
Assertive? Arrogant? Cocky?
I have been delving further into researching and understanding my mind, further in line with many articles claiming that both ASD and NPD can cause arrogance, which I accepted as one of my negative…
I have been delving further into researching and understanding my mind, further in line with many articles claiming that both ASD and NPD can cause arrogance, which I accepted as one of my negative traits.
However, on further reflection, I realized as such that arrogance instills a need to put others down, primarily from a sense of superiority over others. While I do exhibit this in my writings and online communication, I do not exhibit this in real life interactions with others.
As I already know, I am highly self assured and assertive. From further learning, I found that overbearing assertiveness and aggressive self assurance, combined with my boastfulness, brashness and lack of fear are the definition of ‘cocky’.
I accept as such, that my high assertiveness with borderline arrogance combined are more succinctly definable as cockiness, while not a great thing, it is not as terrible as I previously had thought my arrogance was.
I always prioritise other peoples wellbeing and happiness above all else, but my need for self expression is primal and untameable. It is likely that this stems from a need to advocate for myself from a sense of survival and self expression in a neurotypical world. Without my cockiness, I can neither function, nor cope in society.