God given rights.


So Biden a.k.a. The stooge, has said that not every right granted by God and outlined in the Constitution is absolute. That is very troubling. That means that he and his Deep State masters have decided that they can decide which of our God given rights ro restrict, modify, or nullify completely. They can think whatever they want, but I don’t think I’ll give them that authority today. They’re on the full court press now. But I’m not gonna report anything about my guns, I’m not gonna pay any fines that they levy, and I damn sure ain’t gonna be led to jail like a sheep.
So Biden a.k.a. The stooge, has said that not every right granted by God and outlined in the Constitution is absolute. That is very troubling. That means that he and his Deep State masters have decided that they can decide which of our God given rights ro restrict, modify, or nullify completely. They can think whatever they want, but I don’t think I’ll give them that authority today. They’re on the full court press now. But I’m not gonna report anything about my guns, I’m not gonna pay any fines that they levy, and I damn sure ain’t gonna be led to jail like a sheep.
The only God given right you have, is self defense. But your freedom is up to the courts
So Biden a.k.a. The stooge, has said that not every right granted by God and outlined in the Constitution is absolute. That is very troubling. That means that he and his Deep State masters have decided that they can decide which of our God given rights ro restrict, modify, or nullify completely. They can think whatever they want, but I don’t think I’ll give them that authority today. They’re on the full court press now. But I’m not gonna report anything about my guns, I’m not gonna pay any fines that they levy, and I damn sure ain’t gonna be led to jail like a sheep.
•During my recent research, I came upon "The Act of 1871".
•Am I misinterpreting that in 1871 Congress deceptively passed an unequivocally treasonous act which effectively surrendered -the united states for America- to the same fuckwits whom your forefathers had fought to free Americans from the parasitic clutches of?
•And by the 1871 Congress doing so, wouldn't it mean total negation of the Charters Of Freedom?
•As far as I can tell, ever since 1871, The Corporation Of The United States Of America has very cleverly pretended nothing changed when assuming a position as an illegitimate authority over the usA which operates with total impunity & almost total disregard of the American people from its putrid swampy stronghold known as "D.C."??!
#☝️😐This is merely a tiny fraction of the documents I've read through over the recent few days.
#JFK [ EO 11110 ]
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View attachment 123616
•During my recent research, I came upon "The Act of 1871".
View attachment 123608
•Am I misinterpreting that in 1871 Congress deceptively passed an unequivocally treasonous act which effectively surrendered -the united states for America- to the same fuckwits whom your forefathers had fought to free Americans from the parasitic clutches of?
View attachment 123617
•And by the 1871 Congress doing so, wouldn't it mean total negation of the Charters Of Freedom?
View attachment 123615
•As far as I can tell, ever since 1871, The Corporation Of The United States For America has very cleverly pretended nothing changed when assuming a position as an illegitimate authority over the usA which operates with total impunity & almost total disregard of the American people from its putrid swampy stronghold known as "D.C."??!
View attachment 123609View attachment 123610View attachment 123611View attachment 123612View attachment 123613View attachment 123614
#☝️😐This is merely a tiny fraction of the documents I've read through over the recent few days.
#JFK [ EO 11110 ]
The US flag w gold around the outside is the flag of the Corporation. Most have no idea. You'll see it in state addresses by the presidents not named Trump
After some research it does appear i am incorrect
•How so?

•I haven't yet really dug into this specifically, yet from a quick search & with what I currently am aware of, you aren't entirely incorrect at all.

•The issue we face, imo, when trying to figure out what's been done to the united states for America, is that the ultra-cunty people and organizations subverting & manipulating your great nation do so by utilizing an extremely complex-compartmentalized and multilayered bureaucratic system to cunningly disguise their usurpation.

•Cliffs: "They" use fuckloads of unnecessarily complex, often nonsensical legalese and several levels of proxies upon proxies upon proxies to hide the reality.

•Essentially there's two pseudo-govts, the "official" publicly diplayed shitshow they openly perform, and the real(*though illegitimate) "govt" that's hidden in the shadows.(*aka: "The Deep state")

•However, imo, "The Deep State" is a clever counter-op ploy because there is no legitimate govt for the united states for America as it's an internationally controlled corporation hidden behind the commonly believed-erroneous misinterpretation of a regular corporation.

#"Rules for thee but not for me"
#Admiralty Law
[negating & bypassing]
#The Charters of Freedom
[via & superseding]
#Legislative Law
[superceding & negating]
#Natural/Common Law

•Think of "D.C." as being a ship.

•This is that ships flag:
•It essentially equates to being the "Jolly Roger".

•Next is the fancy "U.S." flag claimed to be for special occasions and shit:
•"The gold-fringed/bordered U.S. Flag!"

