Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Ha, my granddaughter text me over the weekend screaming how unfair it was for that guy swimmer to compete against the women. She said I would like to hear your thoughts.

I told her I have many thoughts but would shorten them down to this.
It never should have happened a lot of people are to blame besides him.
I said remember you don't have to be a Veterinarian to know a dog is a dog.

Also, she is 6 weeks from getting her College degree in Biology. :giggle:
Yeah, I never want to hear rank and file this and that are wonderful it's just leadership any longer

If you work for the pos Pretorian Guard org you ARE the problem
Yep, I always said it was Mueller and Comey doing the hiring, firing, and promoting for the last 20 plus years. Do you really think these guys wanted LAC and patriots working for them? It's a sad joke and a very misguided powerful one at that.
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