This is an interesting post, and I do appreciate that you've gone out of your way to randomly hook a brother up with the laptop tip,...

not meaning to come off as ungrateful,
it's kinda old news bro.
Now ya would know that if a bit of "back and forth" "traction" was forthcoming rather than what seems to be implied.
Unless I'm misinterpreting this, you're saying that you've been aware of perceived shortcomings and chose not to be a GC by helping but instead decided to kick back, smuggly cackling?
How would such behaviour be beneficial to anyone beyond the brief ego stroking?
You really don't seem like that much of a ruthless asshole, so I must be missing something?
•Honestly bro, real talk,...what's your conception of a CuriousFiend-like POV?
I have absolutely no logically reasonable comprehension of a BurntJ-like POV, beyond what little can be gleaned from your posts.
Yet if I were like most NZers and then combined the few decades of prevalent MSM exposure to American tv/movies/music, etc I could arguably conceptualize some kinda perspective, though it definitely wouldn't be realistic and would assuredly be far from flattering coz frankly, most of the MSM American content we're exposed to is just fuckin disgraceful mate.
(*America excels in almost all respects, IE: the best of the best & the worst of the worst.)
Fortunately I'm not overwhelmingly indoctrinated like the majority common man in NZ & ffs with the state of humanity, possibly worldwide too.
I do not adopt such a narrow dichotomous view as others often seem to, I can assure you, many do,...but they're generally fuckin morons like the pro-baby murdering spastics.
I don't look at America and see that retarded Biden cunt, a child raping-face peeling Hillary, the brain dead narcissistic idiots that can't even locate Africa on a map or the thousands of astonishingly irritating fuckwit tv personalities and think, "
well fuck me sideways, I guess all Americans must be full blown retards as well".
Rather I recognize how
vastly different I have become relative to the other communalized sheepish NZers and incorporate this contrasting aspect into how I conceive of Americans, IE: a vast spectrum of potential perspectives.
I could have ditched TFSF within the first month due to the significant cultural differences AND the little understood fact that I'm treated with ignorant unfounded contempt by most NZers I interact with.
I am the definition of a social pariah here, I could easily have thrown in TFSF towel and gone full WiliJrInc,....instead I persevered, choosing to learn your guys perspectives, it hasn't been fuckin easy bro.
And I'm glad I did, coz you guys have shown me a lesser known American culture, that is kept from the world, or at least NZ, the America buried under the MSMs glittery plastic pop culture faggotry.
I have since voluntarily learnt about the Charters of Freedom, discovering these resonate with me, I was afforded a rare opportunity to speak freely, and seemingly out of nowhere appeared great men who demonstrated unbiased understanding, kindness and respect, I was treated like a human being for the first time, by total strangers,...despite my obvious peculiarities & eccentric personality.
#Emma Tenywa
#even bloody TJHall1
...and many admirable GCs
BurntJ, bro I'm not joking here, I will stand and fuckin fight for you guys, even if you choose to passive aggressively belittle me at every opportunity.
I am trying to help you guys,... as much as I can.
I've now plastered the main street of the shitty little town I live in with custom TFSF promoting bumper stickers I had made up, they're literally on every store front.
I constantly promote TFSF on every other forum I visit.
If I had the power, I'd bowl on over right the fuck now and remove the parasites in DC with just the right amount of extreme prejudice that they're still alive enough for ya'z to do as ya'z see fit, preferably lynching the treasonous fuckers publicly.
I wish to assist you guys, -the True Patriots, with the reclamation & reestablishment of what has been fuckin stolen from you, that justice be done.
I just hope you can see that there is value in an ally, regardless of my vastly alternative perspective.
Just as you will see things I cannot, there are things you can't see which I can.