•"The flag, you see, trumps the Constitution."

•"The gold-fringed flag sends the signal "Admiralty Law."

•"Under Admiralty Law, everything is premised upon the law of the High Seas, where the admiral (or captain, etc.) has resolute discretion by flying the gold fringed U.S. flag, therefore, the U.S. Constitution is merely a discretionary document (no longer the organic law of the land)."

#"They" use doublespeak so I'd advise against acknowledging the fancy bureaucratic rhetorical legalese shit as it is nothing more than deception and misdirection.

(*American Deplorable does it almost constantly, though amateurishly.)
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•How so?

•I haven't yet really dug into this specifically, yet from a quick search & with what I currently am aware of, you aren't entirely incorrect at all.

•The issue we face, imo, when trying to figure out what's been done to the united states for America, is that the ultra-cunty people and organizations subverting & manipulating your great nation do so by utilizing an extremely complex-compartmentalized and multilayered bureaucratic system to cunningly disguise their usurpation.

•Cliffs: "They" use fuckloads of unnecessarily complex, often nonsensical legalese and several levels of proxies upon proxies upon proxies to hide the reality.

•Essentially there's two pseudo-govts, the "official" publicly diplayed shitshow they openly perform, and the real(*though illegitimate) "govt" that's hidden in the shadows.(*aka: "The Deep state")

•However, imo, "The Deep State" is a clever counter-op ploy because there is no legitimate govt for the united states for America as it's an internationally controlled corporation hidden behind the commonly believed-erroneous misinterpretation of a regular corporation.

#"Rules for the but not for me"
#Admiralty Law
[negating & bypassing]
#The Charters of Freedom
[via & superseding]
#Legislative Law
[superceding & negating]
#Natural/Common Law

•Think of "D.C." as being a ship.

•This is that ships flag:
View attachment 123817
•It essentially equates to being the "Jolly Roger".

•Next is the fancy "U.S." flag claimed to be for special occasions and shit:
View attachment 123816
•The gold-fringed/bordered U.S. Flag!

•The flag, you see, trumps the Constitution.

•The gold-fringed flag sends the signal "Admiralty Law."

•"Under Admiralty Law, everything is premised upon "the law of the High Seas, where the admiral (or captain, etc.) has resolute discretion by flying the gold fringed U.S. flag, therefore, the U.S. Constitution is merely a discretionary document (no longer the organic law of the land)."

#"They" use doublespeak so I'd advise against acknowledging the fancy bureaucratic rhetorical legalese shit as it is nothing more than deception and misdirection.

(*American Deplorable does it almost constantly, though amateurishly.)
I don't have time to deep dive and find it. After a cursory search I couldn't find it. No biggie to me. It is the fucking internet. Idgaf what people think of me in real life I sure as shit don't on a message board. Wrong once in 18 months is comparative ro Rush Limbaugh
Dunno but I sorta think you guys are already aware of this.
IE: Paddock supposedly committed suicide by somehow managing to blow his brains out,....
...🤨and shooting himself in the heart?!....all while they stormed the room?!...sorta like the guy that "hung himself and shot himself in the chest with a shotgun."?!
View attachment 123616
•During my recent research, I came upon "The Act of 1871".
View attachment 123608
•Am I misinterpreting that in 1871 Congress deceptively passed an unequivocally treasonous act which effectively surrendered -the united states for America- to the same fuckwits whom your forefathers had fought to free Americans from the parasitic clutches of?
View attachment 123617
•And by the 1871 Congress doing so, wouldn't it mean total negation of the Charters Of Freedom?
View attachment 123615
•As far as I can tell, ever since 1871, The Corporation Of The United States Of America has very cleverly pretended nothing changed when assuming a position as an illegitimate authority over the usA which operates with total impunity & almost total disregard of the American people from its putrid swampy stronghold known as "D.C."??!
View attachment 123609View attachment 123610View attachment 123611View attachment 123612View attachment 123613View attachment 123614
#☝️😐This is merely a tiny fraction of the documents I've read through over the recent few days.
#JFK [ EO 11110 ]

You are correct. The banking act of 1871 was a 40 yr note on a loan that coincided with the Federal reserve being created in 1913 along with the IRS when we couldn't/didn't pay on time.

