Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Met a guy through work last year who I got to know pretty well, told me his wife works for Bill and is very involved in buying up farm land all over the country. He told me the shell companies and steps they take to keep people from knowing who is buying is intense and no one realizes how much land he really owns. He is on a mission to control the food supply in the US, scary when you think he and his father believe the world is severely over populated. Stock up.
I know for a fact he bought 65,000 acres in Louisiana. No telling what he has bought we don’t know. That is a massive amount of farm land.
Met a guy through work last year who I got to know pretty well, told me his wife works for Bill and is very involved in buying up farm land all over the country. He told me the shell companies and steps they take to keep people from knowing who is buying is intense and no one realizes how much land he really owns. He is on a mission to control the food supply in the US, scary when you think he and his father believe the world is severely over populated. Stock up.

I bought chickens and am building a coup. Those little female bastards will trade you eggs for leftovers and trash. Bought a ton of seeds so I can always grow a garden as well.
Met a guy through work last year who I got to know pretty well, told me his wife works for Bill and is very involved in buying up farm land all over the country. He told me the shell companies and steps they take to keep people from knowing who is buying is intense and no one realizes how much land he really owns. He is on a mission to control the food supply in the US, scary when you think he and his father believe the world is severely over populated. Stock up.
There’s going to be a shit load of land the govt is gonna get when Bill and other members of the cabal are convicted of treason.
Pretty Fucking Amazing. This Is Why I Prefer Pootin Over The Euro Trash. What Fucking Hypocrites The West Have Become.

From 24 March 1999 to 9 June 1999 NATO forces (19 nations) bombed Yugoslavia – 38,004 sorties including 10,484 strike sorties, 23,614 air munitions were released of which 35% were precision-guided. NATO dropped 6303 tons of munitions. The bombing damaged 25,000 houses and apartment buildings & destroyed 470km of roads & 600km of railway. This was the first time NATO went to war and first time NATO went to war illegally without UN sanction. The 78-day campaign was known as Operation Allied Force. While 24 March marks 20 years of NATO bombing of Yugoslavia it also marks 20 years of NATO troops in Yugoslavia too. NATO bombing was supported by US President Bill Clinton and British PM Tony Blair. “Humanitarian” intervention was the excuse to justify NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. The collateral damage included destruction of 300 schools, libraries, and over 20 hospitals. 40,000 homes were either completely eliminated or damaged and about 90 historic and architectural monuments were ruined. Long-term harm was caused to the region’s ecology and, people’s health, as well as the billion-dollar economic damage. More than 2000 civilians were killed and at least 6000 were injured.

Paul, who was an apostle, twice wrote to Timothy, who did NOT "travel with" Paul, at least at that time, but rather served in the church at Ephesus. Carry on Mr. Bible expert.
Ah crap, you're right. I'd edit it but I'll own my stupidity. St. Timothy did travel with Paul, but Timothy 1 and 2 were letters from Paul to Timothy (or at least allegedly were - some scholars believe those letters were falsely attributed to Paul). My larger point still stands.

Paul's teachings are not always congruent with Christ's teachings, although I think he had the best intentions. He's merely a man, just as were the other apostles. Christ NEVER said to obey man's law. He did say " render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" but to interpret that as meaning we should always obey man's law since God set up rulers directly ignores The very next thing He said.

Here's an interesting article and interpretation:

Paul was a pious man, but nonetheless, a man. Earlier, I said I largely disregard Paul's epistles. That was a misstatement. I don't disregard them, but I also do not believe they're canonical or infallible. There were MANY other books considered at the Council of Nicea which are not included in the Bible, and still others in the Catholic Bible which are omitted from the KJE and other later editions.

Kansas? Election Integrity Hearing Reveals Whistleblower Gave Docs to Durham​

This is amazing info: she says she gave docs to Durham that prove Obama's involvement in the election fraud. She says the AG in AZ is about to arrest people and AZ wants Kansas to withdraw its electors because they (AZ) have proof of the fraud in KS. Why (potentially)? Because KS was a tabulator cite for the machines. She talks about how some good Italians stepped up and risked their lives to out the "coup de' tat" in America. She names a specific Dominion employee from Canada who is involved (and shows pics). AND...

This is unreal. Trust Kansas
Careful here my friend.

If you are picking and choosing which scripture, inspired under the Holy Spirit, you are essentially making yourself your own god..

That doesn't end well.

Are you saying all of those at the Council of Nicea made themselves their own gods? They chose which books to include in the Bible, and which to exclude. And they didn't all agree. Even when the words of scripture are not disputed, the meaning of those are still often disputed. Some take everything literally, and some don't.

I have but one God, and I pray to Him for discernment. I'm certainly very fallible and I always want to learn more. Why do you believe all of the epistles are divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit? Or more importantly, why do you believe they're infallible?

