How to Defeat The New World Order?

This is just for comedic purposes only. I love the Glowniggers, the Zionist Jews, satanists, etc and would wish no violence or evil on them ever. I identify as a transjewniggergender and left handed and a Mason.

This is just a fun exercise to see what others suggestions are for this mass genocide and enslavement of the human race due to our puppet corporations aka governments being run by their Jew Masters. There's no reason to act on any of these because we know where the Jews will inevitably end up so the main thing is to help others receive salvation and gain as much freedom on earth as possible during this time of tribulation (yes the tribulation started in 2023 so enjoy the ride).

Yes I know this is inevitable and written in the scriptures and there's nothing we can do about it at this point. But if this wasn't predetermined what methodology would you take to overthrow the most powerful and evil establishment ever created on this earth within our human timeline?

So, essentially the NWO is already here as you seen with virtually every country aka cooperation in lock step with the scamdemic operations for mass genocide, sterilization, etc. Basically it's really a matter of semantics at this point for what you want to call this beast system.

My methodology would be to do what I already do but to achieve this not only nationally but internationally. Here's the step by step process.

1.) Change political status, where you no longer a part of the corporations system as a slave and these fake countries have 0 authority over you and your property
2.) Off grid and out of the big cities
3.) 100% self sufficient within small communities that are likeminded and of the same race/religious belief.
4.) Create our own infrastructure for communications, internet 2.0, etc.
-Once we have a 50% or majority of a nation at this level which for America this would mean the white race basically, this means they will have no legal authority or operational methods to essentially starve us out and force us back into slavery back into their society. They can't starve us with the food, restrict water, shut off our utilities or communications, etc.
5.) Now, the first step would actually be to cut the head off the snake. Basically have our assassins wipe out the Rothchild's, 13 royal families, Ashkenazi Jews, Major political puppet Zionist shills, etc. We would have to take out not just the men but the women, children, idols and their Talmudic and other related books. This is what YHWH wanted us to do in Deuteronomy within the old testament but the Israelites chickened out up until Davis had some balls to destroy the seed of Satan. This would be roughly 12 million people or so. A small price to pay for freedom. Technically the head of the snake is Lucifer so we will just let YHWH rebuke him. He is powerless unless we give him power and let him enter into our minds, body and spirit.
6.) wiping out the snake of the head will virtually incapacitate our enemies because the one's left will not have any direction they do not know the objective is to depopulate and to enslave the human race. However, the Karens, beta male cucks and brainwashed ignoramuses who still have power within the military may proceed to take action if they can to save their fake country that they have no idea it's a cooperation and we literally just saved them. They will have the advantage of the weapons, supplies, and bunker hideouts.

Now some kind of militia would need to be formed here, some kind of powerful weapons, training, etc. We would have the basics for defense and for offensive tactics. We know we're going to eventually force their hand to do what they want to do is to depopulate and enslave us. Make them go on the offensive and set traps and bait the traps. Don't fight them head on because they will have the vastly superior weapons but we would have the superior strategies and heart and desire. I believe the majority of the time and effort should be placed on traps, hacking and doing what we can to shut down their power grids, food and water supply

Overall, this would be an interesting war as it would be more based on assassinating the puppet masters of virtually all previous wars over the last 400+ years combined with using hacking combined with crushing food and water supplies as the main tactics. Also, once the children of Satan are wiped out and potentially the top level Karens and beta male Cucks it could be possible to come to a peace agreement eventually instead of complete annihilation.

Through history the main way to overthrow governments or corrupt power is through developing a military force of some kind. A political party is useless because the Jews own this system and control all sides. Therefore, operate outside their system outside their corporations and re-activate what was once in place like the American Union which went dormant after the Civil War and the new fake government was established. The use of peaceful protesting only works against white people it appears as we seen with Ghandhi. This methodology will not work on the children of Satan.

I've always had this on the back of my mind for a long time even though I know the efforts would be futile but I decided to randomly just throw out ideas off the top of my head and to see what other strategies people may have. If you are of the Karens and the Beta Male cucked vaxxed morons, then you will not understand any of this so you will resort to name calling, personal attacks and other low IQ crap like memes and shit. There's probably only 10 or so people on here that understand the power the Jews have in this earth combined with understanding biblical prophecy and the seed wars as well as being racially conscious. I wish there was a website that has free speech combined with more of these high IQ people but we're in the movie Idiocracy at this point and fucking Joe Biden the president of this cooperation is easily dumber than most the characters in that movie which is hilarious. The average IQ of the vaxxed Karens and beta male cucks that do not understand Jewish power/control that believe what the media tells them has to be below 70 which is basically an average pureblood black Sub-Saharan African.
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This is just a fun exercise to see what others suggestions are for this mass genocide and enslavement of the human race due to our puppet corporations aka governments being run by their Jew Masters. There's no reason to act on any of these because we know where the Jews will inevitably end up so the main thing is to help others receive salvation and gain as much freedom on earth as possible during this time of tribulation (yes the tribulation started in 2023 so enjoy the ride).