^^rough outline, I am sure you will do a deep dive.
Dunno but I sorta think you guys are already aware of this.
IE: Paddock supposedly committed suicide by somehow managing to blow his brains out,....
...🤨and shooting himself in the heart?!....all while they stormed the room?!...sorta like the guy that "hung himself and shot himself in the chest with a shotgun."?!
View attachment 123819

This board came about because of the Vegas shooting, in a round about way. Someone on another message board owned by yahoo started a thread about it, and all the theories on what really happened. That turned into general conspiracy theory discussions and then alot of talk about Q & political/Trump stuff. Threads kept getting deleted then restarted. We saw the writing on the wall & knew the censorship would be ratcheted up & so some people created this site, and many of us migrated over. The Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens thread is the continuation of all the thousands of pages of discussions from the old board...good riddance to it, btw.
This board came about because of the Vegas shooting, in a round about way. Someone on another message board owned by yahoo started a thread about it, and all the theories on what really happened. That turned into general conspiracy theory discussions and then alot of talk about Q & political/Trump stuff. Threads kept getting deleted then restarted. We saw the writing on the wall & knew the censorship would be ratcheted up & so some people created this site, and many of us migrated over. The Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens thread is the continuation of all the thousands of pages of discussions from the old board...good riddance to it, btw.
A little inside info in this..........................my dad was a big time casino executive for what is now called Harrah's corporation. As a kid (in LV's glory days of open Mob control) I would go with him to work. And see what many never get to see. Long story short, casinos have just about the most elaborate security systems on planet earth. There is no way, all the footage, is all the footage. Most think that London is the most surveilled city in the world..............Las Vegas BLVD would likely be their inspiration.
This board came about because of the Vegas shooting, in a round about way. Someone on another message board owned by yahoo started a thread about it, and all the theories on what really happened. That turned into general conspiracy theory discussions and then alot of talk about Q & political/Trump stuff. Threads kept getting deleted then restarted. We saw the writing on the wall & knew the censorship would be ratcheted up & so some people created this site, and many of us migrated over. The Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens thread is the continuation of all the thousands of pages of discussions from the old board...good riddance to it, btw.
Mate, that's seriously trippy.
I gotta say that I really do appreciate the totally unexpected insight you've shared here.
Honestly this actually has just helped fill in some gaping holes in my conceptual orientation within this community,...😅kinda like an origin story aye.

So ya'll are pretty much like the constantly censored "conspiracy theorist"-aka: more open-minded folks from a regular mainstream forum?
I think that is fuckin tremendously admirable and got dang it my respect for TFSF just went through the roof.

😁👍Cheers bro, you are a legit GC!
Mate, that's seriously trippy.
I gotta say that I really do appreciate the totally unexpected insight you've shared here.
Honestly this actually has just helped fill in some gaping holes in my conceptual orientation within this community,...😅kinda like an origin story aye.

So ya'll are pretty much like the constantly censored "conspiracy theorist"-aka: more open-minded folks from a regular mainstream forum?
I think that is fuckin tremendously admirable and got dang it my respect for TFSF just went through the roof.

😁👍Cheers bro, you are a legit GC!
Yep @GarnetPild filled you in. This is why you don’t get as much traction or back and forth with your posts. Most of us have already been through those rabbit holes and are on to others.

While you are looking into LV. Check out Paddicks laptop hard drive. See after he “offed himself”…..apparently, his ghost took the hard drive out of his laptop and poof….it’s gone and never been found.
A little inside info in this..........................my dad was a big time casino executive for what is now called Harrah's corporation. As a kid (in LV's glory days of open Mob control) I would go with him to work. And see what many never get to see. Long story short, casinos have just about the most elaborate security systems on planet earth. There is no way, all the footage, is all the footage. Most think that London is the most surveilled city in the world..............Las Vegas BLVD would likely be their inspiration.
There is certainly evidence that damn near all of us saw video footage of Saudi MBS being rushed out of Tropicana (iir) where he was the mark. When they missed him the assassins had to cover their tracks. So they started on the tanks of fuel and country music people
I aint seen that video, anyone have it?
The Tropicana, is really an older casino. Perhaps not the level of MBS would like..........however this does not exclude the theory, as the Tropicana is a known local hotspot for extra attractions. Such as a restaurant that at one time used to be closed to the public, only VIPs allowed. We went there all the time to meet people. You did not order food, they made it for you, a plethora of food, and you ate what you wanted. About 1000 per sitting.
I aint seen that video, anyone have it?
Go ask in dances. Someone there ver well may
@Hoosier in Mad Town
MBS fleeing the Tropicana during assassination attempt preVegas gunning
Any yall got stills or video links from back then?
@weaponoffreedom Deep dive and dig deep. You'll find it.
@GarnetPild you got that shit from back then?
If no one does ill see what I can find. I'm working alone trying to keep my business afloat at my location.

I drink to stop the spasms. And fun
The Tropicana, is really an older casino. Perhaps not the level of MBS would like..........however this does not exclude the theory, as the Tropicana is a known local hotspot for extra attractions. Such as a restaurant that at one time used to be closed to the public, only VIPs allowed. We went there all the time to meet people. You did not order food, they made it for you, a plethora of food, and you ate what you wanted. About 1000 per sitting.
Incognito. It may be wrong and I may be crazy. But I don't know why that popped in my head but when it pops in my head I am fucking correct.


