Would be nice but there may be a separation of powers component which prohibits it. I suppose an argument could be made that it's funded by taxpayer money and thus the administration controls how to spend it.
Arrest the incoming new Senator from CA and toss his ass in the DC dungeon.
Lot of births to be induced before 1/20/25. No new prego's after then as the border will be sealed.
I suspect the new DOJ will start massive election audits immediately on 1/20/25.
The Navy thief shows exactly how the MIC controls the Pentagon. They subvert the officers, enlisted and others with money to get them to approve these thefts. No more $500 toilet seats or hammers.
Declassify everything showing that beady eyed little fuck’s crimes. Prosecute his wanker shit pedo ass. Then the senate can expel that bitch.
I HATE that fucker.