Yes I know this is inevitable and written in the scriptures and there's nothing we can do about it at this point. But if this wasn't predetermined what methodology would you take to overthrow the most powerful and evil establishment ever created on this earth within our human timeline?

So, essentially the NWO is already here as you seen with virtually every country aka cooperation in lock step with the scamdemic operations for mass genocide, sterilization, etc. Basically it's really a matter of semantics at this point for what you want to call this beast system.

My methodology would be to do what I already do but to achieve this not only nationally but internationally. Here's the step by step process.

1.) Change political status, where you no longer a part of the corporations system as a slave and these fake countries have 0 authority over you and your property
2.) Off grid and out of the big cities
3.) 100% self sufficient within small communities that are likeminded and of the same race/religious belief.
4.) Create our own infrastructure for communications, internet 2.0, etc.
-Once we have a 50% or majority of a nation at this level which for America this would mean the white race basically, this means they will have no legal authority or operational methods to essentially starve us out and force us back into slavery back into their society. They can't starve us with the food, restrict water, shut off our utilities or communications, etc.
5.) Now, the first step would actually be to cut the head off the snake. Basically have our assassins wipe out the Rothchild's, 13 royal families, Ashkenazi Jews, Major political puppet Zionist shills, etc. We would have to take out not just the men but the women, children, idols and their Talmudic and other related books. This is what YHWH wanted us to do in Deuteronomy within the old testament but the Israelites chickened out up until Davis had some balls to destroy the seed of Satan. This would be roughly 12 million people or so. A small price to pay for freedom.
6.) wiping out the snake of the head will virtually incapacitate our enemies because the one's left will not have any direction they do not know the objective is to depopulate and to enslave the human race. However, the Karens, beta male cucks and brainwashed ignoramuses who still have power within the military may proceed to take action if they can to save their fake country that they have no idea it's a cooperation and we literally just saved them. They will have the advantage of the weapons, supplies, and bunker hideouts.

Now some kind of militia would need to be formed here, some kind of powerful weapons, training, etc. We would have the basics for defense and for offensive tactics. We know we're going to eventually force their hand to do what they want to do is to depopulate and enslave us. Make them go on the offensive and set traps and bait the traps. Don't fight them head on because they will have the vastly superior weapons but we would have the superior strategies and heart and desire. I believe the majority of the time and effort should be placed on traps, hacking and doing what we can to shut down their power grids, food and water supply

Overall, this would be an interesting war as it would be more based on assassinating the puppet masters of virtually all previous wars over the last 400+ years combined with using hacking combined with crushing food and water supplies as the main tactics. Also, once the children of Satan are wiped out and potentially the top level Karens and beta male Cucks it could be possible to come to a peace agreement eventually instead of complete annihilation.

Through history the main way to overthrow governments or corrupt power is through developing a military force of some kind. A political party is useless because the Jews own this system and control all sides. Therefore, operate outside their system outside their corporations and re-activate what was once in place like the American Union which went dormant after the Civil War and the new fake government was established. The use of peaceful protesting only works against white people it appears as we seen with Ghandhi. This methodology will not work on the children of Satan.

I've always had this on the back of my mind for a long time even though I know the efforts would be futile but I decided to randomly just throw out ideas off the top of my head and to see what other strategies people may have. If you are of the Karens and the Beta Male cucked vaxxed morons, then you will not understand any of this so you will resort to name calling, personal attacks and other low IQ crap like memes and shit. There's probably only 10 or so people on here that understand the power the Jews have in this earth combined with understanding biblical prophecy and the seed wars as well as being racially conscious. I wish there was a website that has free speech combined with more of these high IQ people but we're in the movie Idiocracy at this point and fucking Joe Biden the president of this cooperation is easily dumber than most the characters in that movie which is hilarious. The average IQ of the vaxxed Karens and beta male cucks that do not understand Jewish power/control that believe what the media tells them has to be below 70 which is basically an average pureblood black Sub-Saharan African.
This is just for comedic purposes only. I love the Glowniggers, the Zionist Jews, satanists, etc and would wish no violence or evil on them ever. I identify as a transjewniggergender and left handed and a Mason.