Al Bin Talaweed owned the top two stories above paddock and the assasins. There were assasins all over. Harry Reid was alive
Yep @GarnetPild filled you in. This is why you don’t get as much traction or back and forth with your posts. Most of us have already been through those rabbit holes and are on to others.

While you are looking into LV. Check out Paddicks laptop hard drive. See after he “offed himself”…..apparently, his ghost took the hard drive out of his laptop and poof….it’s gone and never been found.
This is an interesting post, and I do appreciate that you've gone out of your way to randomly hook a brother up with the laptop tip,...😅,...and not meaning to come off as ungrateful, it's kinda old news bro.

Now ya would know that if a bit of "back and forth" "traction" was forthcoming rather than what seems to be implied.
Unless I'm misinterpreting this, you're saying that you've been aware of perceived shortcomings and chose not to be a GC by helping but instead decided to kick back, smuggly cackling?
How would such behaviour be beneficial to anyone beyond the brief ego stroking?
You really don't seem like that much of a ruthless asshole, so I must be missing something?


•Honestly bro, real talk,...what's your conception of a CuriousFiend-like POV?

I have absolutely no logically reasonable comprehension of a BurntJ-like POV, beyond what little can be gleaned from your posts.

Yet if I were like most NZers and then combined the few decades of prevalent MSM exposure to American tv/movies/music, etc I could arguably conceptualize some kinda perspective, though it definitely wouldn't be realistic and would assuredly be far from flattering coz frankly, most of the MSM American content we're exposed to is just fuckin disgraceful mate.
(*America excels in almost all respects, IE: the best of the best & the worst of the worst.)

Fortunately I'm not overwhelmingly indoctrinated like the majority common man in NZ & ffs with the state of humanity, possibly worldwide too.

I do not adopt such a narrow dichotomous view as others often seem to, I can assure you, many do,...but they're generally fuckin morons like the pro-baby murdering spastics.

I don't look at America and see that retarded Biden cunt, a child raping-face peeling Hillary, the brain dead narcissistic idiots that can't even locate Africa on a map or the thousands of astonishingly irritating fuckwit tv personalities and think, "well fuck me sideways, I guess all Americans must be full blown retards as well".

Rather I recognize how vastly different I have become relative to the other communalized sheepish NZers and incorporate this contrasting aspect into how I conceive of Americans, IE: a vast spectrum of potential perspectives.

I could have ditched TFSF within the first month due to the significant cultural differences AND the little understood fact that I'm treated with ignorant unfounded contempt by most NZers I interact with.
I am the definition of a social pariah here, I could easily have thrown in TFSF towel and gone full WiliJrInc,....instead I persevered, choosing to learn your guys perspectives, it hasn't been fuckin easy bro.

And I'm glad I did, coz you guys have shown me a lesser known American culture,...one that is kept from the world, or at least NZ, the America buried under the MSMs glittery plastic pop culture faggotry.

I have since voluntarily learnt about the Charters of Freedom, discovering these resonate with me, I was afforded a rare opportunity to speak freely, and seemingly out of nowhere appeared great men who demonstrated unbiased understanding, kindness and respect, I was treated like a human being for the first time, by total strangers,...despite my obvious peculiarities & eccentric personality.

#Emma Tenywa
#even bloody TJHall1
...and many admirable GCs

BurntJ, bro I'm not joking here, I will stand and fuckin fight for you guys, even if you choose to passive aggressively belittle me at every opportunity.

I am trying to help you guys,... as much as I can.
I've now plastered the main street of the shitty little town I live in with custom TFSF promoting bumper stickers I had made up, they're literally on every store front.
I constantly promote TFSF on every other forum I visit.

If I had the power, I'd bowl on over right the fuck now and remove the parasites in DC with just the right amount of extreme prejudice that they're still alive enough for ya'z to do as ya'z see fit, preferably lynching the treasonous fuckers publicly.
I wish to assist you guys, -the True Patriots, with the reclamation & reestablishment of what has been fuckin stolen from you, that justice be done.

I just hope you can see that there is value in an ally, regardless of my vastly alternative perspective.
Just as you will see things I cannot, there are things you can't see which I can.
This is an interesting post, and I do appreciate that you've gone out of your way to randomly hook a brother up with the laptop tip,...😅,...and not meaning to come off as ungrateful, it's kinda old news bro.

