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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 10, 2020
Frigging bees and wasps at my pool bar. Game on, bitches. 😂

My girlfriend and I will be upping our firepower because we're southern and classy like that.
If they are in the ground, you can mix up some 7dust with tide detergent and poor it on the hole. They were lighting me up a couple years ago but I did a nighttime raid of said concoction and they all died like the bitches they are.


Jan 9, 2021
Quick Hitter LAC FAM

Earlier this year I was blessed to get to meet @Law Abiding Citizen2 and his stunning wife down here in MDE (Medellin) when they were here for a wedding.

Super guy that gets it and Mrs Law Abiding Citizen was just as on board with our board. We spoke about a lot of what we discuss here and it was awesome. Like @BamaRidger don't let these "farm boys" fool you - their sharp as hell!

If you ever have a farm referral for financing he's your guy.

Time was limited so I only got to take them for a drink after the rehearsal dinner for the wedding they were attending.

Left that night feeling great about having new friends. That feeling has never left.


Now last night I was blessed to meet @TheGreenDeath and his beautiful wife and daughter. It was a real treat to get to take them to my fave restaurant OCI. Then we headed to Envy Rooftop bar where he bought the drinks and we enjoyed the sheer magnitude of the best city on the planet.

His wife is a realtor and I learned about a new program for second home owners that don't want to AirBNB or VRBO their property. Super funny and before I shared my dream-property to buy here jokingly told her only if she wouldn't buy it out from under me as a realtor LOL

Also happy to report that his daughter who is not only a very pretty young-lady she is very smart. I'll brag on her for him since dad's are biased - she's a Harvard Grad and now in finance like her dad. Best part is she held her own and is more "Based" than many posters in here. Some lucky young man will knock it out of the park when he proposes to her.

I was a little-hesitant to get into board matters politics with his wife and daughter but once it was evident that they would fit right in here made the night even better.

@TheGreenDeath is the opposite of his "Call-Sign" - super down to earth and so nice. It was like we'd known each other for years. Lucky guy to have such a cool family.

It was nice to see a family travel together that you could tell loved each other and loved hanging out together - what a welcome sight.


In conclusion - yes there are lots of "us" out there from all walks of life - we are truly the silent majority - don't let the media fool you. We just have to get our sense of "Community" back including God & Family.

I love being the "Mayor of Medellin" for those that travel here. I was happy to help @TheGreenDeath and his family with restaurants, sites, shopping etc.

Will absolutely do that for anyone that travels here. But he set the bar high was not expecting it, but was so thoughtful when he and his family gave me a gift of a very nice bottle of Glenlevit!

Thank YOU Sir!

So boys the bar has been set high for your arrival to MDE with @MortgageHorn ;)

Seriously when are the rest of you coming down to "Paradise" for a visit?

And why are you single-guys letting the married guys have all of the fun?

Love This Board and Even More So Meeting Some of You In Person and On the Phone.

God Always Wins

It's Darkest and Coldest Just Before the Sunrise

Truth Triumphs Evil


Very kind words. Thank you, MortageHorn for all of your hospitality. You gave us a real Texas Welcome here in South America that I hope to repay someday. And I was most impressed by the love that the locals showed you wherever we went. You have built a great life here in your community and I can see how happy you are.

Best of luck with your shoulder surgery tomorrow morning and look forward to giving you the Djokovic treatment next time we meet.


Jan 8, 2021

And a FN nother!

The argument is dead on arrival.
The argument may be DOA but it won't stop them from making it repeatedly. A good "urinalist" would do research to debunk the argument but they're too corrupted and biased to do so.

At an unnamed major hospital 3 more surgeons got "turbo" cancer.

Mid 40's and one early 50's

Press Blackout

And the answer that all of us already knew is "Yes" for all 3

So you have to ask yourself if you are going to destroy a country with a bio-weapon, what 3 groups would you take out first.

Mine would be:

First Responders

Who did they give to and mandate it to?

Those 3 groups!
And the higher-ups who mandated it were on the receiving end of mass quantities of money to do so. Funny, we don't hear much about their CEOs "diedsuddenly" likely because they didn't take the jabs themselves.

Add pilots to your list. That's another way to control people if they find it difficult to move around freely.

If they are in the ground, you can mix up some 7dust with tide detergent and poor it on the hole. They were lighting me up a couple years ago but I did a nighttime raid of said concoction and they all died like the bitches they are.
The detergent alone will kill them. There is a critter called a Boxelder Bug which laughs when sprayed with a pesticide. They don't laugh when sprayed with a soap solution. It kills them by breaking down their exterior body protection so their innards evaporate.


Dec 1, 2020
Remember when Sam Bankman-Fried gave $300k to House Committee Members investigating him, including Maxine Waters?




Dec 1, 2020


Dec 1, 2020


Jan 8, 2021

Lots of idiots in the world. We've seen videos recently of a person doing a back flip off a bridge onto a concrete canal 40 feet below. And the video of the dude who fell off the overhead in NYC trying to flee the police and hit the sidewalk 30-40 feet below.

Don't know which is worse, the people doing this stuff or the morons videoing them rather than warning them to not do that idiotic stuff.


Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020

^^documentary filming, I'm sure this will be an honest description^^



Dec 1, 2020



Jan 9, 2021
Dear LAC Prayer Warriors -

It's really a no-big deal surgery, but I'm still going under the gas mask tomorrow at 0700 for my Rotator-Cuff surgery to repair the torn tendon. Surgery is 1.5 hours and he said I should wake-up around 9:00

Nonetheless, it is surgery, so If you don't mind dropping ole @MortgageHorn a prayer for a safe surgery with a steady-hand for my surgeon along with a speedy and as pain-free possible recovery it would be much appreciated.

Pre-Surgery Meeting with him and anesthesia department went great 50 standing heart rate, said my lungs & heart were working great and had 110/70 BP which is a little high for me though I haven't been able to be on the court or run for a while now.

My surgeon is not only awesome he gets my humor... see below.

So I typed up a bunch of questions for our pre-surgery meeting yesterday about the procedure, recovery, PT, time frames etc in Spanish and English, about 15 in all.

Just to mess with him after all the 14 more serious questions I threw this last question in...


¿Puedes asegurarte de que cuando me despierte haya una hermosa enfermera colombiana junto a mi cama? Jaja


Can you make sure that when I wake up there is a beautiful Colombiana nurse at my bedside lol

To which he replied, "Claro que si, no hay problema, voy hacerlo para ti!"

Which means, "Yes of course, that is no problem, I'll make it happen for you!"

If she truly is hot I'll get a selfie with her and post it for y'all.

God Bless & Thank You In Advance


PS Difference between US Docs & Colombian Docs - one question I had if the Pain Pump failed or I still had a lot of pain etc how do I reach him?

His reply, "Cary I gave you my WhatsApp the first time we met. That's my personal number, I give this number to all of my patients - you can call me anytime. I'm here for your needs.

That blew me away.

But best part was after all of my questions I asked him, "Is that all anything else?"

He then looked at me straight in the eye and asked, "Are you a "Believer"?

And I said, "Yes Dr Camilo 100%".

As he pulled out his Rosary Beads out from under his scrubs, he said, "Good I am too." Your surgery is 50% my knowledge/experience/skill and the other 50% is God."

I told him I knew as I already had deduced that I had chosen the right surgeon.

Prayers Brother, you got this 🙏🏻💪😎


Jan 8, 2021
Texas going to have a week of 100+ days with no rain. Of course, this is August in Texas. Happens every year and has nothing to do with global warming. Actually, this summer until the past couple of weeks was abnormally cooler and wetter.

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