tell him that I can only assume that the neighbor & the sheriffs office have a buddy system. I explained that we are law abiding citizens & that I teach my children respect but they have given my kids a front row view of the dark side of the law. I guess this is more of a vent post. I am completely lost. I don't understand how a man can get away with shooting an AR-15 across a public road & onto another person property. How law enforcement can tell me because a dog went in his yard he now has free reign to shoot towards our homes. OHHHH! & on top of that this neighbor has now moved his sheep down to his piece of property directly beside the road & I can only assume that is too bait the dogs so he is justified when he shoots up towards our homes again. This is sickening. 1 of us or a passer-by on the road is going to have to get shot before anyone is going to do anything to this crazy man!

Thank you for your time & attention. Sorry for the long rant
Get a lawyer to go to the head sheriff. The elected one.
No one is allowed to shoot across a road period. Dogs or no dogs it is endangering humans. Dogs are property. Your neighbor is buddies w one of the sheriffs
I haven't had time to read the comments yet BUT here's an update:
So yesterday I was told that my husband was the only 1 with warrants so we made arrangements with a bondsmen to go with him for him to turn himself in today. Well he gets there & what's supposed to be an in & out bond turns into a much bigger ordeal. He gets told that there are 2 charges; 3rd degree misdemeanor harassment & 1st degree felony damage of property. The felony would require him to see a judge before bond is set. Well after they strip him down, search him, & suit him up in orange the processor lady actually looks at his license & sees the Sr. (Senior) to which she start apologizing & says the warrant was meant for Jr. (Junior). She was going to let him go but has to speak to her sheriff 1st because the way she sees it both warrants were for my son Jr. So sheriff puts the misdemeanor on my husband & now my son has a warrant for his arrest. Mind you yesterday the sheriff told me that they wanted my husband not my son even with me asking if there was some mistake. This is the craziest most insane bold face lying biased bunch of manipulating assholes I've ever seen in my life
I haven't had time to read the comments yet BUT here's an update:
So yesterday I was told that my husband was the only 1 with warrants so we made arrangements with a bondsmen to go with him for him to turn himself in today. Well he gets there & what's supposed to be an in & out bond turns into a much bigger ordeal. He gets told that there are 2 charges; 3rd degree misdemeanor harassment & 1st degree felony damage of property. The felony would require him to see a judge before bond is set. Well after they strip him down, search him, & suit him up in orange the processor lady actually looks at his license & sees the Sr. (Senior) to which she start apologizing & says the warrant was meant for Jr. (Junior). She was going to let him go but has to speak to her sheriff 1st because the way she sees it both warrants were for my son Jr. So sheriff puts the misdemeanor on my husband & now my son has a warrant for his arrest. Mind you yesterday the sheriff told me that they wanted my husband not my son even with me asking if there was some mistake. This is the craziest most insane bold face lying biased bunch of manipulating assholes I've ever seen in my life

Go get an attorney...right now! Seriously.
21yr on this property! 21years in the county! Weve had the same neighbors for the entire time except this 1. But still he moved in about 10yrs ago. The 1st time shots were fired on our property we went & spoke to him personally because at the time my oldest son was dating his step daughter & his stepsons were friends with my sons. We've known the neighbor personally, my son even worked for them for a min. Him & his ex started having probs, they divorced because she's a raging whore & I'm assuming now he's a lunatic. That was 7yrs ago. We didn't have any issues or interaction with him again until January of this year. It was the same scenario as this but there was no AR-15 rounds & the law at that time told him not to be shooting in the direction of any houses. We left it at that. This time it was high powered rounds that whizzed by my pregnant daughter & my 1yr old granddaughter.. I can see just letting that go. He could have killed either of them or if someone driving down the road would have caught a stray bullet! This man is completely off his rocker & the sheriff's said Kyle Rittenhouse! As if this situation & the Rittenhouse story have anything in common
21yr on this property! 21years in the county! Weve had the same neighbors for the entire time except this 1. But still he moved in about 10yrs ago. The 1st time shots were fired on our property we went & spoke to him personally because at the time my oldest son was dating his step daughter & his stepsons were friends with my sons. We've known the neighbor personally, my son even worked for them for a min. Him & his ex started having probs, they divorced because she's a raging whore & I'm assuming now he's a lunatic. That was 7yrs ago. We didn't have any issues or interaction with him again until January of this year. It was the same scenario as this but there was no AR-15 rounds & the law at that time told him not to be shooting in the direction of any houses. We left it at that. This time it was high powered rounds that whizzed by my pregnant daughter & my 1yr old granddaughter.. I can see just letting that go. He could have killed either of them or if someone driving down the road would have caught a stray bullet! This man is completely off his rocker & the sheriff's said Kyle Rittenhouse! As if this situation & the Rittenhouse story have anything in common
He is on drugs
Yes but this isn't exactly a formal report Just stuffing as much detail for reference as possible.
I understand but that is what @orangeandblue was bitching about. I've known these ninjas a long time.
I on the other hand can read stream of thought without spaces no problem. Others cannot. We speak and write the English language. It just helps when it is spoken and written properly. It is just a message board but these dudes except for me and @tjhall are all doctors and lawyers or retired from Ford or chevy
I understand but that is what @orangeandblue was bitching about. I've known these ninjas a long time.
I on the other hand can read stream of thought without spaces no problem. Others cannot. We speak and write the English language. It just helps when it is spoken and written properly. It is just a message board but these dudes except for me and @tjhall are all doctors and lawyers or retired from Ford or chevy

