Fuck around & find out

right, well in holland and germany there is no "right to repair" which was another portion of that issue with the farmers.

it is slowly being incorperated in the US. but we have the magnusen moss act here.

are youfamiliar with that situation?

No, and I don’t care.
Of course you don't care. IMHO, it's people with the attitude like yours of not giving two shits about the legitimate plight of their fellow man, that is a big part of the problem with the World today.

@weaponoffreedom , I've never heard of that, and I'd bet that many here hadn't either. What exactly is that?
Of course you don't care. IMHO, it's people with the attitude like yours of not giving two shits about the legitimate plight of their fellow man, that is a big part of the problem with the World today.

@weaponoffreedom , I've never heard of that, and I'd bet that many here hadn't either. What exactly is that?
How bout you lick my asshole faggot. Then take your bike and go lay in the middle of a highway.
They was cool until it wasn't

DC Talk went into an actual prison to film this music video.

One of the most moving songs wedded to visuals I've ever seen.

You can literally feel the despair of the men who are locked in behind the walls. And yet the Light shines in the darkness...

Some people do have to find out the hard way.

Of course you don't care. IMHO, it's people with the attitude like yours of not giving two shits about the legitimate plight of their fellow man, that is a big part of the problem with the World today.

@weaponoffreedom , I've never heard of that, and I'd bet that many here hadn't either. What exactly is that?
The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act of 1975, was designed to protect consumers as it pertains to warranties from manufacturers. It has been expanded and cut over the years, but it basically says that if a company requires a certain product's continuous use to keep warranty in effect, then the company must provide the service or product for free..................here is an example:

You buy a truck.....and that truck has to use a specific oil that ONLY the manufacturer makes......and it must be used exclusively for the warranty to be held, then they have to provide you with the oil 100% free of charge.

It is a bit more complicated than that in many facets, but that is it in a nutshell.

As to why I brought it up: Recently, In Holland and Germany and others in eastern Europe, John Deere has been using RFID chip technology to make it impossible to repair your own tractor. If there is a part failure, the parts MUST have the RFID chip, and programmed by the John Deere dealer for the tractor to work. The part is not available in the open market, and the dealer has to program it, therefore they can charge whatever they want. In this country, that is made illegal by the Magnuson Moss Act.

It is a big problem, much more than what just meets the eye.

GM Dexos oil is a razors edge away from breaking this law, they wiggled around it calling it a ''spec''................
The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act of 1975, was designed to protect consumers as it pertains to warranties from manufacturers. It has been expanded and cut over the years, but it basically says that if a company requires a certain product's continuous use to keep warranty in effect, then the company must provide the service or product for free..................here is an example:

You buy a truck.....and that truck has to use a specific oil that ONLY the manufacturer makes......and it must be used exclusively for the warranty to be held, then they have to provide you with the oil 100% free of charge.

It is a bit more complicated than that in many facets, but that is it in a nutshell.

As to why I brought it up: Recently, In Holland and Germany and others in eastern Europe, John Deere has been using RFID chip technology to make it impossible to repair your own tractor. If there is a part failure, the parts MUST have the RFID chip, and programmed by the John Deere dealer for the tractor to work. The part is not available in the open market, and the dealer has to program it, therefore they can charge whatever they want. In this country, that is made illegal by the Magnuson Moss Act.

It is a big problem, much more than what just meets the eye.

GM Dexos oil is a razors edge away from breaking this law, they wiggled around it calling it a ''spec''................
Wow, that's very interesting. Sounds like JD might have a problem on their hands with that.
That's exactly how it is, even if it doesn't fit into your world conspiratorial view of the world. Allthough it is true that farmers who do not meet the requirements can be expropriated, but that has nothing to do with immigrants. That's a hoax by some right-wing nutcases, not even the Dutch right-wingers claim that, that's being made up from overseas as it seems. Which makes it even funnier. The main thing is to produce another hoax until total world domination, gogo redneck!
What do they plan on doing with the land?
Of course you don't care. IMHO, it's people with the attitude like yours of not giving two shits about the legitimate plight of their fellow man, that is a big part of the problem with the World today.

@weaponoffreedom , I've never heard of that, and I'd bet that many here hadn't either. What exactly is that?
Tell that to all the clowns wanting to end aid to Ukraine.
If you are a store clerk, and 2 dudes put on ski masks, rob you, then one leaps over the counter towards you, it is absolutely reasonable to be in fear of your life, and to respond with deadly force. Sucks the robber survived.
The authorities nowadays and all the do-gooders want these clerks to just back away and let the perps have at it. Too many perps will pull a gun and shoot the clerks after they ransack the stores. Don't play Russian Roulette with them. Pull a gun and neutralize the perp from a distance.
Understood and there will always be a trade off of the people you get to come here and the policies you have.

A large part of the reason this place was created was because rivals started censoring speech and the crowd that didn’t like that came here.

I disagree with using the word, especially in a deragatory manner and tend to believe that people will pay for their words in some other place and time. But this is the place for free speech, it says it in the title.

I, for one, am out if we start censoring speech. I can go to a multitude of other places that censor speech if thats what I’m looking for. But I’m here for the very reason that speech isn’t censored. As long as it conforms to the first amendment, it should stay on the board.
I am in total agreement. I am here for the same reason too i got permabanned from reddit for telling the truth about the vaccine and the masks,lol.

Polk County Florida Sheriff - "You kill a policeman it means no arrest...no Miranda rights...no negotiations...nothing but as many bullets as we can shoot into you...PERIOD."


A man in Polk County , Florida , who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop, ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A state-wide manhunt ensued.

The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area. As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. They hit the guy 68 times.

Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times.

Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: "Because that's all the ammunition we had." Now, is that just about the all-time greatest answer or what!

The Coroner also reported that the man died of natural causes. When asked by a reporter how that could be, since there were 68 bullet wounds in his body, he simply replied: (BEST QUOTE ever) . . .."When you are shot 68 times you are naturally gonna die."

I posted this in another thread, but seems worthy of its own...best fuck around & find out video I have seen in awhile. Dude has skills with that big ass knife!

"Srop nigga, you got me! I'm dead, I'm dead." Lmfao. God, I hope so. Need more law abiding citizens to take care of business like this. Let the cops do what they do best, and sort it out after the fact.

Any ching chong or shitskin asian raised by their typical narc control freak parents - if they're trained good fucking luck.

I'm unfortunately weak and shit due to joint disease, couldn't pull that off. All I can do is run my magic mouth but in that situation it wouldn't work.

Both narc parenting and modern 'letting kids do whatever they want' parenting are shit, too few people learn the middleground of assertiveness and authority as required.

In general - Asians get broken with 'tough love', wypipo get broken with 'unconditional love' from their parents.
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But I found that in the US, you can get books and card deck games for kids aged 5+ on 'How to be assertive' and 'How to be a social butterfly'.

Any parent that values their kids futures should be getting them these resources. IMO it should become mandatory to learn proper social skills from an early age.
The queens guard clip is 100% scripted lol. A real one would mow you down without any hesitation. Also wheres his rifle? And the uniform is a dollar store knock off lol.

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