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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
I told Mom to fire the bitch and get someone else if she was that woke

Oh hell yes!!
This is the same CPA who met with both of us last March when Wuhan was spreading across the country and none of these silly mask or 6-foot edicts existed. We sat at Mom's dinner table, side by side, sans masks or any concerns about Wuhan. Of course, this is how everyone lived during the initial phase of Wuhan's spread across the world----until Fauci issued his edicts---subsequent to him telling everyone to take a cruise and no need to wear a mask. And, it still is and will always remains a common cold virus and will always be circulating among us like other viruses with vaccines.

Don't forget that Fauci said it was OK for people to meet strangers on Tinder and Grindr to swap spit or whatever they wanted to swap after he had made masks and 6-foot edicts mandatory for the rest of us.


Jan 8, 2021
Lin is a sharp dude. My biggest take away from that video is how fucked we are as a country if those law students who chimed in are representative of their peers. Holy shit, they even teach facts over feelings at law schools these days?😡 Embarrassed for Mercer, watching that.
The woman outed herself and her biases when she said she had been GA Sec of State. No wonder they are going after LW. He exposed them.

It would be interesting to see all the evidence LW said he would send Mercer. You know select portions will leak almost immediately but only those they can twist to support their position.


Dec 9, 2020
So I listened to the full Lin Wood video. Great stuff.

Question. It was recorded some time ago. How about a follow up with on the evidence that he provided to the Dean?
Shouldn't we all get a chance to see the evidence to make our own decisions? Plus, if he did provide, how come no one from that school has released the info our talked about it?
If it's that damning, we all should have a chance to see it.
Jan 8, 2021
Considering he would get off for all that and pretty much anything else it wouldn't really bother me. Would actually be great red pill material and would still give him plenty of time for 2024.

If ATF or the Army started going door to door searching for and seizing guns I'd considered that a red line.

If I was instructed I had to quarter someone, especially illegal aliens, against my will in my home that would be another.

Those are two I've always had picked out in my head as hard passes.
sounds like it’s a little to late IMO if we get to that point.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
I ain’t tryin to change shit but the channel homie! You got beef with @America 1st that’s on you dawg. I don’t agree with everything the man says, BUT he brings content AND gets people talking!
Yeah I think we may be jumping off the deep end here. I may not agree with everything he says and the dude is smart but he’s not an asshole in his replies. It’s a take it or leave it. Put him on ignore if it’s that bad for you guys and gal.

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
@America 1st you good with me homes!



Jan 8, 2021
You still waiting on that Hillary Clinton arrest, bro? Or was she hung in Gitmo last weekend?

Q is your religion. It was exposed as utter nonsense, and after briefly realizing that around January 20th at noon, you've taken the delusion back up with excuses such as "have to be shown" and overlooked the lies with "misinformation is necessary". Literally anything said or done that happens on planet earth could be explained away with those phrases. It allows you to live in a Q bubble and keep your delusion alive.

Flynn knows that many who believed in Q were his staunchest supporters. He's not going to insult them.

You seem like a good guy. You've just put your faith and hope in something that was a fraud.

but yet you still follow this thread. How about you just not post here anymore.


Jan 8, 2021

Bezos has been stocking up on full bubble boy body suits, makes me think something like this is possible. Problem is variants are never worse than the original so I'm not sure how they are going to sell that. Virus's always get less virulent, not more. although even normies are starting to realize this thing was created in a lab.


Dec 1, 2020



Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
As long as you don't RELY on miracles.

I've often found that God seems to help those who are willing to help themselves

Yes and..... on Gods time

Agreed on both here. Can't sit around hoping for a miracle. You gotta put in your positive energy everywhere you go, despite the situation.

Often when things are bad in our lives, thats when we finally open up and ask God for his good graces. We should open up to God when things are good, because we realize in the moment the blessings we've received. My past year could have been so much worse, but we ended up buying a great house for a great price because the window of opportunity/interest rates were pretty much perfect for our situation. I didn't lose my job, as many did. Its quite humbling when you see God has blessed you. I'm so very thankful and grateful for His blessings.

