Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I think he is on his 4th Jab. But by all means recruiting idiot Liberals to go to Ukraine and fight is a good thing. Fuck get them signed up and ship them out.

Liberals have an aversion to backing up their words. They are not going anywhere to fight a war with anyone. I am all for them going over and having the Ukrainian nazi army throw them right on the front lines though.

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The Elite Trash Has To Go
How many coal-fired power plants are there in the world today?

The EU has 468 - & building 27 more... Total 495,
Turkey has 56 - & building 93 more... Total 149,
South Africa has 79 - & building 24 more... Total 103,
India has 589 - & building 446 more.. Total 1035,
Philippines has 19 - & building 60 more... Total 79,
South Korea has 58 - & building 26 more... Total 84,
Japan has 90 - & building 45 more... Total 135,
China has 2,363 - & building 1,171 more... Total = 3,534.

That’s 5,615 projected coal powered plants in just 8 countries.

USA has 15 - & building 0 more... Total = 15.

There are way more than 15 in the United States. This is how you lose arguments.
Liberals have an aversion to backing up their words. They are not going anywhere to fight a war with anyone. I am all for them going over and having the Ukrainian nazi army throw them right on the front lines though.
This guy is a comedian and goes to council meetings and does a couple of acts. Last week he went and did a rap about getting the jab.

Your point stands.
My friend, this is a difficult subject. One I have wrestled with for years.

The commentary linked ignored the most important part of Jesus' message when addressing Matthew 22:21 "render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." The main distinction Jesus is drawing here is that Caesar is material (temporal). The world, our possession, our bodies, are all temporary. They breakdown, fade, die and turn to dust. The Spiritual is eternal. Jesus is drawing that distinct difference. Give the temporary (ultimately of no value) to those rule here (within specific limits) and give your soul (eternal with tremendous value) to God. We must first recognize the difference in our worldly possession and see them as worthless compared to our eternal gift of salvation found only in Jesus Christ. Jesus reiterates this with his message in Matthew 19:21 when talking to the young rich man (likely Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark), to sell all of his possessions and follow him.

The specific limits of government are that while they are indeed placed in their position under the providence of God, they do not have the authority to ask you to sin. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abendigo are the perfect illustration here. They were asked to not worship God. They appropriately viewed that as a sin, defied that authority, and were persecuted. Through that persecution, God revealed his ultimate power in both the lion's den and fiery furnace, and used those events to bring more people to faith.

In Romans 13, first let's address the context. Romans was written to the followers of Jesus, known as The Way (the term Christian wasn't coined for many decades later) in the city of Rome. Rome was ruled by Caesar and had a pagan worldview. At this time, and really throughout much of history, the reason wars and conquering occurred was due to this fundamental worldview difference. One nation, who believed X, conquered another nation, who believed Y, and wanted to force their worldview on said conquered nation. Rinse and repeat. Paul understood this dynamic as he was very well educated and a Roman citizen, and he also understood that a rapidly growing church (The Way) was viewed as a potential threat to Caesar. He also knew his letter was likely to fall into Caesar's hand. In that event, it's reasonable to expect that Paul was writing first to the church in Rome with an undertone written to Caesar himself.

Through that lens, we see Paul giving direct guidance to the church in Rome to obey their authorities. The Way is not a political movement, it was much greater, superceding that concept. In essence, we are to be good citizens, not a threat to established governments. We, as followers of Jesus, are to respect our authorities, even if they don't follow Jesus. There are a lot of reasons for this, from the ability to evangelize the lost, which requires us to go to places where the name of Jesus is not worshiped as king, to the ability for God to demonstrate his power over man & government in spectacular ways (i..e. Daniel, Paul in the Roman prison during the earthquake, etc....)

Through that lens we should view the rest of Romans 13. Those authorities do not have the right to ask anyone to sin. Paying taxes does not directly equate to theft. Jesus told a young, rich Mark to sell all his possessions, give them to the poor, and follow Jesus. By his own words, Christ didn't much value worldly possessions. Taxes are simply God's provision to do with what he wants via us a intermediaries. Paul reiterates that in Romans 13. Now if the government is using those dollars to commit sins, and we have 100% proof of that occurring, the discussion gets more complicated. Additionally, God has demonstrated his ability to use very flawed men & leaders throughout history, both Jews (Abraham, Noah, King David, King Solomon, Paul, Peter, etc...) and Gentiles (Pharaoh, King Nebuchadenazarr, King Cyrus, etc...) to bring people to himself, God still does that via persecution. In persecution is where the church thrives and grows. In (worldly) peaceful times, it gets stagnant. That is a theme throughout the Bible.

This is a complicated subject. In my opinion, it's a tangible representative of what God was directing us to do for our own good in Genesis. Don't eat that apple, because you won't be able to comprehend the complexities of God's creation and man. No one can because we aren't God. It was that lack of faith demonstrated by Adam and Eve that led to sin entering the world. The good news is we don't have try and understand it all. All we have to understand is that Jesus came, as God promised, to die a death he did not deserve, to pay the wages of my sin, your sin, and everyone's sin on the cross where God's righteous wrath was poured on. But he conquered death itself by rising from the dead 3 days later. All who repent of their sin and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior will have eternal life.

A gift we don't deserve. A gift we could never earn.