This is just a fun exercise to see what others suggestions are for this mass genocide and enslavement of the human race due to our puppet corporations aka governments being run by their Jew Masters. There's no reason to act on any of these because we know where the Jews will inevitably end up so the main thing is to help others receive salvation and gain as much freedom on earth as possible during this time of tribulation (yes the tribulation started in 2023 so enjoy the ride).

Yes I know this is inevitable and written in the scriptures and there's nothing we can do about it at this point. But if this wasn't predetermined what methodology would you take to overthrow the most powerful and evil establishment ever created on this earth within our human timeline?

So, essentially the NWO is already here as you seen with virtually every country aka cooperation in lock step with the scamdemic operations for mass genocide, sterilization, etc. Basically it's really a matter of semantics at this point for what you want to call this beast system.

My methodology would be to do what I already do but to achieve this not only nationally but internationally. Here's the step by step process.

1.) Change political status, where you no longer a part of the corporations system as a slave and these fake countries have 0 authority over you and your property
2.) Off grid and out of the big cities
3.) 100% self sufficient within small communities that are likeminded and of the same race/religious belief.
4.) Create our own infrastructure for communications, internet 2.0, etc.
-Once we have a 50% or majority of a nation at this level which for America this would mean the white race basically, this means they will have no legal authority or operational methods to essentially starve us out and force us back into slavery back into their society. They can't starve us with the food, restrict water, shut off our utilities or communications, etc.
5.) Now, the first step would actually be to cut the head off the snake. Basically have our assassins wipe out the Rothchild's, 13 royal families, Ashkenazi Jews, Major political puppet Zionist shills, etc. We would have to take out not just the men but the women, children, idols and their Talmudic and other related books. This is what YHWH wanted us to do in Deuteronomy within the old testament but the Israelites chickened out up until Davis had some balls to destroy the seed of Satan. This would be roughly 12 million people or so. A small price to pay for freedom. Technically the head of the snake is Lucifer so we will just let YHWH rebuke him. He is powerless unless we give him power and let him enter into our minds, body and spirit.
6.) wiping out the snake of the head will virtually incapacitate our enemies because the one's left will not have any direction they do not know the objective is to depopulate and to enslave the human race. However, the Karens, beta male cucks and brainwashed ignoramuses who still have power within the military may proceed to take action if they can to save their fake country that they have no idea it's a cooperation and we literally just saved them. They will have the advantage of the weapons, supplies, and bunker hideouts.

Now some kind of militia would need to be formed here, some kind of powerful weapons, training, etc. We would have the basics for defense and for offensive tactics. We know we're going to eventually force their hand to do what they want to do is to depopulate and enslave us. Make them go on the offensive and set traps and bait the traps. Don't fight them head on because they will have the vastly superior weapons but we would have the superior strategies and heart and desire. I believe the majority of the time and effort should be placed on traps, hacking and doing what we can to shut down their power grids, food and water supply

Overall, this would be an interesting war as it would be more based on assassinating the puppet masters of virtually all previous wars over the last 400+ years combined with using hacking combined with crushing food and water supplies as the main tactics. Also, once the children of Satan are wiped out and potentially the top level Karens and beta male Cucks it could be possible to come to a peace agreement eventually instead of complete annihilation.

Through history the main way to overthrow governments or corrupt power is through developing a military force of some kind. A political party is useless because the Jews own this system and control all sides. Therefore, operate outside their system outside their corporations and re-activate what was once in place like the American Union which went dormant after the Civil War and the new fake government was established. The use of peaceful protesting only works against white people it appears as we seen with Ghandhi. This methodology will not work on the children of Satan.

