Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I actually bought one of those of our kids. It’s just a digital photo on a stand that lights up. Pretty cool.
That’s pretty cool. You are very lucky that your cat and dog look like the ones in the premade statue. Mine don’t look anything like that so I won’t be getting one.


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I dont need to make them. They got the pecking order all sorted out on their own.
I dont need to make them. They got the pecking order all sorted out on their own.
does the cat ruled the roost?
Off subject, but one of the things I hate the most is people letting their children name pets. You end up with some stupid name and you’re wondering why you’re walking around your block yelling out “Scruffy” or “Cheeto” at 10:39 at night.
My ex-wife wanted to name a cat “ Rumpel teaser” after her favorite character from the Andrew Lloyd Webber play about cats called “Cats”. I told her absolutely not. I told her it was stupid and was the clearest way to prove that you are a nerd who does not possess an original thought.
Apparently, her and her new husband (who just looks like a dorkier and less handsome version of me) named their kid with either the first name or middle name of Superman (from the comic book of the same name.)
That’s OK because we ended up naming the cat Lily and that’s a much better name.

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