Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Doesn’t me. Every branch office would have one, report to one, who reports to , you get the point.

VHA for example has 419.

They are a big problem with improving VA. Roadblocks every where
419 Senior Executive Service employees? That’s extremely insane. I guess it works different than in the Air Force then.

Branches are usually headed up by GS-14/15 (O-5/O-6) level, Divisions by GS-15 (O-6) level, Wing/Directorate by GS-15/SES (O-6/O-7 level) and Center by SES (O-7/O-8 level). We have one SES per Center and on rare occasion maybe one at the Directorate level, or one SES/GO “commander” per 5000 employees.

It’s absolutely insane that the VA has 400 fucking SESs. That’s makes no sense. What the fuck do they do? What are they in charge of? That’s like saying the VA has 400 General Officers…


^^ and great start. Let's help them
419 Senior Executive Service employees? That’s extremely insane. I guess it works different than in the Air Force then.

Branches are usually headed up by GS-14/15 (O-5/O-6) level, Divisions by GS-15 (O-6) level, Wing/Directorate by GS-15/SES (O-6/O-7 level) and Center by SES (O-7/O-8 level). We have one SES per Center and on rare occasion maybe one at the Directorate level, or one SES/GO “commander” per 5000 employees.

It’s absolutely insane that the VA has 400 fucking SESs. That’s makes no sense. What the fuck do they do? What are they in charge of? That’s like saying the VA has 400 General Officers…


Every VA Medical Center has at least one, some have two.

Every facility reports to a VISN (region) which has two.

Then you have the program offices. The HAC in Denver, Member services Topeka, HEC in Atlanta and more
There around 160 facilities. That’s just VHA.

There is also VBA and The National Cemeteries they run.

It’s very top heavy

It’s very frustrating. They can hire no problem for themselves then dictate the hiring below and many times refuse to fill frontline positions or take 2+ years to fill the vacancy. VHA needs more Jimmy’s and Joes but the good ole boy SES club blocks a lot. They also block a lot of innovation and don’t want to change things. There are some really good ones don’t get me wrong that are forward thinking but that’s not the majority.

They also protect each other and the no retaliation for whistleblowers is a farce. Watch for a major news event that will come out of the Loma Linda VA in CA. I can’t speak about it while they’re being investigated but it’s BAD. OIG is starting to wrap up. People will go to jail.
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