Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Resident MD’s.. I’m hearing supercharged C60 Charcoal works as a magnet to grab and flush the system of the jab. For those getting pressure from work.. please research and spread if legit.

Sounds interesting, talking with someone who wishes they didn't take the shot today (along with me). I took the shot to go to Europe this summer, cancelled the trip because of shit happening after the second shot
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Bad news for people in California!

Bacon may disappear in California as pig rules take effect

Can’t really say I disagree with this. I’m all about more humane treatment for farm animals. I’d put my money where my mouth was and pay more.
Resident MD’s.. I’m hearing supercharged C60 Charcoal works as a magnet to grab and flush the system of the jab. For those getting pressure from work.. please research and spread if legit.
I’m looking at buying some for family members that took the jab. If it is Supercharged C60 be sure that is what you get. I’m seeing some cheaper that dont appear to be supercharged; just C60.

This link, albeit marketing, tells a bit more about the difference

Again, we all should dig deeper to be sure before jumping on anything.
Dr. Scott Atlas: The Deadly Price of COVID19 Lockdowns

"The harms of the lockdowns are deaths. It's not an economic harm. It's a death harm. Harms of the lockdowns means absent medical care. Almost half of the 650,000 people in the US skipped their chemotherapy. 40% of people with an acute stroke were too afraid to call an ambulance. They didn't want to be in a medical setting. 30%-50% of heart attack patients were not coming in. 85% of live organ transplants did not get done during the lockdown. 300,000+ cases of child abuse were not noticed because they were not going to school and schools are the number one agency where child abuse is noticed. Opioid deaths, spousal abuse, suicides, these things were skyrocketing. These are deaths."


Total spitballing but the simplistic analogy for devolution made me think of the COGCON 2 notice in Jan. The Trump admin had set Continuity of Government Conditions to level 2, which was a big deal but never reported in the MSM.

“COGCON 2: Deployment of 50-75% of Emergency Relocation Group continuity staff to alternate locations. Establish their ability to conduct operations and prepare to perform their organization’s essential functions in the event of a catastrophic emergency.”

At the time, we thought it might be due to a plan to expose the fraud and manage the chaos that ensued. It wasn’t of course, so what was it? Given the definition, could COGCON 2 have been either A) a canceled actual op, or B) a rehearsal/readiness for when the (theoretical) devolution strategy plays out?
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