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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Nov 27, 2021
Kind of what Russia is doing in Ukraine.

From a briefing by NATO Press Secretary Jamie Shea. Brussels, May 25, 1999:

The command and control systems also depend on electricity. If Milosevic really wants his citizens to have water and electricity, all he has to do is accept the NATO terms and we will stop this campaign. Until he does, we will continue to attack targets that supply his army with electricity. If this has consequences for the population, these are his problems. We are using water supply and electricity against the people of Serbia. We have “cut them off” forever or for a long time for the sake of the lives of 1.6 million Kosovars who have been driven from their homes and whose lives have been seriously damaged.


Dec 10, 2020
Update on Ursala Von Der Leyden's statement as Head of the EU Commission, that Ukraine has 100,000 dead soldiers 50% of their military killed and 200,000 wounded. This is brutal. The west has not fought a war like this since WW2 or Korea. These are not goat herders.
If some of these people I'm watching aren't just completely full of shit... including Col Macgregor, then a whole bunch of people are going to have to admit they've been bullshitting for a while. Bahkmut is about to be a disaster if Ukraine tries to hold all the gains they made. This is going to be worse than Sverondonestk or Mariupol losses. They are reportedly losing 300 dead and wounded per day just in the lead up to the actual battle. FUCK that shit!


Nov 27, 2021
If some of these people I'm watching aren't just completely full of shit... including Col Macgregor, then a whole bunch of people are going to have to admit they've been bullshitting for a while. Bahkmut is about to be a disaster if Ukraine tries to hold all the gains they made. This is going to be worse than Sverondonestk or Mariupol losses. They are reportedly losing 300 dead and wounded per day just in the lead up to the actual battle. FUCK that shit!
Yes. Russia has 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers encircled and will pulverize them with artillery. Russia is firing at a rate never seen before in history. Then when nothing moves in the cauldron they mop up
Pictures of battleground look WW1 just tree stumps and shredded forests. Nothing alive.


Nov 27, 2021
Just think of the kick backs and grease flowing through all the Globalist Organizations.
Ukraine is a European country and European problem. The EU has 600M citizens and the 3rd largest economy on earth. Let them clean their own fucking mess. Not One Dime.
Fix America Fuck Ukraine and Fuck the EU.



Dec 9, 2020
What is smart about this Petition is that it isn’t arguing the evidence of fraud. The Supreme Court isn’t a trier of fact. The Petition is arguing that Congress didn’t investigate over 100 accounts of election rigging entered into the record by their fellow Congressmen, and the fact that they refused to even look into the allegations constitutes treason because they did so in order to install their chosen person, Biden, in the presidency.

May not go anywhere, but is a solid approach.
They knew 100 had accounts of rigging..and knew the legal process should take place. They then stage this faux Insurrection...get people all riled...and certify under the ospices of "were done with this shit...these people tried to kill us"..certify it

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