Explain your user name in this thread

It is the user name I picked when I joined my first social media site, NC Gun Owners.

I like the Kalashnikov rifle, I own several, have built several, and have used it in combat.

My avatar is the crest for an Army unit I was in at one time, the motto on the bottom means, "knowledge is power"

Freedom is important to me.
wait, I changed my avatar back to a gun AK carrying cat.....either way.
my name at hte time was based off the green new deal becuase my fiance and i were big aoc fans but when we broke up i stopped caring about politics and also aoc kinda didnt do what she promised and she is just like the rest i guess but i think its kind of a funny name anyway so i have just kept it and also i like what the green new deal stood for symbolically i like to take care of the environment and i think we all should so thats why i have this name

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