Now ya would know that if a bit of "back and forth" "traction" was forthcoming rather than what seems to be implied.
Unless I'm misinterpreting this, you're saying that you've been aware of perceived shortcomings and chose not to be a GC by helping but instead decided to kick back, smuggly cackling?
How would such behaviour be beneficial to anyone beyond the brief ego stroking?
You really don't seem like that much of a ruthless asshole, so I must be missing something?


•Honestly bro, real talk,...what's your conception of a CuriousFiend-like POV?

I have absolutely no logically reasonable comprehension of a BurntJ-like POV, beyond what little can be gleaned from your posts.

Yet if I were like most NZers and then combined the few decades of prevalent MSM exposure to American tv/movies/music, etc I could arguably conceptualize some kinda perspective, though it definitely wouldn't be realistic and would assuredly be far from flattering coz frankly, most of the MSM American content we're exposed to is just fuckin disgraceful mate.
(*America excels in almost all respects, IE: the best of the best & the worst of the worst.)

Fortunately I'm not overwhelmingly indoctrinated like the majority common man in NZ & ffs with the state of humanity, possibly worldwide too.

I do not adopt such a narrow dichotomous view as others often seem to, I can assure you, many do,...but they're generally fuckin morons like the pro-baby murdering spastics.

I don't look at America and see that retarded Biden cunt, a child raping-face peeling Hillary, the brain dead narcissistic idiots that can't even locate Africa on a map or the thousands of astonishingly irritating fuckwit tv personalities and think, "well fuck me sideways, I guess all Americans must be full blown retards as well".

Rather I recognize how vastly different I have become relative to the other communalized sheepish NZers and incorporate this contrasting aspect into how I conceive of Americans, IE: a vast spectrum of potential perspectives.

I could have ditched TFSF within the first month due to the significant cultural differences AND the little understood fact that I'm treated with ignorant unfounded contempt by most NZers I interact with.
I am the definition of a social pariah here, I could easily have thrown in TFSF towel and gone full WiliJrInc,....instead I persevered, choosing to learn your guys perspectives, it hasn't been fuckin easy bro.

And I'm glad I did, coz you guys have shown me a lesser known American culture,...one that is kept from the world, or at least NZ, the America buried under the MSMs glittery plastic pop culture faggotry.

I have since voluntarily learnt about the Charters of Freedom, discovering these resonate with me, I was afforded a rare opportunity to speak freely, and seemingly out of nowhere appeared great men who demonstrated unbiased understanding, kindness and respect, I was treated like a human being for the first time, by total strangers,...despite my obvious peculiarities & eccentric personality.

#Emma Tenywa
#even bloody TJHall1
...and many admirable GCs

BurntJ, bro I'm not joking here, I will stand and fuckin fight for you guys, even if you choose to passive aggressively belittle me at every opportunity.

I am trying to help you guys,... as much as I can.
I've now plastered the main street of the shitty little town I live in with custom TFSF promoting bumper stickers I had made up, they're literally on every store front.
I constantly promote TFSF on every other forum I visit.

If I had the power, I'd bowl on over right the fuck now and remove the parasites in DC with just the right amount of extreme prejudice that they're still alive enough for ya'z to do as ya'z see fit, preferably lynching the treasonous fuckers publicly.
I wish to assist you guys, -the True Patriots, with the reclamation & reestablishment of what has been fuckin stolen from you, that justice be done.

I just hope you can see that there is value in an ally, regardless of my vastly alternative perspective.
Just as you will see things I cannot, there are things you can't see which I can.
We know buddy. It is here. I'm already a fucking loose cannon. I'm just outta reach so when the blow up Charleston and the street shit and savanna river cite I'm going to @TopHook 's
This is an interesting post, and I do appreciate that you've gone out of your way to randomly hook a brother up with the laptop tip,...😅,...and not meaning to come off as ungrateful, it's kinda old news bro.

Now ya would know that if a bit of "back and forth" "traction" was forthcoming rather than what seems to be implied.
Unless I'm misinterpreting this, you're saying that you've been aware of perceived shortcomings and chose not to be a GC by helping but instead decided to kick back, smuggly cackling?
How would such behaviour be beneficial to anyone beyond the brief ego stroking?
You really don't seem like that much of a ruthless asshole, so I must be missing something?


•Honestly bro, real talk,...what's your conception of a CuriousFiend-like POV?

I have absolutely no logically reasonable comprehension of a BurntJ-like POV, beyond what little can be gleaned from your posts.

Yet if I were like most NZers and then combined the few decades of prevalent MSM exposure to American tv/movies/music, etc I could arguably conceptualize some kinda perspective, though it definitely wouldn't be realistic and would assuredly be far from flattering coz frankly, most of the MSM American content we're exposed to is just fuckin disgraceful mate.
(*America excels in almost all respects, IE: the best of the best & the worst of the worst.)

