Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
The first victim of Trump’s victory is the German government. They sacked the finance minister. A big challenge for Germany is to form a right of center government without being called a Nazi. Clearly the people need to be educated on the essential differences between the two.



For those that don’t know Yemassee SC is off interstate 95 in the middle of absolute nowhere. Plenty of woods for those monkeys to get lost in. It’s also home to one of the most prestigious private golf courses in the world. Cherokee Plantation at last count had roughly 25 members and that’s all they want! It’s an amazing place complete with upscale lodging, hunting, and one of the best courses on earth. I’ve had the privilege of playing it once. I laugh at the thought of a pack of virus infected monkeys showing up on that property 😂.

Is this here dad


Wait in line you scumbag bitch. US oil should first go to fill its citizen's tanks, then our friends and finally ilk like you. But it comes with an additional price to be named later.

If they ever report on anything it would be the first time.

I'm ready for the Deportation Deputy/Officer job openings to post. It's part of the reason why I've gotten myself into better shape the past couple years.

Have my resume ready.
You get it and us Sigma Nus on the board will initiate you.
Not even close to complete. Wray, Strozk, Page, Comey, Obama, Clintons, Brennan, Clapper, Vindman, Pelosi, Schiff, Swallowswell, McConnell, Graham, all mainstream media mouth pieces, the other 55 intel goons, every hollywood pedo, Podesta ( both of them), and on and on and on. We must root the rot out. All of it. Any dentist will tell you that. If not, the shit grows back. Public trials, public lynchings, public humiliation. Anything less is a failure! SKOL!
Got to have Soros and Son at the top of the list. Hungarians would love to have Daddy deported to them.

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