Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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There needs to be a much bigger review of international data in this area. It is a very real concern that was raised long ago. All we get in this country is “99% of people who have died form covid are unvaccinated.” Well yea, the vast majority died before the vaccine was available. That is not useful information.
Here in Tennessee, one of our health officials claimed that it was 99% (unvaccinated deaths), someone posted it on the homeboard.

I pointed out that, by that same officials own #s, there had been 4 covid deaths of the vaccinated, and only something like 25 deaths in the previous 3 or 4 months. Making her "99%" a statistical impossibility, without including deaths before the vaccine became prevalent. The poster responded something to the effect that well, this is all a mess, #s will get botched, to which I responded, 'no, she flat out lied, again.'

There is no "bigger review" by gov't or big media, because they do not want you to know the truth. Further, as the CDC has shown us, we can't trust the #s they give us anyway.
Good luck - wife and I saw them last time they were here in Atlanta, it was awesome. (aside from their politics, but if you used that as a factor, there'd be no one to listen to)

Off topic, I've been off grid for awhile til recently. Maybe it's come up but what's with the avatar?
After the Biden “inauguration” I put Q+ on its back until it is time to stop “showing them”, rise back up, and start kicking ass.
Great and simple way to put it - we all know it here, I just can't believe otherwise-smart people I know have no clue. I went to dinner with a good friend of mine (conservative) last week. He started in about how terrible it was that Trump caused the Pubs to lose the senate and my head popped off. So we got into it and his other beliefs were as follows:
  • You're an idiot if you don't get the jab
  • There was no mass fraud in the election
  • Trump supporters (the bumpkin kind) were solely responsible for the 'horrible insurrection'
Again, this is a guy who has been a critical thinker in the past - I gave him the answers any of us would've given to the above, using my outside voice much to the dismay of the nearby tables. So much of the country is totally clueless of the uniparty yet it's blatantly obvious to anyone with a brain.
I've experienced none of this. Numerous clients have told me they're not getting vaccinated. Virtually everyone I've spoken with has told me - unsolicited - that Trump won and the election was rigged. Most believe something is wrong with the covid story, though they do not know exactly what. Even had one lady tell me her and her family have secured their neighborhood with a food and necessity sharing program if the stuff really hits the fan.

The only people I've spoken with who are anti-Trump or buy the Biden media narrative are old money types. Case in point, one rich guy who got everything from his parents, fairly liberal guy, who was extremely puzzled by my "Trump won" shirt, or after he asked me about it, my refusal to get a vaccine. People who inherited their wealth and/or businesses. Country club types who were embarrassed by Trump.

But when it comes to people who've discussed these issues in depth with me, nearly 100% know the truth about all 3 of your bullet points.
Here in Tennessee, one of our health officials claimed that it was 99% (unvaccinated deaths), someone posted it on the homeboard.

I pointed out that, by that same officials own #s, there had been 4 covid deaths of the vaccinated, and only something like 25 deaths in the previous 3 or 4 months. Making her "99%" a statistical impossibility, without including deaths before the vaccine became prevalent. The poster responded something to the effect that well, this is all a mess, #s will get botched, to which I responded, 'no, she flat out lied, again.'

There is no "bigger review" by gov't or big media, because they do not want you to know the truth. Further, as the CDC has shown us, we can't trust the #s they give us anyway.
Of course, but there is actual data and they can’t hide it forever. Hopefully.
I call BS. People are not taking the jab. The only issue (and it's going to be huge), employers forcing employees to take the jab.
Companies that promote no vax is required to work will see a rise in applications, and hopefully business.
You'd be surprised. We took a survey. My company of 400 has about 30 people that did not take the vax. Our NYC office is literally 99.33% vaccinated. The other .63% is me. The rest of the unvaxxed are outside of NY. I'll be working remotely for a while.
No shit. If they fvck up the Foo Fighters concert on Thursday I’m gonna be pissed.

I get to do Kings of Leon on Thursday. I'm not really excited about it but my dick will be!!

Don't you still have to show a negative test whether vaccinated or not for most restricted travel locations?

I have no idea. Its the reason most have given me on why they got the jab.
You'd be surprised. We took a survey. My company of 400 has about 30 people that did not take the vax. Our NYC office is literally 99.33% vaccinated. The other .63% is me. The rest of the unvaxxed are outside of NY. I'll be working remotely for a while.

Not surprised because it’s NYC. Of course those misinformed dildo’s bought into the propaganda. They are the useful idiots the swamp loves. I think the numbers would be much lower for an office in Oklahoma City or Montgomery.
Resident MD’s.. I’m hearing supercharged C60 Charcoal works as a magnet to grab and flush the system of the jab. For those getting pressure from work.. please research and spread if

Gonna vent since we're all like minded individuals here. I'm getting past frustrated on the new "Unvaxxed are selfish people" narrative that's making it's rounds on social media. We all know arguing with the super left idiots is a fool's errand. You cannot argue logic with illogical people. It's basically a litmus test for trusting the govt, and those of us who are being pragmatic are labeled as "undesirables" or "uneducated". This is alarming when it's coming from RINOS now too, not just the par for the course liberals.

Ages 65+ are now confirmed 90% vaccinated per the CDC. The main argument is you are selfish to put those at risk in harms way. If they are protected, why tf do you care if I am? Children have been spared (thankfully) due to their efficient immune systems. I'm 31 yo and healthy.

Therefore, stick your 18 month or less studied vaccine right up your pompous ass. The juice is simply not worth the squeeze.
Not surprised because it’s NYC. Of course those misinformed dildo’s bought into the propaganda. They are the useful idiots the swamp loves. I think the numbers would be much lower for an office in Oklahoma City or Montgomery.
I'm saying over half of our employees are in Texas, Cali, NC, etc and still have high adoption. Of course the NY'ers will be indoctrinated.
The house across the street and a few doors down has been flying the American flag upside down since before the 4th.

My 15 year old daughter who’s a member of the Young Republicans Club and quit speech this year cause liberals (trying swimming instead), when over this evening to figure out what it means.

Turns out, the husband is a Navy Vet who thinks the election was stolen etc. The wife apologized but my daughter explained she agreed and pointed out our house which has an abundance of patriotic flair.

My daughter thinks we should turn our flag upside down as well. What say ye? I could also put out my Gadsden flag instead too.
I have considered doing the same at my house.
I'm saying over half of our employees are in Texas, Cali, NC, etc and still have high adoption. Of course the NY'ers will be indoctrinated.

My mom and step dad are the only ones in our family. My dad won’t even talk about it and says he’ll get the booster if recommended. I tried and got pretty damn irritated. I just don’t understand how they can be skeptical of everything except this shot
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