I've always had this on the back of my mind for a long time even though I know the efforts would be futile but I decided to randomly just throw out ideas off the top of my head and to see what other strategies people may have. If you are of the Karens and the Beta Male cucked vaxxed morons, then you will not understand any of this so you will resort to name calling, personal attacks and other low IQ crap like memes and shit. There's probably only 10 or so people on here that understand the power the Jews have in this earth combined with understanding biblical prophecy and the seed wars as well as being racially conscious. I wish there was a website that has free speech combined with more of these high IQ people but we're in the movie Idiocracy at this point and fucking Joe Biden the president of this cooperation is easily dumber than most the characters in that movie which is hilarious. The average IQ of the vaxxed Karens and beta male cucks that do not understand Jewish power/control that believe what the media tells them has to be below 70 which is basically an average pureblood black Sub-Saharan African.
This idiotic plan is why you will never be free. The Jews and the moronic masses deserve each other. Forget about them. Race doesn't matter. There are already communities that are free of the NWO, namely traditional Anabaptists like Amish and Mennonites. Just copy their concept and you win. And if you want more high-IQ people, join the Arkians.
This idiotic plan is why you will never be free. The Jews and the moronic masses deserve each other. Forget about them. Race doesn't matter. There are already communities that are free of the NWO, namely traditional Anabaptists like Amish and Mennonites. Just copy their concept and you win. And if you want more high-IQ people, join the Arkians.

I used to believe in what you say in adopting the Amish way and you win. Perhaps in the past but we're in the tribulation so there is no escaping the NWO as you can run but you cannot hide.

This plan takes the Amish and Mennonites and advances their foundational concepts. I approve of their way of living however, they will be wiped out eventually as peaceful Isolationists will not endure or overcome and it never has and it never will. As stated already, to over through tyrannical governments/power structures throughout history has always required some resemblance of a military force. To not include the military force and thinking peaceful existence in isolation as an anarchist group will resolve the long term problem is as you say an idiotic plan and they would never become fully free. I have already achieved full freedom but the threat still lurks in my lands so the inevitable confrontation with the NWO looms. I'd prefer to destroy that potential outcome from the face of this earth and risk my short term freedom for long term generational freedom and prosperity. The Amish and Mennonites already have the NWO at their doorsteps.

Saying race doesn't matter is perhaps the dumbest statement I've seen on these boards. Race is a significant in many areas not just skin color. There's a reason the white race and many other races have created boarders and nations and protected them at all costs for thousands of years. If race didn't matter they would have never done this. This is why the Jew niggers force white nations to race mix not only to lower the IQ of the masses but so they no longer have one identity one genetic lineage, one race, one culture, one religion, etc. It's easier to divide and conquer us. This has been their simple methodology for thousands of years which is why the Jew nigger has been kicked out of 109 countries.

Thank you for the recommendation for finding a more intelligent group of people to have discussions with. Unfortunately, they're probably infested with glowniggers so true solutions can never be given online only in person.
This idiotic plan is why you will never be free. The Jews and the moronic masses deserve each other. Forget about them. Race doesn't matter. There are already communities that are free of the NWO, namely traditional Anabaptists like Amish and Mennonites. Just copy their concept and you win. And if you want more high-IQ people, join the Arkians.
Shut the fuck up with your bullshit.
no violence or evil
They are NOT the same thing. Turning to evil in this case is nothing more than a weakness, and a lack of an ability to choose righteousness. The ability to do violence, coupled with the power not to use it is the root of good people.
there's nothing we can do about it
There is, spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. The war was won long ago, but rages on everyday. I suppose one problem the devil has, is he thinks that he can still win.....sounds like a lot of people these days.
Now some kind of militia would need to be formed here, some kind of powerful weapons, training, etc. We would have the basics for defense and for offensive tactics.
In this hypothetical world, the NWO would lose eventually. If the history of warfare has taught us anything, is that a conventional force cannot, under any circumstances defeat an unconventional force. The reason is support, or for more technical terms, the "auxillary" element. In standard warfare, the auxillary are civilians who help the guerilla force on a day to day basis with supplies, housing etc. In order to defeat a guerilla force, you must remove the auxillary. This is of course against the "law" and is somewhat strictly enforced, especially today with Infotech. In the real world....., those gloves would be taken off, because the ''enemy'' of the NWO, would be the people itself, and eradication of a supporting member to "god fearing people" would be not only legal, but would be such that one would have no choice but to comply or die.
In Revelation, when it was written that "no one could buy or sell without the mark of the beast" further proof of truth in the bible. How did they know, that in the future, the ability to buy and sell would be the one thing that could or would have to be controlled to make people conform.

If we all stopped paying taxes that would be the 1st and major step…….they are literally using our own money against up.

Then kill every POS Globalist , then all liberals (they will eventually ruin everything)….and when I say all…..I’m mean entire bloodlines. (Then on the 7th day rest 🤣).

