Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
First off this place is awesome and will donate today as leaving tMB after 15 years feels good. Second, is there a dark feature like tMB? So much easier on the eyes.

I'm not sure if we can set up custom themes for users. We are going to change the style of the site though in the future and when we do there will be a pole for users to vote on. Dark mode is definitely going to be an option to vote on if we can't come up with a toggle for users to just select. I personally am a huge fan of dark mode myself.
I'm not sure if we can set up custom themes for users. We are going to change the style of the site though in the future and when we do there will be a pole for users to vote on. Dark mode is definitely going to be an option to vote on if we can't come up with a toggle for users to just select. I personally am a huge fan of dark mode myself.

Hell yes! Awesome. Thanks for the quick answer.
My gmail doesnt seem to have a spam folder that I can see. Since Im posting, I assume it is irrelevant, but if I need to do something to verify, I will.
I'm paid up on Rivals through November I believe. If I cancel now, is it prorated? I'd like to take whatever funds they return (if they do) and kick it to this site.

Any of you guys/gals who have canceled know?

Also @Nebfan , thanks for sharing that info. If it's not too much trouble, I'd love to be included in the DM. Or you could create a post and spoiler it? Just a thought. WWG1WGA

You will not get a refund. Still us rival features up to your renewal then done.
Part 2. Another reason for the March In order for the active military members to remember their oath and perform ops INSIDE the US, they needed to see that the country supported Trump The longer they delay, the more likely a MASSIVE false flag becomes. I mean some major city nuked off the planet, but only a city in Trump country, like Nashville for instance. They could literally call him to tell him they will nuke a city unless he turns himself in. The military will not wait for this to happen. Plus, according to all analysts, Trump has been waiting on using the military until EVERY last legal option was used. NO ONE can say he didn't try letting the courts at every level do the right thing. Or the legislature. Or Pence. Or Congress. At this point there is only ONE option, the option Q told us four years ago was the ONLY way. The crime has been completed, now it's time to arrest the guilty. The FCC recently sent out a message to the people involved to make sure it able to receive it. Italy was involved with the election steal. Because of the Ratliffe report the EO 2018 goes into effect. The 18th airborne posted a tweet of worn out soldiers with a caption saying "Don't let up, the weekend's almost here". The picture was of the 10th mountain division soldiers which Q directly refers to in RED4. This post is pretty much coming to life right before our eyes. I think they are telling the troops to not let up because the weekend ops are about to take place. Special ops got pelosi computer so she wants impeachment. Trump has been destroying deep military bunkers where the deep state is going to retreat to.

Another update coming from just now
I keep telling people I'm not a Q guy. I'm really not. Not saying I don't think Q is legit, I do. The biggest thing that go me on board with Q was when I saw the people I trust the least and hate the most go after them, trying to silence them. But I was red pilled the day my fam brought me home from the hospital. My dad voted for Perot because he knew Bush Sr. was a snake. He knew he was involved in the JFK assassination 30 years ago. He schooled me on not trusting anything in the media that I didn't see with my own eyes. He was US Army 82nd Airborne and the toughest and kindest man I've ever known. And the most honest.

So while a lot of you are red pilled and unplugged, I'm a genuine child of Zion, born free, right here in the real world.

The biggest thing that got me on board with Q was the prediction of John McCain's time of death, a month in advance, to the MINUTE! It revealed two immutable facts:

1. Q is not a LARP (may be a psyop, may not be good, but definitely not a LARP)
2. John McCain's death was not natural (and he was almost certainly executed for treason)

Lots of other data points, but that was the smoking gun. Once you realize what was revealed in those drops, it takes extreme cognitive dissonance to deny Q's bona-fieds.
The biggest thing that got me on board with Q was the prediction of John McCain's time of death, a month in advance, to the MINUTE! It revealed two immutable facts:

1. Q is not a LARP (may be a psyop, may not be good, but definitely not a LARP)
2. John McCain's death was not natural (and he was almost certainly executed for treason)