Fortunately I'm not overwhelmingly indoctrinated like the majority common man in NZ & ffs with the state of humanity, possibly worldwide too.

I do not adopt such a narrow dichotomous view as others often seem to, I can assure you, many do,...but they're generally fuckin morons like the pro-baby murdering spastics.

I don't look at America and see that retarded Biden cunt, a child raping-face peeling Hillary, the brain dead narcissistic idiots that can't even locate Africa on a map or the thousands of astonishingly irritating fuckwit tv personalities and think, "well fuck me sideways, I guess all Americans must be full blown retards as well".

Rather I recognize how vastly different I have become relative to the other communalized sheepish NZers and incorporate this contrasting aspect into how I conceive of Americans, IE: a vast spectrum of potential perspectives.

I could have ditched TFSF within the first month due to the significant cultural differences AND the little understood fact that I'm treated with ignorant unfounded contempt by most NZers I interact with.
I am the definition of a social pariah here, I could easily have thrown in TFSF towel and gone full WiliJrInc,....instead I persevered, choosing to learn your guys perspectives, it hasn't been fuckin easy bro.

And I'm glad I did, coz you guys have shown me a lesser known American culture,...one that is kept from the world, or at least NZ, the America buried under the MSMs glittery plastic pop culture faggotry.

I have since voluntarily learnt about the Charters of Freedom, discovering these resonate with me, I was afforded a rare opportunity to speak freely, and seemingly out of nowhere appeared great men who demonstrated unbiased understanding, kindness and respect, I was treated like a human being for the first time, by total strangers,...despite my obvious peculiarities & eccentric personality.

#Emma Tenywa
#even bloody TJHall1
...and many admirable GCs

BurntJ, bro I'm not joking here, I will stand and fuckin fight for you guys, even if you choose to passive aggressively belittle me at every opportunity.

I am trying to help you guys,... as much as I can.
I've now plastered the main street of the shitty little town I live in with custom TFSF promoting bumper stickers I had made up, they're literally on every store front.
I constantly promote TFSF on every other forum I visit.

If I had the power, I'd bowl on over right the fuck now and remove the parasites in DC with just the right amount of extreme prejudice that they're still alive enough for ya'z to do as ya'z see fit, preferably lynching the treasonous fuckers publicly.
I wish to assist you guys, -the True Patriots, with the reclamation & reestablishment of what has been fuckin stolen from you, that justice be done.

I just hope you can see that there is value in an ally, regardless of my vastly alternative perspective.
Just as you will see things I cannot, there are things you can't see which I can.
I got a room. I'll buy a mattress and my pillow shit. I'm greenblackdog Irish as fuck
I'm 170 miles strong along all sc and southern NC coast. We are similar weirdos and I'm used to odd balls. I'm catholic in the deep south .Lotta folks I could not go to their homes. But I also broke barriers. I'm funny. Everyone loves Jesus and to laugh. I am funny. Not always but it is what I do enjoy and it makes me happy
Past 2o years im a white guy w hound dogs amongst Patriotic Black folks that are conservative and vote dem. I just love. I hash my shit here so I can make my dog laugh20220724_174634.jpg 20220724_174634.jpg
This is an interesting post, and I do appreciate that you've gone out of your way to randomly hook a brother up with the laptop tip,...😅,...and not meaning to come off as ungrateful, it's kinda old news bro.

Now ya would know that if a bit of "back and forth" "traction" was forthcoming rather than what seems to be implied.
Unless I'm misinterpreting this, you're saying that you've been aware of perceived shortcomings and chose not to be a GC by helping but instead decided to kick back, smuggly cackling?
How would such behaviour be beneficial to anyone beyond the brief ego stroking?
You really don't seem like that much of a ruthless asshole, so I must be missing something?


•Honestly bro, real talk,...what's your conception of a CuriousFiend-like POV?

I have absolutely no logically reasonable comprehension of a BurntJ-like POV, beyond what little can be gleaned from your posts.

Yet if I were like most NZers and then combined the few decades of prevalent MSM exposure to American tv/movies/music, etc I could arguably conceptualize some kinda perspective, though it definitely wouldn't be realistic and would assuredly be far from flattering coz frankly, most of the MSM American content we're exposed to is just fuckin disgraceful mate.
(*America excels in almost all respects, IE: the best of the best & the worst of the worst.)

Fortunately I'm not overwhelmingly indoctrinated like the majority common man in NZ & ffs with the state of humanity, possibly worldwide too.

I do not adopt such a narrow dichotomous view as others often seem to, I can assure you, many do,...but they're generally fuckin morons like the pro-baby murdering spastics.

