More self awareness deep delving into my own mind ....



I have been delving further into researching and understanding my mind, further in line with many articles claiming that both ASD and NPD can cause arrogance, which I accepted as one of my negative traits.

However, on further reflection, I realized as such that arrogance instills a need to put others down, primarily from a sense of superiority over others. While I do exhibit this in my writings and online communication, I do not exhibit this in real life interactions with others.

As I already know, I am highly self assured and assertive. From further learning, I found that overbearing assertiveness and aggressive self assurance, combined with my boastfulness, brashness and lack of fear are the definition of ‘cocky’.

I accept as such, that my high assertiveness with borderline arrogance combined are more succinctly definable as cockiness, while not a great thing, it is not as terrible as I previously had thought my arrogance was.

I always prioritise other peoples wellbeing and happiness above all else, but my need for self expression is primal and untameable. It is likely that this stems from a need to advocate for myself from a sense of survival and self expression in a neurotypical world. Without my cockiness, I can neither function, nor cope in society.
Tldr - 'I am right, and I am always right and I am never wrong and nope, I never am, sit stunned in silence with your mouths agape while your heads uncontrollably nod to everything I say no matter how wrong you think it is'.

When to start my own cult though hmmmmm ....
Like ffs I talked about satanism to a few people now and the same stunned in disbelief response.

I make everything sound like magical bliss, silver plated tongue, able to talk the hind legs off a donkey, full loquacious.

Even when I ask others 'Oh sorry I'm saying so much, did you have anything to add?' .... 'Oh, no, I just want to listen to you'.

Super. Fucking. Powers. Of. Blab. Blab. Blab. Blab.

Transcendent functioning Forrest Gump.

Ralph Wiggum with 128 ... I mean ... 130 IQ.

Fucks sake, 2 points off Mensa level.
I now know my answer to when common plebs ask ...

'Wow, you're so confident / you speak so well / how can I talk like you?'.

Bitch you can't, unless you also like Katie Hopkins / Nigel Farage / Donald Trump?

*Confused silence or screee screee screee*

Well thats what it takes bitches, zero fear to express no matter what anyone else thinks of you.

Or catch autism and become a nooticing armchair general or frog.
The more self aware you get, the less you will shout. The less nice you will become. The more you will notice and hate everything in any society. The more you will notice all the problems. The more annoyed you will become at how shit politics and other people are. The more you will distrust and disdain others. The more you will want to isolate away and become a hermit. The more you will realise how pathetic humanity is.
Kindness = stupidity. Positivity = toxic. Authority = control & erosion of rights. People = pathetic. Society = broken. The left wing narrative & religion = the antithesis to logic & reason. Hedonism = dissatisfying & abusive. Pleasure = meaningless. Interests = none existent.
Whereas I'm dumb AF and like money and food. I used to like sex but I'm old now and don't even want to bother to perform. It's kind of freeing. What are your stances on money, food and sex?

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