Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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SDbullion & JMbullion are both good online sources I’ve bought through for years. And yes, dollar per oz bars have lower premiums than coins.

If buying gold don’t buy the fractional as it’s going to be a much higher premium than oz purchases.

In silver, 10oz bars or 1oz rounds are decent premiums. Kilo bars even better.

I’ve quite a bit of sovereign silver but quit buying them as their premiums went too high this year. That’s American Eagles, Canadian Maples, Britannias etc. Premiums have come down lately but still high.

Been back into collectibles last 6 months buying better end silver dollars & halves & a few pre 33 gold pieces in online auctions. coins and auctions since 1994 is the broker I’ve been buying from lately. Had very good luck with them.

Got to be careful as there is a lot of fake stuff & cleaned collectibles out there.

Either get to know a dealer to buy from, use a reputable site like SD or JM, or if buying for collectibles get to know values & buy certified/slabbed coinage via NGC/PCGS. Hell, I pick up a lot of slabbed coins on eBay.

Now I do pick up junk pre65 from the local pawn shop to stack as well. But I don’t buy anything above halves as there’s just too many fake silver dollars running around out there.

YouTube follows for learning:

yankee stacking

silver seeker

Silver dragons
Thank you for the thorough response. Is it worth it to buy gold? How would one use it if the shit hits the fan?
For Fucks Sake - pick a better place to eat!
Well that looked like a nice place until the feral bastard's lost their minds.
Sometimes you have no choice. When dealing with 65-70 IQ imbeciles anything can happen. I seldom go to cities but am always packing. And at my age will not be manhandled. And am always watching my AO. I sit with my back to the wall so I can see the door. My vehicle is accessible. And pointed in the right direction.
I would weight them down with lead.
How much cobalt is in the world and WTF are the EV driving dipshits going to do when we run out?
Long before they run out of cobalt they will hit peak electricity generation. They there now.
Read an article by a qualified Engineer. Who said that to accomplish what the Uneducated Liberal Nitwits want with EV. They would have to approve and build 1 nuclear power plant per week for 40 years. Not going to happen.
I think he is wrong. About 80% are sheep, about 3% have the intelligence and strength to believe in themselves and walk their own path. And 7-10% are the bosses, or gang leaders who run the show.

It's a "Spiritual Battle" as we well know ITT

7 Then Jerubbaal, also known as Gideon, got up early along with all of his soldiers. They encamped near the Harod Spring. The Midian encampment lay in the valley to their north, near the hill of Moreh. 2 The Lord told Gideon, “You have too many soldiers with you for me to drop Midian into their hands, because Israel would become arrogant and say, ‘It was my own abilities that delivered me.’ 3 That’s why you’re to ask in full view of the soldiers, “Whoever is afraid or is trembling may go back from Mount Gilead and return home.”[a] So 22,000 soldiers left and 10,000 remained.

4 “There are still too many soldiers,” the Lord told Gideon. “Bring them down to the water and I’ll refine them for you there. Therefore when I say to you, ‘This one will be going with you,’ he’ll go with you, but no one may go about whom I tell you, ‘This one won’t be going with you.’”

5 So he brought his soldiers down to the water, and the Lord told Gideon, “You are to cull out everyone who laps up water with his tongue like a dog from everyone who kneels to drink.” 6 The contingent of soldiers who lapped water[b] with their hands to their mouths numbered 300 men, but everyone else kneeled to drink water.

7 Then the Lord told Gideon, “I’m going to deliver you with the 300 soldiers who lapped by giving the Midianites into your control. Send everyone else back to their own homes.”[c]

8 So the soldiers took provisions with them, along with their trumpets, and Gideon[d] sent all the rest of the soldiers of Israel back to their own tents, but he retained the 300 men.
Thank you for the thorough response. Is it worth it to buy gold? How would one use it if the shit hits the fan?
The way I think about it Gold & silver are wealth preservation tools. For the most part a low interest savings account minus the devaluation plus the fact that it’s a tangible physical asset. If you never cash it in it is also a wealth transfer tool to the family.

