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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Well LAC, going in first thing Monday AM for my hip replacement. Doctor tells me he will have me walking out of the hospital about 6 hours post surgery. Sounds too good to be true, but he claims my proper eating habits and routine exercise regimen will pay dividends for me and I won't have to stay overnight in the hospital. Here's to hoping he's correct. I'm 50 and have yet to spend the night in a hospital as a patient. I'd like to keep the streak alive.

Any tips some of you other olds can share with me who have been through this would be appreciated. Do's and dont's and things you wish you had been aware of prior to surgery.
Ask the nurse for the extra large urine catheter. She’ll think it’s hilarious.
Jul 1, 2023
Many of us here said all this was is a cold or flu. Said it right rom jump street too. No reason to think otherwise now
The common cold is a corona virus. The difference between the COVID-19 and the common cold is just that the COVID is significantly more transmissible.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021
I always enjoyed walking in the bad weather. Infact, not too long ago when a hurricane was getting ready to hit near where I live in Florida, my FIL was telling us we need to evacuate and I told my wife to tell him I'll be riding my golf cart around in the hurricane.... And I did, LOL
Glad to see you're still here. Hadn't seen you around in a while.

Cheers to the Old Guard!


Jan 8, 2021
The heat the past few weeks in DFW has been abysmal. I have to refill my bird bath daily for the animals. Lots of birds, squirrels, cats, an opossum, raccoons and even lizards trying to stay alive. Actually, it's fun to watch them. It's so hot the mosquitoes can't breed in the water.


Sep 19, 2021


Jan 8, 2021
Well LAC, going in first thing Monday AM for my hip replacement. Doctor tells me he will have me walking out of the hospital about 6 hours post surgery. Sounds too good to be true, but he claims my proper eating habits and routine exercise regimen will pay dividends for me and I won't have to stay overnight in the hospital. Here's to hoping he's correct. I'm 50 and have yet to spend the night in a hospital as a patient. I'd like to keep the streak alive.

Any tips some of you other olds can share with me who have been through this would be appreciated. Do's and dont's and things you wish you had been aware of prior to surgery.
Come out healthy and strong, Sir!


Dec 1, 2020
Well LAC, going in first thing Monday AM for my hip replacement. Doctor tells me he will have me walking out of the hospital about 6 hours post surgery. Sounds too good to be true, but he claims my proper eating habits and routine exercise regimen will pay dividends for me and I won't have to stay overnight in the hospital. Here's to hoping he's correct. I'm 50 and have yet to spend the night in a hospital as a patient. I'd like to keep the streak alive.

Any tips some of you other olds can share with me who have been through this would be appreciated. Do's and dont's and things you wish you had been aware of prior to surgery.
Not hip replacement, but I had a massive overhaul on my shoulder last October.

@TheNJNole actually gave me a ton of good pointers.

Here are some suggestions I have:

-Get a ton of fluids and light snacks around ahead of time and set them up close by. I set up a mini fridge next to my recliner stocked full of pedialite, ginger ale, and bottled water. I had a stash of crackers, beef Jerkey, nuts and dried fruit close by

-Dont get behind on your pain meds. Even if you think you can tough it out, staying on top of it for the first couple days seemed to make a huge difference for me. Even waking up to take them. Take the prescription and then in between doses take ibuprofen

-Get a fuckton of pillows. I was able to form out comfortable positions for myself with the pillows because I had so many.

-Get a little basket and keep it close by with tv remote, meds, anything else small you might need so you don’t have things spread around everywhere to find

-If it’s possible or suggested in any way by the Dr, ice the hip as much as possible. 20 minutes every hour. Between that and staying ahead on meds you can do yourself a huge favor in pain management

-Do your PT like your life depends on it.


Jan 8, 2021
Well LAC, going in first thing Monday AM for my hip replacement. Doctor tells me he will have me walking out of the hospital about 6 hours post surgery. Sounds too good to be true, but he claims my proper eating habits and routine exercise regimen will pay dividends for me and I won't have to stay overnight in the hospital. Here's to hoping he's correct. I'm 50 and have yet to spend the night in a hospital as a patient. I'd like to keep the streak alive.

Any tips some of you other olds can share with me who have been through this would be appreciated. Do's and dont's and things you wish you had been aware of prior to surgery.
You'll do well. As you know, the rehab is the key. My 50ish female client is doing great 2 months post hip replacement. For me, coming out of anesthesia and feeling no arthritic pain in my knee was wonderful. The turning point in my recovery was being able to walk without consciously thinking where I was stepping.
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