This is true. I am bad about typing long, windy posts, but I usually just go back and find a few places to hit enter a few times and space it out a bit. Makes for an easier read.
21yr on this property! 21years in the county! Weve had the same neighbors for the entire time except this 1. But still he moved in about 10yrs ago. The 1st time shots were fired on our property we went & spoke to him personally because at the time my oldest son was dating his step daughter & his stepsons were friends with my sons. We've known the neighbor personally, my son even worked for them for a min. Him & his ex started having probs, they divorced because she's a raging whore & I'm assuming now he's a lunatic. That was 7yrs ago. We didn't have any issues or interaction with him again until January of this year. It was the same scenario as this but there was no AR-15 rounds & the law at that time told him not to be shooting in the direction of any houses. We left it at that. This time it was high powered rounds that whizzed by my pregnant daughter & my 1yr old granddaughter.. I can see just letting that go. He could have killed either of them or if someone driving down the road would have caught a stray bullet! This man is completely off his rocker & the sheriff's said Kyle Rittenhouse! As if this situation & the Rittenhouse story have anything in common

Sounds like the guy is perhaps crazy, in some way or other, and definitely negligent and dangerous. Hopefully your attorney can straighten everything out to some extent. Insane that the cops claim it is your fault he shot at your home...that is just not correct. Not at all.

Fuck your neighbor. Maybe covid or something will take him out & somebody nice will move in.🤞🏽
He is on drugs
I can't say for sure! The stepkids said that he & the ole lady were doing hard stuff BUT I am not able to state facts here so I shouldn't speak on things I don't know. What I do know is that meth is a big thing in these parts & I know how it makes ppl loony asf. This man has surveillance at all 4 corners of his house & has an arsenal of weapons. I did find out today that his father was a sheriff & that he has killed an old lady before & got away with it. I can only assume he's on hard drugs & he's using his daddy's reputation to slide under the radar. I just can't understand why he's targeting us. Unless the voices in his head have convinced him we are the enemy or something.

Btw the sheriffs are the 1s who mentioned his surveillance so I asked if he had video of our dogs over there & they stated they didn't see video of the dogs. To which I said yeah because that would prove which direction he was shooting that gun & incriminate himself
I can't say for sure! The stepkids said that he & the ole lady were doing hard stuff BUT I am not able to state facts here so I shouldn't speak on things I don't know. What I do know is that meth is a big thing in these parts & I know how it makes ppl loony asf. This man has surveillance at all 4 corners of his house & has an arsenal of weapons. I did find out today that his father was a sheriff & that he has killed an old lady before & got away with it. I can only assume he's on hard drugs & he's using his daddy's reputation to slide under the radar. I just can't understand why he's targeting us. Unless the voices in his head have convinced him we are the enemy or something.

He's strung out & his whore wife ran off...he isn't targeting you. He is just mad at the world & seeing red. Your dog seems to have drawn his rage in yalls direction. Hope you stay safe!
Keep your dogs on your property. He has every right to shoot them if they are messing with his sheep. Your husband and son should not have gone onto his property and confronted him directly. Should have just called the police.

Having said that, he shouldn’t be firing rounds directly at your family or their home. It also sounds like the local sheriff might be friends with the neighbor, especially if his dad or whoever is a sheriff as they often all know one another or someone connected to them. Finally, get with an attorney. You should have had an attorney go with you if they were requesting your husband turn himself in. Not knowing you or your family, and just going off your account here, it sounds like a lot of the charges are bogus and should be dismissed.
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I can't say for sure! The stepkids said that he & the ole lady were doing hard stuff BUT I am not able to state facts here so I shouldn't speak on things I don't know. What I do know is that meth is a big thing in these parts & I know how it makes ppl loony asf. This man has surveillance at all 4 corners of his house & has an arsenal of weapons. I did find out today that his father was a sheriff & that he has killed an old lady before & got away with it. I can only assume he's on hard drugs & he's using his daddy's reputation to slide under the radar. I just can't understand why he's targeting us. Unless the voices in his head have convinced him we are the enemy or something.

Btw the sheriffs are the 1s who mentioned his surveillance so I asked if he had video of our dogs over there & they stated they didn't see video of the dogs. To which I said yeah because that would prove which direction he was shooting that gun & incriminate himself
It could also prove if he killed you dog without merit. Get a lawyer kiddo
Keep your dogs on your property. He has every right to shoot them if they are messing with his sheep. Your husband and son should not have gone onto his property and confronted him directly. Should have just called the police.

Having said that, he shouldn’t be firing rounds directly at your family or their home. It also sounds like the local sheriff might be friends with the neighbor, especially if his dad or whoever is a sheriff as they often all know one another or someone connected to them. Finally, get with an attorney. You should have had an attorney go with you if they were requesting your husband turn himself in. Not knowing you or your family, and just going off your account here, it sounds like a lot of the charges are bogus and will be dismissed.
I agree with your comment 100%. Hard lesson learned. Especially since he actually could have shot my husband & son & got away with it. & as horrible as that would be, them on his property poses a completely different situation then him shooting across a road & onto our property. We understood that if the dogs get shot there is nothing we can do about that. As much as a dog getting shot sucks I would rather it be a dog then my husband, kids, or grandkids. He is being reckless. We've never been in trouble with he law before! Well hubs had some minor charge when he was 18 but we're in our 40's now 18 seems so long ago. I thank God it didn't end worse but I am completely floored with the bogus lies being told directly by the county investigators.

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