Lots of other data points, but that was the smoking gun. Once you realize what was revealed in those drops, it takes extreme cognitive dissonance to deny Q's bona-fieds.
Executed by who?
Part 2. Another reason for the March In order for the active military members to remember their oath and perform ops INSIDE the US, they needed to see that the country supported Trump The longer they delay, the more likely a MASSIVE false flag becomes. I mean some major city nuked off the planet, but only a city in Trump country, like Nashville for instance. They could literally call him to tell him they will nuke a city unless he turns himself in. The military will not wait for this to happen. Plus, according to all analysts, Trump has been waiting on using the military until EVERY last legal option was used. NO ONE can say he didn't try letting the courts at every level do the right thing. Or the legislature. Or Pence. Or Congress. At this point there is only ONE option, the option Q told us four years ago was the ONLY way. The crime has been completed, now it's time to arrest the guilty. The FCC recently sent out a message to the people involved to make sure it able to receive it. Italy was involved with the election steal. Because of the Ratliffe report the EO 2018 goes into effect. The 18th airborne posted a tweet of worn out soldiers with a caption saying "Don't let up, the weekend's almost here". The picture was of the 10th mountain division soldiers which Q directly refers to in RED4. This post is pretty much coming to life right before our eyes. I think they are telling the troops to not let up because the weekend ops are about to take place. Special ops got pelosi computer so she wants impeachment. Trump has been destroying deep military bunkers where the deep state is going to retreat to.

Another update coming from just now

What does the report have to do with the EO? I thought they missed the 45 day window?
My gmail doesnt seem to have a spam folder that I can see. Since Im posting, I assume it is irrelevant, but if I need to do something to verify, I will.

This is actually an issue I've been working to resolve, and moving forward I will need users to respond to an email later in the day. Gmail does a good job of keeping clutter on users screen down so you have to do a little bit of searching to find them spam folder. I'm going to make a quick guide when I send out the mass email, but you'll have to click more and then spam.

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As the 2nd youngest member of the old tMB thread, I am pumped to be here. This week has been a been roller coaster for me with everything that happened Wednesday & then beginning to move in with my fiance (she's catholic so don't tell the Dallas Diocese). Definitely going to try to post more here instead of lurking with tMB being completely unreadable now and just don't have any use for it anymore.
Whatever he is, he's two noles and there should be some kinda rule against that sort of witchery.

haha got a buddy of mine on rivals, we were both on the ppp thread and i asked are you DM from pcola, he said yes and who are you

i told him to read my handle and he finally got it

he thought it said nole nole as well but in actuality is noel nole

noel is my first name
Hard to believe Pelosi would have Seth’s file server, especially on a laptop at the capital.
It's far-fetched, but still possible.

Plus, if she's like me, she uses her work laptop for everything. She probably felt like saving the data there would be the most secure place in the world, and if it's a .pst file, it's not going to consume much space at all.

The thing I doubted was Seth Rich having a file server. lol
This is all slight of hand. The simple fact is NOTHING can stop what is coming. This last gasps of a dying regime and we have front row seats to the drama playing out right now. The constant body blows meant to deter just seem to bounce off such heavy armor. They can’t sway the American Patriot. Our soul burns for freedom. Our God given freedom. We have proven over and over DO NOT FUCK WITH OUR FREDDOM! They have repeatedly done so and made the ultimate power grab. All too late. We will have our country back or die trying! I swore to it. President Trump is not going anywhere and his revenge is gonna be swift and brutal. I’d say a prayer for those lost souls. He is coming for them all. SKOL!
This is actually an issue I've been working to resolve, and moving forward I will need users to respond to an email later in the day. Gmail does a good job of keeping clutter on users screen down so you have to do a little bit of searching to find them spam folder. I'm going to make a quick guide when I send out the mass email, but you'll have to click more and then spam.

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Got it thanks, confirmation email sent. And thanks for setting this up.
I'm paid up on Rivals through November I believe. If I cancel now, is it prorated? I'd like to take whatever funds they return (if they do) and kick it to this site.

Any of you guys/gals who have canceled know?

Also @Nebfan , thanks for sharing that info. If it's not too much trouble, I'd love to be included in the DM. Or you could create a post and spoiler it? Just a thought. WWG1WGA
I'm not allowed to post it I've just been trying to summarize it the best I can. I have no idea what most of that stuff even is it's way over my head

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