Where do you live?FUCK THAT!!!
Rumor at my kids school is they may be required to vaccinate to qualify for in person learning. If the school moves forward with that we are OUT.
Where do you live?FUCK THAT!!!
Rumor at my kids school is they may be required to vaccinate to qualify for in person learning. If the school moves forward with that we are OUT.
You see this all the time on school playgrounds.Teacher friend posted this. The gap is widening by the day. How are otherwise intelligent people losing all common sense and reality.
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I actually know a few people who voted joe, hate Trump with a passion, but would cheer if the cops would open fire on blm/antifa. Must be a hybrid group out there.Aren’t the one in the same?
Forced to resign should be the least of his worries.
And again, my question about my daughter attending Auburn in the fall. Same as your situation. Bullshit if they mandate the injection, since it's not actually a vaccine. Any legal minds with a round about to get by this crap?I’m fúcking pissed. I mentioned here the other day that my oldest son got his first basketball scholarship offer from a D2 school the other day. While this is all going on he is being recruited by several D1 schools as well. He really would like to play in the patriot league if it works out. The school that has been recruiting him the longest and the hardest in the patriot league just sent a message that unless he is vaccinated he is not permitted to visit their campus. We were planning on visiting in early June. That’s when visits are allowed again at the D1 level. This is fucking bullshit.
Those circles completely overlapDon't know which is worse. Being WOKE or having TDS.
I still office at home. Mainly because it’s convenient and I get the same, or more, work done.Just swear in the teachers as cops. Oh wait, the union would have them just sitting on ass at home drawing a paycheck.
I assume Auburn accepts state funding?And again, my question about my daughter attending Auburn in the fall. Same as your situation. Bullshit if they mandate the injection, since it's not actually a vaccine. Any legal minds with a round about to get by this crap?
Teacher here, hoss. Haven't missed a damn day of work! Taught from campus during shutdown, kept office hours to tutor kids struggling with virtual classes, coached a team of 118 kids through an entire football season (1 positive case) and 40 man wrestling team all the way through the state tournament. SInce April 9th we are back to full face to face learning, with no mask mandate for students or teachers in our entire county system. Be careful with the generalizations, not all of us are brainwashed liberal AEA drones!You see this all the time on school playgrounds.
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Teachers calmly ask the angels if they are having a bad day and offer juice boxes. No one ever gets hurt. Remember, teachers are heroes because they go to work; sometimes...
No. Lehigh.Let me guess, the school requiring the vax to visit is Fordham?
I assume soI assume Auburn accepts state funding?
Working in the field, what would be your guess of the % who are? I know that probably varies depending on where you teach...Teacher here, hoss. Haven't missed a damn day of work! Taught from campus during shutdown, kept office hours to tudor kids struggling with virtual classes, coached a team of 118 kids through an entire football season (1 positive case) and 40 man wrestling team all the way through the state tournament. SInce April 9th we are back to full face to face learning, with no mask mandate for students or teachers in our entire county system. Be careful with the generalizations, not all of us are brainwashed liberal AEA drones!
Did I say 100%, hoss?Teacher here, hoss. Haven't missed a damn day of work! Taught from campus during shutdown, kept office hours to tudor kids struggling with virtual classes, coached a team of 118 kids through an entire football season (1 positive case) and 40 man wrestling team all the way through the state tournament. SInce April 9th we are back to full face to face learning, with no mask mandate for students or teachers in our entire county system. Be careful with the generalizations, not all of us are brainwashed liberal AEA drones!
This guy gets it!
Too bad most other commissioners or heads of entertainment do not
UFC is headed to Houston next. Already sold out 50,000 seats
Preacher arrested after quoting 'homophobic statements from Bible'
John Sherwood, 71, was led away in handcuffs, questioned in a police station and held overnight after being accused of making homophobic comments outside Uxbridge Station.www.dailymail.co.uk
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Mind blown. If this was the white hats setting up to get evidence introduced legally, they're not playing 4 D chess anymore and have advanced to dare I say 17D chess.Legally...
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Agree. Plus, at this point, they should take a stance of complete transparency.Frankly, I kind of want to see the policies and procedures.
can someone post the covid card link please
Frankly, I kind of want to see the policies and procedures.
Could be lots of things, and that makes sense. Could be protecting trade secrets which is very normal. That would essentially be operations and processes that they do not want competition to see, which is why they offered to show to judge. Could probably do under protective order, but I dont really blame them for probably assuming anything they submit will get leaked.“it was to not disclose their security protocol to the public. they said they would show the judge, but did not want their security information to be public knowledge.”
My question would be, is that because releasing the security information could lead to future fraud because it gives criminals a roadmap of what to avoid, or because they don’t want competitors to have it and move into their space (they make less money).
Agreed. I’ll eat crow here. Thought for sure this was getting axed. Long ways to go though.Considering the judges history, about as good as we could have hoped I guess.
Sure does feel like Good guys are in control
Could be not to publish who and what type of security measures they are using including to protect against an Antifa storming. Making this information public will help any anarchists or others learn the soft spots and which to exploit. It's sad that our country has sunk to these levels of disfunction and incivility.“it was to not disclose their security protocol to the public. they said they would show the judge, but did not want their security information to be public knowledge.”
My question would be, is that because releasing the security information could lead to future fraud because it gives criminals a roadmap of what to avoid, or because they don’t want competitors to have it and move into their space (they make less money).
This is a pretty standard thing, and 9 times out of 10, if this was discovery, the lawyers would reach an agreement to protect the info and a judge does not get involved. Obviously this has a tremendous spotlight on it. Seems like the judge is trying to stay as middle of the road as possible, which is probably a really good thing, albeit with a small data sample.Could be not to publish who and what type of security measures they are using including to protect against an Antifa storming. Making this information public will help any anarchists or others learn the soft spots and which to exploit. It's sad that our country has sunk to these levels of disfunction and incivility.
Some teachers- my wife teaches special needs kids and has been back at school in Georgia since August. She got the rona from another teacher right before Christmas break, and was back to school right after the break ended. Remote learning does not work for special needs at all, so she made sure she was there for her kids. Never complained once, never got online and said any bullshit about being scared for her life. She went to work everyday. Please don’t lump all teachers into what the losers in CA and NY and other teacher union controlled states are doing.Teachers are almost as arrogant as government workers. Over inflated egos, and more stress that combat soldiers
As if Guthrie isn’t enough, I clicked on this only to hear what Nolan Ryan (FauXi) had to say, as I’m currently going at it with our kids’ school re masks on the playground. Fvcking ridiculous.
This asshole STARTS OFF with “all kids will be vaccinated” later this year...yeah that ain’t happening. And fvck fauxi.
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