I don't look at America and see that retarded Biden cunt, a child raping-face peeling Hillary, the brain dead narcissistic idiots that can't even locate Africa on a map or the thousands of astonishingly irritating fuckwit tv personalities and think, "well fuck me sideways, I guess all Americans must be full blown retards as well".

Rather I recognize how vastly different I have become relative to the other communalized sheepish NZers and incorporate this contrasting aspect into how I conceive of Americans, IE: a vast spectrum of potential perspectives.

I could have ditched TFSF within the first month due to the significant cultural differences AND the little understood fact that I'm treated with ignorant unfounded contempt by most NZers I interact with.
I am the definition of a social pariah here, I could easily have thrown in TFSF towel and gone full WiliJrInc,....instead I persevered, choosing to learn your guys perspectives, it hasn't been fuckin easy bro.

And I'm glad I did, coz you guys have shown me a lesser known American culture,...one that is kept from the world, or at least NZ, the America buried under the MSMs glittery plastic pop culture faggotry.

I have since voluntarily learnt about the Charters of Freedom, discovering these resonate with me, I was afforded a rare opportunity to speak freely, and seemingly out of nowhere appeared great men who demonstrated unbiased understanding, kindness and respect, I was treated like a human being for the first time, by total strangers,...despite my obvious peculiarities & eccentric personality.

#Emma Tenywa
#even bloody TJHall1
...and many admirable GCs

BurntJ, bro I'm not joking here, I will stand and fuckin fight for you guys, even if you choose to passive aggressively belittle me at every opportunity.

I am trying to help you guys,... as much as I can.
I've now plastered the main street of the shitty little town I live in with custom TFSF promoting bumper stickers I had made up, they're literally on every store front.
I constantly promote TFSF on every other forum I visit.

If I had the power, I'd bowl on over right the fuck now and remove the parasites in DC with just the right amount of extreme prejudice that they're still alive enough for ya'z to do as ya'z see fit, preferably lynching the treasonous fuckers publicly.
I wish to assist you guys, -the True Patriots, with the reclamation & reestablishment of what has been fuckin stolen from you, that justice be done.

I just hope you can see that there is value in an ally, regardless of my vastly alternative perspective.
Just as you will see things I cannot, there are things you can't see which I can.
I gotta camper you can rent. Come visit ill pay ya to work at my steel shop. We are cool and if you're free i got a fine 15 ft jon boat a 2ohp yamahatiller . ND WE GO FISH AND HAVE FUN
Lotta troll counties yall good.
•Sorry guys n gals, I was clearly aggravated af by what I had perceived as passive-aggression when smashing out that last post, I still see it as such yet no longer give shit.

•Also I apologize for what follows, I've haven't any other humans to bitch about my dumb shit with,...(*or as BJ sorta implies),...-at.

•Need to express unexpected frustrations, else I risk going ape shit coz of the current circumstances.

•If ya look online at the bullshit "official" food prices here, it would seem prices ain't that bad, though they are straight up lying, I just checked.

•Says merely a 6.4% increase over this time last year, I dunno how the fuck they come up with that when shit is more than twice what I was paying a few months back.

•There is some seriously fucked shit going down here(*NZ) right now.

•Wasn't gonna bring it up, though this may potentially be one of the last posts I make.

•"They"(*"the govt")has assumed direct control over all of NZs water supplies and are beginning to add 3 different types of toxic industrial waste "fluoride" compounds.

•For several days there have been rumours of the military preparing for the "govt" enacting "red traffic light"-"covaids" lockdown measures,.. ...apparently within two weeks.

•Ya'll probs have know idea how serious this would be.

•It's already been written, bit by bit, into NZ law, I've posted about it numerous times.

•It automatically strips us of basically all our rights, we will be arrested and risk immediate imprisonment for up to two years or some shit if caught leaving our houses.

•Police, various health officials, etc, are to be granted essentially limitless power.

•Fuckin certain high level doctor types will assume the power to have anyone arrested who fails to answer their questions ffs.

•All schools will be legally required to go into full lockdown specifically to withhold children for at least 72hrs, during which they will be forcefully jabbed,...military will be present to arrest parents that are able to get past the patrols, if attempting to save their kids.

•Police will assume the power to forcefully enter any private residence, with the premise they suspect an unvaccinated individual may be inside.

•There is a major power transfer at the "govt" level underway, handing half of the "govt" "authority" and the nations public assets to a corrupt & closely related nepotistic group of fake "Māori" elites.(*two of them are cousins & married.)

•I'm not letting them fuckin jab me with that fuckin clotshot,..I'm kinda stressing the fuck out, I know it would mean a slow painful death.

•I absolutely do not ever wanna harm others, though if they bust in, I will have no choice other than to defend my self,...it will be extremely messy.

•I ain't got no guns but I ain't an idle cunt neither.

