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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Keeper of the Cheese
Dec 9, 2020

Docs ITT is this true?

"Laboratory testing has shown that copper and its alloys, brass and bronze, kill more than 99.9 percent of bacteria*, such as the superbug Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, within two hours. What this means in the real world is that high-traffic touch surfaces in schools, hospitals, and public facilities of all kinds, can be made inherently antimicrobial (as long as they are cleaned regularly of dirt or residue that can prevent contact with the surface).

Cross-contamination of bacteria and viruses is how 80 percent of illnesses are spread. When someone with a cold or the flu sneezes or coughs into his hand and then opens a door, the next person to touch that doorknob runs the risk of becoming infected. Frequent hand washing is important to reducing the risk of transmitting germs; another tool is to make the surface antimicrobial. Door handles, push plates, countertops and other frequently touched fixtures are commonly made of stainless steel, aluminum or plastic – materials that can harbor pathogens for days, even weeks, until they are disinfected, usually with harsh chemicals. Surfaces made of uncoated copper, brass or bronze, however, begin neutralizing bacteria* immediately, killing more than 99.9% within two hours. The use of copper products in public facilities is opening a new line of defense against the unbridled growth of infectious organisms*


Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020



Jan 9, 2021

View attachment 217446

Won't this be racist as according to Libs, blacks and Hispanics don't know how to get ID's

The dems want these groups to reclassify to illegal status so they can travel without any form of ID. Only true free group in the US.


Jan 8, 2021
Now it looks like all of the elites are backing Trump.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk have reportedly been in contact for months about possibly placing the Tesla CEO in an advisory role if Trump wins re-election this fall.

The Wall Street Journal spoke with multiple sources who corroborated the conversations between the SpaceX founder and former president, saying Musk now calls Trump directly from his cell phone several times a month.

The following month, Musk hosted a dinner in Los Angeles with several prominent right-wing figures, including Peltz, Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel, media mogul Rupert Murdoch, and Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s former treasury secretary. The dinner involved strategizing ways to stealthily fund the Trump campaign and convince other wealthy individuals to do the same, according to the report.

Rupert Murdoch is a right-wing mogul figure? Could fool me given FoxNews is basically CNN-lite.


Jan 8, 2021
If the gays think when the Muslims take over they will be welcomed with open arms, they might not want to live where there are tall buildings.


Jan 8, 2021


Jan 8, 2021
The economic numbers look horrible and Biden is talking about doubling down on more taxes, less oil and fewer manufacturing jobs.... I don't think these guys have come around to Trumps way of thinking. I think they just finally realized the far left has hijacked his presidency and he's too far gone to care what is actually happening.
True. However, they brought it on themselves, and the rest of us, by financially supporting and voting for these leftists for decades.

"Laboratory testing has shown that copper and its alloys, brass and bronze, kill more than 99.9 percent of bacteria*, such as the superbug Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, within two hours. What this means in the real world is that high-traffic touch surfaces in schools, hospitals, and public facilities of all kinds, can be made inherently antimicrobial (as long as they are cleaned regularly of dirt or residue that can prevent contact with the surface).

Cross-contamination of bacteria and viruses is how 80 percent of illnesses are spread. When someone with a cold or the flu sneezes or coughs into his hand and then opens a door, the next person to touch that doorknob runs the risk of becoming infected. Frequent hand washing is important to reducing the risk of transmitting germs; another tool is to make the surface antimicrobial. Door handles, push plates, countertops and other frequently touched fixtures are commonly made of stainless steel, aluminum or plastic – materials that can harbor pathogens for days, even weeks, until they are disinfected, usually with harsh chemicals. Surfaces made of uncoated copper, brass or bronze, however, begin neutralizing bacteria* immediately, killing more than 99.9% within two hours. The use of copper products in public facilities is opening a new line of defense against the unbridled growth of infectious organisms*
This is why wearing stupid masks, 6-foot rules and lockdowns was about control and destruction of the standard of living. It was never about preventing illness.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
interesting thread.

I'm far from an expert here, but if I'm correctly interpreting this, they are going to use GME to bring down the stock market ahead of the election. My take is this is a white hat operation, as the stock market is one of the only remaining pillars that the average normie has any trust in, or rather, takes security in. The other side of that coin is continuing to press on the Clockwork Orange strategy, remove the last bastion of hope (nest eggs) and get people to take whatever globalist solution is offered as good enough. I hope its the former vs. the latter, but not sure.

Someone smarter and more educated on this topic should weigh-in, but it appears that someone(s) has quietly built a significant portfolio of call options and balanced that by owning enough shares of GME. This has put almost every hedge fund, who all have had short positions in GME due to the "fundamentals" in a losing position. In isolation, this wouldn't be that big of a deal, and happens more often than you realize, but this is slightly different. There are 2 major differences that could have very significant implications in this particular instance.

  1. The spread on the calls vs. puts
  2. The leverage ratio held by the hedge funds
  3. Interest on borrowing debt
The GME/AMC noise a few years ago was the start. In normal market making trades, if a hedge fund misses on one stock by $2-3 (i.e put position at $18, call at $20-$21), the hedge fund loses the spread ($2-3), but typically can make that back and then some on another position, giving them a winning long-term strategy. The overall risk here is in the 10-15% range. In this instance, the calls are at $20, and many of those puts are <$5, meaning the risk here is in the 400-500% range. That is material.

Again, a few years ago, the macro environment at that point was still driven by pretty low interest rates, meaning that the hedge funds could borrow debt from banks at a much more reasonable rate. They, and every "fund" (i.e. private equity, venture capital, etc...) built their funds the same way; raise $100's of millions of private capital, and then use that capital as collateral to borrow debt at 5-10x leverage ratios, so that $100 million turned into $500million to $1B in "funds." The plan is to return 2.5-3X that fund (i.e. $1B returns $2.5-3B in funds) and you essentially use debt to give yourself the ability to make more money by taking more risk in more positions. With the rise in interest rates going from 2.5% to 7.5% (3X) the impact on hedge funds is amplified significantly, This is where it gets much more interesting on a broader perspective.

If this dude executes those calls, and he will, then the hedge funds are going to have to "sell" the stock to him at a 3:1 loss ratio (difference between $5 put and $20 call = $15; $15/5 = 3). Additionally, they are going to have to buy those shares in 1-2 ways
  1. exit existing positions early - an absolute killer in the hedge fund world as timing is EVERYTHING
  2. borrow debt at 3X the cost of what they borrowed.
So playing this all out. If a hedge fund has a $100M short position in GME, and you factor in all of these variables, for every $100M in short position they have they would pay $100M x 3 (loss ratio) x (5-7 leverage ratio) x 3 (interest rate spread) = $4.5-6B on this one trade. So instead of a standard ~20% risk they are taking 5000%. That makes the mortgage risk model from 2007 look downright conservative.

Most hedge funds have a position here, certainly all of the big ones. If they have to do this, it could literally kill all of them in one fell swoop, which would also bring the market down in a major crash because ALL of their positions would be exposed and increase in risk almost instantaneously.
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Dec 10, 2020


Jan 8, 2021
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