This is a great post. And timely. I received my tax bill from my accountant yesterday and am struggling with sending that much money to a government I know to be corrupt to it's core. Anti Christian values. Coups across the world to overthrow governments and install their own world view in said countries. We have a Justice nominee who can't define what a woman is, enables pedophilia, and couldn't answer a basic Constitutional question about the Dredd Scott case. I'm struggling and this post is helpful. Thank you, sir.
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Special Counsel John Durham is producing a large number of classified materials in the case surrounding the source of the phony Steele dossier.

Durham said, ” the government will produce a large volume of classified discovery this week.”

Covid and now Ukraine delaying discovery and GJ. The swamp is terrified of exposure.

Wonder what’s next? I guessing Iran does a nuclear test.
Special Counsel John Durham is producing a large number of classified materials in the case surrounding the source of the phony Steele dossier.

Durham said, ” the government will produce a large volume of classified discovery this week.”

In reading the Examiner article, I'm noticing a pattern here. Lots of delays and filings for extensions due to Covid and now due to Ukraine. All manufactured crises for the benefit of the elites.

If the Republicans played to win they would have a long line of children and parents who are the victims of these sexual predators to testify against lenient prison sentences for them.
I know they could find cases that they could tie directly to her or at the very least create the illusion/possibility she contributed to their pain and suffering.
Geez. Do suburban women only watch The View, The Bachelor, and HGTV?
How many coal-fired power plants are there in the world today?

The EU has 468 - & building 27 more... Total 495,
Turkey has 56 - & building 93 more... Total 149,
South Africa has 79 - & building 24 more... Total 103,
India has 589 - & building 446 more.. Total 1035,
Philippines has 19 - & building 60 more... Total 79,
South Korea has 58 - & building 26 more... Total 84,
Japan has 90 - & building 45 more... Total 135,
China has 2,363 - & building 1,171 more... Total = 3,534.

That’s 5,615 projected coal powered plants in just 8 countries.

USA has 15 - & building 0 more... Total = 15.

If the Republicans played to win they would have a long line of children and parents who are the victims of these sexual predators to testify against lenient prison sentences for them.
I know they could find cases that they could tie directly to her or at the very least create the illusion/possibility she contributed to their pain and suffering.

This was on my mind last night as I was having trouble falling asleep. I hate playing the victim card, but I reconciled that with the fact that these are true victims who could be the light and path to Joe Q Public waking up. Not some Xannied out fraudster like Christine Blasey Ford.
This was on my mind last night as I was having trouble falling asleep. I hate playing the victim card, but I reconciled that with the fact that these are true victims who could be the light and path to Joe Q Public waking up. Not some Xannied out fraudster like Christine Blasey Ford.
I would estimate over 80% of DC Pubs don’t want the public to wake up. So, those will try to bury it for certain.
This was on my mind last night as I was having trouble falling asleep. I hate playing the victim card, but I reconciled that with the fact that these are true victims who could be the light and path to Joe Q Public waking up. Not some Xannied out fraudster like Christine Blasey Ford.
Yep, they could find real victims and not have to only bring beach friends.
Israel is the only country that will survive everything that is going to happen. They might suffer temporary setbacks here or there, but when Russia attacks them, that will be the end of Russia and her allies. Their birth right is secure no matter what they do.

Most Americans do not understand or do not accept scripture. It says through Israel all nations will be blessed, not through the UN, the EU, or the United States. That was undoubtedly a look forward to Christ, but also looked to the promise in Genesis 12. We need Israel, they do not need us, in spite of what our inflated ego tells us. God made an unconditional promise to Abraham about 4,000 years ago, and put no expiration date on it. Intentionally or not, Truman, Nixon, Trump, a few others reaped the blessings of that promise, while Carter, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now Biden, defied it.
I’ve started to consider that Israel is totally the people of God and not a corrupt government in that land...
I know ya'll know this but I had to post it just for me.

Sadly Judge Jackson will be a justice on SCOTUS.
So let's say 3 cases come before them.

Equal protection of women's rights.
Abortion laws on when life begins by state.
The mandatory teaching of CRT in public schools.

According to her hearing yesterday she doesn't know what a woman is, she doesn't know when life begins and does not know about CRT.

She is just another unqualified liar who will get a lifetime appointment and have the last word in our current Government. Sad
Not referring to Enoch, but there’s other books on healing and meditation that are not included. Maybe it’s hard to accept there’s more similarities to other religions, or your ego?
Why isn’t there any books written from the feminine perspective?
I am sure you will have some rebuttal, but even if these books don’t a belong I would challenge you to open your mind there are other approaches that don’t conflict with your beliefs.
Go to around 10:34 of this video.

There are in fact books written from a female perspective. But who cares? Who are we to question why there aren't more? It's irrelevant.

Christ dispelled the notion of other "approaches". He said there was one way to heaven, and one way only. Anything that contradicts that is false.

Similarities to other religions are ultimately meaningless. We're in a war, a spiritual war. Satan has millions of minions, and he and his cohorts are far more intelligent than you and I. They know the truth with much greater detail than we do. Why would it be a surprise us that our adversary would create religions that bastardize God's plan, sprinkling in a hint of truth here and there to make it even more inviting? Even the ancient Roman and Greek mythologies are likely just a demonic retelling of the angels who left their first estate, told from the enemy's perspective, creating heroes, gods and titans, instead of imprisoned fallen angels. The devil deceived Eve with what could be called a half-truth, why would he stop there?

I've tried to read a bit of the English translations of Thomas, but I didn't get far, it's farcical. I can't see how anyone can take it seriously. And once again, it contradicts scripture. Anything that contradicts scripture is a lie.

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