Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Damn shit going down in Israel

But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours, all rocket fire – and I mean all rocket fire – will cease. Completely. Forever.

I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God’s help, this time we will not leave. Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will *never* be another attack launched at our civilians from there.

Damn shit going down in Israel

But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours, all rocket fire – and I mean all rocket fire – will cease. Completely. Forever.

I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God’s help, this time we will not leave. Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will *never* be another attack launched at our civilians from there.

About time.
Here is How a Real Leader Handles Cowards

Prime Minister of Israel to Hamas

Fuck Around and Find Out...

"But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours , all rocket fire - and I mean all rocket fire - will cease. Completely. Forever."

"I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God's help, this time we will not leave. Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will never be another attack launched at our civilians from there."

EDIT - @M E R L I N Oops!

Laughing My Ass Off


It is interesting approach Liz is taking. We just had the leader of the party she pretends to be a part of get 75 million votes. A record for a republican, but she wants to make sure that doesn't happen again? LOL. She is anything but interested in representing republicans anywhere. She is part of the DC grift.

Anyone who thinks she is a republican and fighting for conservative values and plans is kidding themselves. She continues to out herself every time she tweets or speaks and she seems more and more like a liberal talking head.
Damn shit going down in Israel

But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours, all rocket fire – and I mean all rocket fire – will cease. Completely. Forever.

I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God’s help, this time we will not leave. Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will *never* be another attack launched at our civilians from there.

That's from an old speech.

Current (2 separate addresses)

Go read it for yourself, I'm not doing your homework. Some of it was posted ITT on the old board. And yes, cached in typical Q idiotic double-speak, there is plenty of anti-Israel rhetoric. That I'm sure the delusional will say is really pro-Israel.
Are you saying it’s anti-Semitic to point out the evil parts of Israel similar to what we have in the United States, such as the CIA/Mossad?
I’m old enough to remember when John Solomon claimed Durham was wrapping up and no big booms were coming. — I’m beginning to think he needs new sources?
He has been very clear the last few months that Durham keeps finding new rocks to overturn at each stage in the investigation and that causing it to drag out. I’m thinking/hoping that timing is everything on this one, too.
From Telegram

Let’s have a looksee at all the relevant Q quotes that possibly align with this Israel situation *right now*, shall we?

“The whole world is watching” - ✅

“Scare event” - ✅ (possible WW erupting from this situation)

“It will be Biblical” - ✅

“Israel for last. Very specific reason” - ✅

“Military brought in under guise of riot control” - ✅ (the protests popping up Stateside make me think this).
“Sky event” - ✅ (Iron Dome)

At the same time - we have an audit drawing to a conclusion, another has been requested, gas shortages, inflation, HoaxVid nonsense, a border crisis of epic fucking proportions, and gaslighting like we have never seen.
What more fuckin evidence does one need that shit is going down??? 🤯
There may be more to those buildings being imploded than we think. Q has said that we will never know about 60%+ of the operations that take out the cabal.

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