Miracles don't have to be some impossible, otherworldly event. Miracles can be quite small and unnoticed by most. Showing kindness to people, getting someone to smile......changing the course of their day towards a better outcome. Those are acts of God, in my opinion. We were put on this earth to build each other up, not tear each other down. Its easy to fall into a habit of criticizing people, trolling, attacking others.....because that somehow makes us feel larger and hold some sort of power, but only temporarily. But if I can alter the trajectory of someone's day for the better and make them feel love, I feel like that's a tiny thimble sized miracle and very much worth trying to accomplish. You never know what the other person may be going through, and that small act of kindness just may be what they needed to continue pushing through this tough thing called life.

Anyways. That's my message for the day, not sure where I'm quite going with it. But I felt like saying it.


Jan 8, 2021

Japan has balls compared to the pussies infesting the US government. The ordered society that Japan and many Asian countries have will not tolerate the nitwittery of these anarchists. I look forward to Japanese police smashing the skulls of those BLM people who sneak into Japan. Of course, the US media will ignore that and show pics of Cherry blossoms.


Dec 24, 2020
Japan has balls compared to the pussies infesting the US government. The ordered society that Japan and many Asian countries have will not tolerate the nitwittery of these anarchists. I look forward to Japanese police smashing the skulls of those BLM people who sneak into Japan. Of course, the US media will ignore that and show pics of Cherry blossoms.
Or call them white people and denounce them for racially targeting peaceful protestors.


Jan 8, 2021
This should be getting more coverage but it won’t. The CCP owned media knows it’ll bring questions to the vaxx.
Looks like the vaccines give people Wuhan or allow them to walk around shedding Wuhan. Either way, Wuhan is being spread versus being contained. Far different from other vaccines which went through normal trials and research not rushed into society.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
sounds like it’s a little to late IMO if we get to that point.
I try to keep the Founders experience as a baseline.

We get to shit like that then tyranny is an acceptable term for the situation IMO and I'd have to believe more than half of other Americans would agree at that point.


Dec 9, 2020
In my opinion a couple things will happen

I think America has been on the decline since the 80s. And at some point this empire just like all others will fall from within
We can watch it burn or
we can prolong that hopefully by doing what Trump was initially trying to do and actually draining the swamp and overcoming, getting rid of or beating the cheaters in a year and a half for starters

. Or if the above does not work there will be violence. Because at that point everybody will have something to lose. Right now the people with nothing to lose have the loudest voice. Hopefully it does not come to it but if necessary there could be lots of blood shed. It’s happened before and I’m sure it will happen again

political cheating has going on probably for 100 years if not more. I think we can overcome that. We can out cheat them if we can’t. I think the biggest problem in America today is the divisive, polarizing and evil media. Main stream and social. Something has got to be done there. So many sheep actually believe the news. And that is a huge problem

For me I know this is a fallen world and I try to put myself and my family in gods hands. And I will do anything and everything to protect them first and foremost and also the United States of America.

We may be past the point of return. I honestly think we will know that with much more clarity in about a year and a half. Again I pray to God this is not the end of America as we know it and I pray we can turn the tide during my lifetime for my children and so on. That’s what’s on my heart
Human Nature always wins. And I believe it is generally good and reciprocally altruistic. We all know we need each other. Cooler heads will prevail. It's not Human Nature to actually believe men are women, lies are truth, or most of what the left is hanging their hats on.

It eventually collapses on itself.

God/Human Nature wins.


Dec 9, 2020
Human Nature always wins. And I believe it is generally good and reciprocally altruistic. We all know we need each other. Cooler heads will prevail. It's not Human Nature to actually believe men are women, lies are truth, or most of what the left is hanging their hats on.

It eventually collapses on itself.

God/Human Nature wins.
Bad theology.


Jan 9, 2021
Looks like the vaccines give people Wuhan or allow them to walk around shedding Wuhan. Either way, Wuhan is being spread versus being contained. Far different from other vaccines which went through normal trials and research not rushed into society.
Society is being used as the lad rats for these vaccines. All the while pharmaceutical companies get to record record earnings while not having to go through the normal rigors they would have previously.
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