Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The Taliban already has all of the weapons we left behind

Heads should roll. I’m not expecting much though. I am totally disgusted with the so-called government that is supposed to be leading our country. And what our military leader ship has become lately. I’m glad my grandfather who served in World War II and my father who served in Vietnam are not here on earth to see this

I think things are gonna get a lot worse at home and abroad
I’m going to step away from the keyboard for a while. Sorry for so many posts over the past 24 hours.
I'm leaving shortly, so I'll just address this, no Q did not cause the mass break from Rivals, Rivals did.

Yes, unquestionably, I think if Trump had led on the issue instead of sitting back and allowing many of his followers believe he had a "plan", we'd be way down the road further than we are now. The pressure we could have exerted if we were properly organized, a loser like Lindsey Graham would be terrified to say on national tv that Trump has to let 2020 go. Would we have the wherewithal to correct 2020 without resorting to the most extreme measures? I don't know, I doubt it, but unfortunately, many patriots sat on their hands - and still do to this day - because they believed a grand plan is going to unfold and Trump be reinstated.

How is Flynn credible on the subject? Or for that matter, any subject? Because he posed in some photos giving Q the thumbs up? He was undeniably outfoxed by Comey and Biden and Rice, and had to sit out Trump's entire presidency.

But that's all irrelevant to your initial post to me on this matter. Pulitzer said Q was BS. His words. You dismiss that as if he's lived in a bubble and knows nothing of it, which would be a virtual impossibility for someone in his position. There is no being an expert on Q or the Plan. The "experts" are morons like X22 who believe Trump is running the show and his reinstatement is a foregone conclusion. I'd say Pulitzer's smart enough to know that if Flynn and Q had a hand to play, they'd have played it long before multiplied millions of lives were destroyed. But fact is, they don't. Deep in their hearts, everyone ITT knows it.
You will never understand this is the biggest sting operation and swamp rat outing in world history and could only happen this way. And that’s OK because it won’t matter when it eventually is revealed. It’s going to be biblical.
Alright, time for the creationist to drop a little evolutionary knowledge here...

People don't tend to understand the basic evolutionary processes that lead to randomly acquired traits becoming fixed within a population. I've had some success explaining it a few different ways to people:

1. Which patient contributes to the rise of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, the patient taking antibiotics or the patient not taking antibiotics?

2. What causes Round-Up resistant weeds, farming millions of acres with Round-Up or farming millions of acres without Round-Up?

Most people are familiar with one or both of those examples, and it's funny to see the look of understanding once they make the connection to vaccine resistance.

Resistance traits are governed by genetic drift until the fitness landscape is altered to confer improved fitness for resistance traits. At that time, selection favors resistance. Filling a population with hosts who have been vaccinated with a weak vaccine that still allows the virus to spread from host to host is a great way to rapidly evolve vaccine resistance and drive vaccine obsolescence.

If we don't come up with a vaccine that helps the immune system identify many parts of the virus (thereby more closely mirroring the immune learning from natural infection), and also adopt excellent therapeutic protocols, we're going to be in a world where the current vaccines do nothing at all. That could happen in a matter of a couple of months.
Which explains the bullshit of annual flu shots. We will always “need” annual flu shots as long as annual flu shots keep being taken. It’s also why the annual flu shots keep being pushed by those who make $ from the annual flu shots. It’s also why I’ve never gotten a flu shot or had the flu.

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