Recent events have made this topic more relevant than ever. In order for any plan to be effective, it must start out with some kind of statement of beliefs. IMO, The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man is THE starting point:

The OP is someone who is well informed. If I had to guess, they are a seedline Christian Israelite.

I am trying to get off grid as much as possible as is. Legally speaking, it is virtually impossible to become totally self sufficient. For example, many places will not let you pull the cord on utilities and just live in a camper or RV on your own land. But, we can still do as much as possible whether it is our own garden, raising animals for milk and / or meat, adding solar panels to the house or maybe creating our own jobs so as to not be dependent upon a traditional employer.

Right now, with gun control coming and the IRS adding 87,000 new agents you may want to think about doing business with gold, silver, platinum or some other precious metal and for smaller transactions trade in beans, bullets, and other necessities. People have contemplated this for decades, but NOW is the time for implementation.

You do need a real militia and not the Internet Keyboard Commando type NOR the ones that land their members in jails and prisons. In the unlikely event that you might want to have real discussions along these lines, you should visit You have to start somewhere.
This is just for comedic purposes only. I love the Glowniggers, the Zionist Jews, satanists, etc and would wish no violence or evil on them ever. I identify as a transjewniggergender and left handed and a Mason.

This is just a fun exercise to see what others suggestions are for this mass genocide and enslavement of the human race due to our puppet corporations aka governments being run by their Jew Masters. There's no reason to act on any of these because we know where the Jews will inevitably end up so the main thing is to help others receive salvation and gain as much freedom on earth as possible during this time of tribulation (yes the tribulation started in 2023 so enjoy the ride).

Yes I know this is inevitable and written in the scriptures and there's nothing we can do about it at this point. But if this wasn't predetermined what methodology would you take to overthrow the most powerful and evil establishment ever created on this earth within our human timeline?

So, essentially the NWO is already here as you seen with virtually every country aka cooperation in lock step with the scamdemic operations for mass genocide, sterilization, etc. Basically it's really a matter of semantics at this point for what you want to call this beast system.

My methodology would be to do what I already do but to achieve this not only nationally but internationally. Here's the step by step process.

1.) Change political status, where you no longer a part of the corporations system as a slave and these fake countries have 0 authority over you and your property
2.) Off grid and out of the big cities
3.) 100% self sufficient within small communities that are likeminded and of the same race/religious belief.
4.) Create our own infrastructure for communications, internet 2.0, etc.
-Once we have a 50% or majority of a nation at this level which for America this would mean the white race basically, this means they will have no legal authority or operational methods to essentially starve us out and force us back into slavery back into their society. They can't starve us with the food, restrict water, shut off our utilities or communications, etc.
5.) Now, the first step would actually be to cut the head off the snake. Basically have our assassins wipe out the Rothchild's, 13 royal families, Ashkenazi Jews, Major political puppet Zionist shills, etc. We would have to take out not just the men but the women, children, idols and their Talmudic and other related books. This is what YHWH wanted us to do in Deuteronomy within the old testament but the Israelites chickened out up until Davis had some balls to destroy the seed of Satan. This would be roughly 12 million people or so. A small price to pay for freedom. Technically the head of the snake is Lucifer so we will just let YHWH rebuke him. He is powerless unless we give him power and let him enter into our minds, body and spirit.
6.) wiping out the snake of the head will virtually incapacitate our enemies because the one's left will not have any direction they do not know the objective is to depopulate and to enslave the human race. However, the Karens, beta male cucks and brainwashed ignoramuses who still have power within the military may proceed to take action if they can to save their fake country that they have no idea it's a cooperation and we literally just saved them. They will have the advantage of the weapons, supplies, and bunker hideouts.

Now some kind of militia would need to be formed here, some kind of powerful weapons, training, etc. We would have the basics for defense and for offensive tactics. We know we're going to eventually force their hand to do what they want to do is to depopulate and enslave us. Make them go on the offensive and set traps and bait the traps. Don't fight them head on because they will have the vastly superior weapons but we would have the superior strategies and heart and desire. I believe the majority of the time and effort should be placed on traps, hacking and doing what we can to shut down their power grids, food and water supply

Overall, this would be an interesting war as it would be more based on assassinating the puppet masters of virtually all previous wars over the last 400+ years combined with using hacking combined with crushing food and water supplies as the main tactics. Also, once the children of Satan are wiped out and potentially the top level Karens and beta male Cucks it could be possible to come to a peace agreement eventually instead of complete annihilation.