Like anything else you don’t want all your eggs in one basket & your financial situation should determine your exposure. If your financial situation allows you to put larger dollar amounts tucked away for long periods of time without stress, then gold is more for you, if you don’t have that much financial freedom then silver is more in line. A mixture of both is best. Easier to cash in a $25 silver ounce than a $2k gold one imo. But also easier to store/carry $2k worth of gold than $2k worth of silver.

Shit truly hits the fan, who really knows, but gold & silver have had value throughout history in all cultures without fail. Preparing for that situation I’d make sure I had ammo & a few reliable guns stored first.

Central banks divested themselves of most of their holdings after the dollar decoupling in 74. However since 2012 they’ve repurchased that amount & then some. The last two years they’ve began taking massive amounts of physical delivery in lieu of paper now stripping the holding houses to very high ratios.

Imo, if gold & silver are antiquated forms of money with no place in modern society, why are central banks around the world willing to afford the cost of taking & holding these huge physical deliveries?

if u have time check out those YouTube sources I posted in the last reply. Start with yankee stacking.
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What percentage of the population speaks English? My Espanol is limited.

The English is limited here, though you can get by.

Part of the reason I moved here is to go from conversant to fluent.

In addition to immersion I'm doing live on-line one on one lessons with a Spanish tutor.

My cost is a whopping $7.50 and hour.

Based on the program if I attend every day by this time next year I'll be fluent.

I look at it as an investment I spend just under $2k to become fluent in about a year.

How many more loans can I do in Texas if I speak Spanish fluently?

Better yet how many more girls can I communicate with in their native tongue?

The demographics say I'm investing wisely.

Here is the website - you can do it for most any language in the world.

Really cool -

Come on Down - The Weather is Great!
My FIL died of cancer in April 2021. My wife could not visit him before his death because of Covid concerns. We couldn't have a proper funeral for him either. He was an alpha: rebuilt cars, worked for IBM - highly knowledgeable of computers, president of his gun club, loaded his own ammo, state champ trap shooter, could fix anything, build anything and do anything he put his mind to. Old school tough. He was the first person to talk to me about Trump becoming president in 2016. I thought he was full of it as I didn't believe Trump had a chance, nor did I care for Trump back then. Of course, he was right.

The morning my MIL called me to tell me he died during the night, my wife and her friend and my sons were in the kitchen. I got off the phone and told my wife. She fell to the floor crying and wailing. She loved her dad dearly. She didn't get to visit him or say goodbye before his still angers me that those bastards took that away from her.
De Ebonics Crimmus Pome

Wuz de nite befo Crimmus
An' all ober de hood
Ereybody wuz sleepin'
Dey wuz sleepin' good.

We hunged up our stockings
And hoped like de heck
That ol' Sanna Claus
Be bringin' our check!

All o' de fambily
Wuz layin' in dey beds
While Ripple and Thunderbird
Dance tru dey heads.

I passed out in de flo
Right next to my maw
When I heard sech a fuss, I thunk
"It must be de law!"

I looked out thru de bars
What covered my doe
Spectin' de sheriff
Wif a warrant fo sho!

And what did I see?
I said, "Lawd, look at dat!"
Ther' wuz a huge watta-melon
Pulled by giant warf rats!

Now ober all de years
Sanna Claus, he be white
But, looks like us bros
Gets a black Sanna dis night.

Faster dan a po'lees car;
My home boy, he came.
He whupped on dem warf rats
And called dem by name!

On Leroy, on 'lonzo,
And on Willie Lee,
On Saphire, on Chenequa;
Dey wuz a site to see!

As he landed dat watta-melon
Out der in de skreet
I knowed fo sho
Da damndest site I ebber did see!

He didn't go down no chimbley;
He picked da lock on my doe.
And I sez to myself,
"Sh*t, he done dis befoe!"

He had dis big bag
Full of prezents I 'spect
Wid Air Jordans and fake gold
To wear 'roun my neck.

But he left no good prezents;
just started stealin' my sh*t.
Got my drugs, got my guns,
Even got my burglar's kit!

Wit my stuff in de bag
Out da window he flewed
I woulda tried to catch him
But he stole my knife too!

He jumped on dat watta-melon
An' whipped out a switch
He wuz gone in a secon',
dat sonuvabitch!

Next year I be hopin'
Anutha Sanna we git
Cuz diz here Sanna Claus
Just ain't werf a sh*t!

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