•Again, I do apologize for my previous overly reactive post.

•Sorry @BurntJ , I do actually think you a good dude, though you're an exceptionally irritating prick.

•Hopefully nothing comes of this, though the unusual military "training exercises" currently taking place at odd urban locations, imo, aren't exercises at all.

•Some of y'all might recall I live near the largest RNZAF(*air force) base- Ohakea where the beasty old Spitfires are kept.

•Shitloads of choppers & large aircraft are constantly rumbling overhead lately, picking up dramatically since about two days ago.

•This sucks the C & B!

•Feels like waiting to be executed, tbh, thinking bout going bush rn,...unsure.

@Rebarcock. , I have more respect for you than any of my blood relatives.

This is an interesting post, and I do appreciate that you've gone out of your way to randomly hook a brother up with the laptop tip,...😅,...and not meaning to come off as ungrateful, it's kinda old news bro.

Now ya would know that if a bit of "back and forth" "traction" was forthcoming rather than what seems to be implied.
Unless I'm misinterpreting this, you're saying that you've been aware of perceived shortcomings and chose not to be a GC by helping but instead decided to kick back, smuggly cackling?
How would such behaviour be beneficial to anyone beyond the brief ego stroking?
You really don't seem like that much of a ruthless asshole, so I must be missing something?


•Honestly bro, real talk,...what's your conception of a CuriousFiend-like POV?

I have absolutely no logically reasonable comprehension of a BurntJ-like POV, beyond what little can be gleaned from your posts.

Yet if I were like most NZers and then combined the few decades of prevalent MSM exposure to American tv/movies/music, etc I could arguably conceptualize some kinda perspective, though it definitely wouldn't be realistic and would assuredly be far from flattering coz frankly, most of the MSM American content we're exposed to is just fuckin disgraceful mate.
(*America excels in almost all respects, IE: the best of the best & the worst of the worst.)

Fortunately I'm not overwhelmingly indoctrinated like the majority common man in NZ & ffs with the state of humanity, possibly worldwide too.

I do not adopt such a narrow dichotomous view as others often seem to, I can assure you, many do,...but they're generally fuckin morons like the pro-baby murdering spastics.

I don't look at America and see that retarded Biden cunt, a child raping-face peeling Hillary, the brain dead narcissistic idiots that can't even locate Africa on a map or the thousands of astonishingly irritating fuckwit tv personalities and think, "well fuck me sideways, I guess all Americans must be full blown retards as well".

Rather I recognize how vastly different I have become relative to the other communalized sheepish NZers and incorporate this contrasting aspect into how I conceive of Americans, IE: a vast spectrum of potential perspectives.

I could have ditched TFSF within the first month due to the significant cultural differences AND the little understood fact that I'm treated with ignorant unfounded contempt by most NZers I interact with.
I am the definition of a social pariah here, I could easily have thrown in TFSF towel and gone full WiliJrInc,....instead I persevered, choosing to learn your guys perspectives, it hasn't been fuckin easy bro.

And I'm glad I did, coz you guys have shown me a lesser known American culture,...one that is kept from the world, or at least NZ, the America buried under the MSMs glittery plastic pop culture faggotry.

I have since voluntarily learnt about the Charters of Freedom, discovering these resonate with me, I was afforded a rare opportunity to speak freely, and seemingly out of nowhere appeared great men who demonstrated unbiased understanding, kindness and respect, I was treated like a human being for the first time, by total strangers,...despite my obvious peculiarities & eccentric personality.

#Emma Tenywa
#even bloody TJHall1
...and many admirable GCs

BurntJ, bro I'm not joking here, I will stand and fuckin fight for you guys, even if you choose to passive aggressively belittle me at every opportunity.

I am trying to help you guys,... as much as I can.
I've now plastered the main street of the shitty little town I live in with custom TFSF promoting bumper stickers I had made up, they're literally on every store front.
I constantly promote TFSF on every other forum I visit.

If I had the power, I'd bowl on over right the fuck now and remove the parasites in DC with just the right amount of extreme prejudice that they're still alive enough for ya'z to do as ya'z see fit, preferably lynching the treasonous fuckers publicly.
I wish to assist you guys, -the True Patriots, with the reclamation & reestablishment of what has been fuckin stolen from you, that justice be done.

I just hope you can see that there is value in an ally, regardless of my vastly alternative perspective.
Just as you will see things I cannot, there are things you can't see which I can.
Passive aggressively belittle you? Huh? If I was trying to belittle you, I would just do it. You should realize that alone from my posting. Only issue I’ve ever had is the EXTREME long posts. Which I complain about everyone doing….this is the interwebz where meme/gifs/headlines tell the whole story.

Other than that…..keep on keepin on bro!

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