My Liberal hot take on BLM and Floyd

No, I do not think facts make one racist. I'd say the exact same thing if he were a white guy. Fucked up behavior is fucked up no matter who does it. If George had been a decent human being and American citizen, I'd have treated him with the same respect I'd treat any other decent person and citizen. His skin color has nothing at all to do with my feelings towards him.

I was being sarcastic
While MLK was clearly a brilliant man, him and his entire crew were incredibly corrupt as revealed by the declassification a couple years back. The corruption runs so deep - burn it all down and start over
I thought you had off'd yourself
Anyone remember the craze Hollywood had a few years ago by purchasing black orphans from Africa and carrying them around like handbags because it was the next big thing after hauling around little dogs in public? lolz

Let's give Brangelina credit for originality.... They bought their trophy orphans from Cambodia
Its the same for all POC - liberal society tries nothing but to control us into staying within its racially stereotypical norms, ignoring POC on POC crimes.

'Multiculturalism' is just a scam, meaning 'abuse each other and create ghettos as much as you like, western society doesn't care about you and will keep you impoverished'.

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