Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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My folks are the same. They know how full of shit the government is and still play ball. I'm very scared for their future
I'm the "virgin" in the family (besides the minors) who didn't get Jabbed. Most don't agree with it but took it to get together as a family because 1 member was full Nazi, thanks to her MDs scaring the shit out of her, and refused to let anyone get near any of her family without being vaxxed. I told them to F-off and sat next to her at a ball game last week without a mask or vax. Thus far, none have had an adverse reaction and hope none do.
My theory is they want as many people possible to get it so they can justify the vaccine ID rollout.

Most that took the jab already would be ok with it at that point. They would openly invite the pass to get their lives back, then pressure everyone else to “accept it” just as they did the vaxx.

How can you have a vaccine id but not voter id?
America Front Line Dr and There are 3-4
More posted in this thread that do telemedicine and will write you a prescription for hydrochloriquine or ivermectin. I requested one today, got a text an hour later that it was sent to my pharmacy of choice. Picked it up on the way home from work.

also bought 12 tubes for my “horses” at tractor supply.
one of a few I have bookmarked. let us know how it goes.
It's the spikes from the Wuhan virus which attaches to our cells and injects its "goo" into our cells which start making new Wuhan viruses which emerge from our cells and repeat the process overwhelming our system and we get sick.

HCQ and Ivermectin are anti-parasitic drugs used to fight parasites in animals.

What if both HCQ and Ivermectin recognize Wuhan spikes as parasites and destroys them before they can attach onto our cells and replicate themselves? What if they also attack those spikes on Wuhan viruses which have replicated and broken out of our cells into our systems and likewise attack their spikes as parasites?

That's my theory and it's just as valid as mRNA vaccine theory.
Any legal eagles out there that have a strategy to take on these universities requiring students to wear masks? Seems like they are all going back to it now that the vaccine is out and has (not) saved the world like fearless JoE said. Daughter moves in Wednesday. Help!
TX, FL and SD say masks aren't required in schools in these states. You are safe there. Don't know about other states.

You could also see if your pastor will write something saying that your kids have a religious reason for not being vaccinated.
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