Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
It's like Mush Mouth got old..... and white


I have always preferred the cartoon version, but they both make the same point.
Reminded me of the dairy that went around the first couple months of lockdowns..where there was an entry about the Blue Jays being ahed of the Cardinals 3-2.

See: Day 14
I was a bit surprised no other birds joined in the feast.

It was a post by This.Is.Mom

Damn sure was. I remember how bad it was & also stating that posts like that were why I quit visiting the chans. @tgsio is also correct about the original source of the post.

@ETNVol theres a ton of stuff out there attributed to Q that isn’t Q. Often posts by random people mimicking the format or posts by random people discussing them. I never understood half of what they were talking about but you had to look closely at some to discern between Q & others who were just followers.
Yea. he lost his shit and it wasn't antisemitic at all. Which is weird because the left is anti Israel to a fatal level but claim to be pro jew... They'd sacrifice millions of israelis to save the jews I guess.

Correct. He got bent out of shape pretty easily. It’s crazy how offended and hurt people get. You can talk shit about white people all day and I couldn’t care less. You say something to a Jew or Black person about their culture or actions and it’s a hate crime. Such babies. I got banned from the MB last year for saying “Jews would betray anyone” in a thread about why they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. My point still stands if you’ll Betray the Son of God you’ll do it to anyone.
What a sweet little face. He's got freckles. 🥰

He'll get anything he wants with one big, sad eye stare.
He’s a sweetheart. We had a full blown RE-naming summit on FaceTime. Vinny was a knee jerk pick and fizzled out. This guy just isn’t a Vinny. Re-branded. He is now Theodore. Friends can call him Theo, Teddy, or Square Deal 🇺🇸 Our house is alive again!
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Are any of you in SC? Supposed to head to Charleston this weekend for a baptism, but worried about getting stranded for a few extra days due to gas shortages.

Anyone have some on the ground advice?
I’m in Charleston and there were some lines forming last night but this morning on my drive noticed most stations stocked having no lines. They won’t let Charleston run out of gas with the PGA Championship starting here next week.
I’m old enough to remember when John Solomon claimed Durham was wrapping up and no big booms were coming. — I’m beginning to think he needs new sources?

OR he was being fed information to share to cause a distraction or have the DS let their guards down worrying about one less thing.
I think at this point trying to decide who is a white hat vs black hat, what info is valid or not is all just exercise. I truly believe that some folks have had duel roles whether they know it or not.
Just keep everyone guessing.
OR he was being fed information to share to cause a distraction or have the DS let their guards down worrying about one less thing.
I think at this point trying to decide who is a white hat vs black hat, what info is valid or not is all just exercise. I truly believe that some folks have had duel roles whether they know it or not.
Just keep everyone guessing.

I agree!
From Telegram

Let’s have a looksee at all the relevant Q quotes that possibly align with this Israel situation *right now*, shall we?

“The whole world is watching” - ✅

“Scare event” - ✅ (possible WW erupting from this situation)

“It will be Biblical” - ✅

“Israel for last. Very specific reason” - ✅

“Military brought in under guise of riot control” - ✅ (the protests popping up Stateside make me think this).
“Sky event” - ✅ (Iron Dome)

At the same time - we have an audit drawing to a conclusion, another has been requested, gas shortages, inflation, HoaxVid nonsense, a border crisis of epic fucking proportions, and gaslighting like we have never seen.
What more fuckin evidence does one need that shit is going down??? 🤯

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