Don't cry out loud•Sorry guys n gals, I was clearly aggravated af by what I had perceived as passive-aggression when smashing out that last post, I still see it as such yet no longer give shit.
•Also I apologize for what follows, I've haven't any other humans to bitch about my dumb shit with,...(*or as BJ sorta implies),...-at.
•Need to express unexpected frustrations, else I risk going ape shit coz of the current circumstances.
•If ya look online at the bullshit "official" food prices here, it would seem prices ain't that bad, though they are straight up lying, I just checked.
•Says merely a 6.4% increase over this time last year, I dunno how the fuck they come up with that when shit is more than twice what I was paying a few months back.
•There is some seriously fucked shit going down here(*NZ) right now.
•Wasn't gonna bring it up, though this may potentially be one of the last posts I make.
•"They"(*"the govt")has assumed direct control over all of NZs water supplies and are beginning to add 3 different types of toxic industrial waste "fluoride" compounds.
•For several days there have been rumours of the military preparing for the "govt" enacting "red traffic light"-"covaids" lockdown measures,.. ...apparently within two weeks.
•Ya'll probs have know idea how serious this would be.
•It's already been written, bit by bit, into NZ law, I've posted about it numerous times.
•It automatically strips us of basically all our rights, we will be arrested and risk immediate imprisonment for up to two years or some shit if caught leaving our houses.
•Police, various health officials, etc, are to be granted essentially limitless power.
•Fuckin certain high level doctor types will assume the power to have anyone arrested who fails to answer their questions ffs.
•All schools will be legally required to go into full lockdown specifically to withhold children for at least 72hrs, during which they will be forcefully jabbed,...military will be present to arrest parents that are able to get past the patrols, if attempting to save their kids.
•Police will assume the power to forcefully enter any private residence, with the premise they suspect an unvaccinated individual may be inside.
•There is a major power transfer at the "govt" level underway, handing half of the "govt" "authority" and the nations public assets to a corrupt & closely related nepotistic group of fake "Māori" elites.(*two of them are cousins & married.)
•I'm not letting them fuckin jab me with that fuckin clotshot,..I'm kinda stressing the fuck out, I know it would mean a slow painful death.
•I absolutely do not ever wanna harm others, though if they bust in, I will have no choice other than to defend my self, will be extremely messy.
•I ain't got no guns but I ain't an idle cunt neither.
•Again, I do apologize for my previous overly reactive post.
•Sorry @BurntJ , I do actually think you a good dude, though you're an exceptionally irritating prick.
•Hopefully nothing comes of this, though the unusual military "training exercises" currently taking place at odd urban locations, imo, aren't exercises at all.
•Some of y'all might recall I live near the largest RNZAF(*air force) base- Ohakea where the beasty old Spitfires are kept.
•Shitloads of choppers & large aircraft are constantly rumbling overhead lately, picking up dramatically since about two days ago.
•This sucks the C & B!
•Feels like waiting to be executed, tbh, thinking bout going bush rn,...unsure.
@Rebarcock. , I have more respect for you than any of my blood relatives.
I'm not like the others. The Devil wants me and Saint Micheal fights for me everynight. I try do do good but ill get organic local tomatoes and use 4664 for on sale vine tomatoes. I should be dead honestly around 26 times.been a steel worker my whole life since 22.
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