You're obviously very smart and I'm interested in the basis for your opinion. The Word is the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And the Word was God. This is stated in both Genesis and the Gospel of John. The Bible is not The Word.
How many coal-fired power plants are there in the world today?

The EU has 468 - & building 27 more... Total 495,
Turkey has 56 - & building 93 more... Total 149,
South Africa has 79 - & building 24 more... Total 103,
India has 589 - & building 446 more.. Total 1035,
Philippines has 19 - & building 60 more... Total 79,
South Korea has 58 - & building 26 more... Total 84,
Japan has 90 - & building 45 more... Total 135,
China has 2,363 - & building 1,171 more... Total = 3,534.

That’s 5,615 projected coal powered plants in just 8 countries.

USA has 15 - & building 0 more... Total = 15.
Are you saying all of those at the Council of Nicea made themselves their own gods? They chose which books to include in the Bible, and which to exclude. And they didn't all agree. Even when the words of scripture are not disputed, the meaning of those are still often disputed. Some take everything literally, and some don't.

I have but one God, and I pray to Him for discernment. I'm certainly very fallible and I always want to learn more. Why do you believe all of the epistles are divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit? Or more importantly, why do you believe they're infallible?

You're obviously very smart and I'm interested in the basis for your opinion. The Word is the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And the Word was God. This is stated in both Genesis and the Gospel of John. The Bible is not The Word.
The Council of Nicea did not decide what was or wasn't scripture. That's a myth. Other than the book of Revelation, it was generally agreed what was and wasn't scripture by the end of the 1st century. These missing books that some ITT have lamented being taken from scripture are not some mysterious word from God that the Catholic church or someone else hid from us. They were removed because the failed the most basic test of scripture, they contradict the rest of scripture. Most famously, the book of Enoch, for all it's interesting topics, would never have been considered scripture, because in numerous places it differs from both the Old & New Testaments.

The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It's the word of God. "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” The man who wrote the article you reference is a heretic, or more likely an apostate. Peter said the above about the bible, yet this man, whoever he is, says it's "men’s words about God", an absurdity. The words of the bible themselves don't give us that option: either the bible is the word of God, or it's man-made foolishness.

The Bible has authenticated itself over the last 2000-4000 or so years. God didn't give men a vision of what to do, what to tell Israel, or what was coming in the future, then leave it up to men to write it down appropriately (or not). He led them in the writing (a fact verified many places in scripture; for example, when Christ prayed in the Garden while his disciples slept, the only one who could have known what happened the entire time was Jesus himself).

The Bible is sacred and inerrant. Numerous times Christ's actions were described as being done "that the scripture might be fulfilled". That alone destroys the notion that these are "men's words". It was given by inspiration, so it doesn't contradict the fact that Jesus is the "word", it verifies that it's one with him. Perhaps the strongest word on the issue of the source of scripture came from the words of Jesus himself. He said "the scripture cannot be broken", "scripture" being translated from the Greek word for "document".
The Council of Nicea did not decide what was or wasn't scripture. That's a myth. Other than the book of Revelation, it was generally agreed what was and wasn't scripture by the end of the 1st century. These missing books that some ITT have lamented being taken from scripture are not some mysterious word from God that the Catholic church or someone else hid from us. They were removed because the failed the most basic test of scripture, they contradict the rest of scripture. Most famously, the book of Enoch, for all it's interesting topics, would never have been considered scripture, because in numerous places it differs from both the Old & New Testaments.

The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It's the word of God. "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” The man who wrote the article you reference is a heretic, or more likely an apostate. Peter said the above about the bible, yet this man, whoever he is, says it's "men’s words about God", an absurdity. The words of the bible themselves don't give us that option: either the bible is the word of God, or it's man-made foolishness.

The Bible has authenticated itself over the last 2000-4000 or so years. God didn't give men a vision of what to do, what to tell Israel, or what was coming in the future, then leave it up to men to write it down appropriately (or not). He led them in the writing (a fact verified many places in scripture; for example, when Christ prayed in the Garden while his disciples slept, the only one who could have known what happened the entire time was Jesus himself).

The Bible is sacred and inerrant. Numerous times Christ's actions were described as being done "that the scripture might be fulfilled". That alone destroys the notion that these are "men's words". It was given by inspiration, so it doesn't contradict the fact that Jesus is the "word", it verifies that it's one with him. Perhaps the strongest word on the issue of the source of scripture came from the words of Jesus himself. He said "the scripture cannot be broken", "scripture" being translated from the Greek word for "document".
Not referring to Enoch, but there’s other books on healing and meditation that are not included. Maybe it’s hard to accept there’s more similarities to other religions, or your ego?
Why isn’t there any books written from the feminine perspective?
I am sure you will have some rebuttal, but even if these books don’t a belong I would challenge you to open your mind there are other approaches that don’t conflict with your beliefs.
Go to around 10:34 of this video.


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