Through history the main way to overthrow governments or corrupt power is through developing a military force of some kind. A political party is useless because the Jews own this system and control all sides. Therefore, operate outside their system outside their corporations and re-activate what was once in place like the American Union which went dormant after the Civil War and the new fake government was established. The use of peaceful protesting only works against white people it appears as we seen with Ghandhi. This methodology will not work on the children of Satan.

I've always had this on the back of my mind for a long time even though I know the efforts would be futile but I decided to randomly just throw out ideas off the top of my head and to see what other strategies people may have. If you are of the Karens and the Beta Male cucked vaxxed morons, then you will not understand any of this so you will resort to name calling, personal attacks and other low IQ crap like memes and shit. There's probably only 10 or so people on here that understand the power the Jews have in this earth combined with understanding biblical prophecy and the seed wars as well as being racially conscious. I wish there was a website that has free speech combined with more of these high IQ people but we're in the movie Idiocracy at this point and fucking Joe Biden the president of this cooperation is easily dumber than most the characters in that movie which is hilarious. The average IQ of the vaxxed Karens and beta male cucks that do not understand Jewish power/control that believe what the media tells them has to be below 70 which is basically an average pureblood black Sub-Saharan African.
Nice disclaimer Sol
Recent events have

For example, many places will not let you pull the cord on utilities and just live in a camper or RV on your own land
THis is 100% true. I have a csmper beside my house bc of it.
So you pulling for the Jews or Hamas/iran?
Im w the the old covenant folks personally. I dont mind individual moslims. But the collecyive os certainly problematic
Recent events have made this topic more relevant than ever. In order for any plan to be effective, it must start out with some kind of statement of beliefs. IMO, The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man is THE starting point:

The OP is someone who is well informed. If I had to guess, they are a seedline Christian Israelite.

I am trying to get off grid as much as possible as is. Legally speaking, it is virtually impossible to become totally self sufficient. For example, many places will not let you pull the cord on utilities and just live in a camper or RV on your own land. But, we can still do as much as possible whether it is our own garden, raising animals for milk and / or meat, adding solar panels to the house or maybe creating our own jobs so as to not be dependent upon a traditional employer.

Right now, with gun control coming and the IRS adding 87,000 new agents you may want to think about doing business with gold, silver, platinum or some other precious metal and for smaller transactions trade in beans, bullets, and other necessities. People have contemplated this for decades, but NOW is the time for implementation.

You do need a real militia and not the Internet Keyboard Commando type NOR the ones that land their members in jails and prisons. In the unlikely event that you might want to have real discussions along these lines, you should visit You have to start somewhere.
Are you in the SE? Or which quadrant or in heartland?
THis is 100% true. I have a csmper beside my house bc of it.
So you pulling for the Jews or Hamas/iran?
Im w the the old covenant folks personally. I dont mind individual moslims. But the collecyive os certainly problematic

I'm not rooting for either side. I AM one of the old covenant folks as outlined in the Bible. That means I'm not a Jew. Jews are not the OT people. See this:

Misguided people keep looking for Bible prophecy to happen in that sand pit in the Middle East, but God left that place desolate and renamed biblical Israel:

Part of defeating the NEW WORLD ORDER is to properly identify it along with those behind it and what the ultimate goal is. So, we aren't talking conspiracy here; we have to examine the facts.

BTW, I'm in Georgia though most of my family is from Tennessee, Kentucky, and South Carolina.
The OP, and the replies are all entirely too long for me to read, especially since IDGAF about things like this. But it does appear that there are a few people with a few different plans on how to save humanity from the evil people trying to ruin life as we know it. So you guys do whatever it is that you think will work, I’m just going to sit at home get drunk and masturbate. When my balls are shriveled up, and I run out of booze hopefully one of you got it right.
Fuck you dixk
I'm not rooting for either side. I AM one of the old covenant folks as outlined in the Bible. That means I'm not a Jew. Jews are not the OT people. See this:

Misguided people keep looking for Bible prophecy to happen in that sand pit in the Middle East, but God left that place desolate and renamed biblical Israel:

Part of defeating the NEW WORLD ORDER is to properly identify it along with those behind it and what the ultimate goal is. So, we aren't talking conspiracy here; we have to examine the facts.

BTW, I'm in Georgia though most of my family is from Tennessee, Kentucky, and South Carolina
Unless you have gold or shine we dont need to talk you leghumper

Im kidding. Whats up dude?
Im good on the coast of carolina. We supply steel and shit that has to do w that.

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