Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


^^he rivals Kamala in ignorance^^

^^and the cheering of the left in 3,2,1^^

^^they all have such blank expressions, even when I guess smiling?^^

Why should we not do the following with regards to defense:

  1. Tell short stack in Ukraine to F off. You know who I mean.
  2. Start rapprochement with Russia. We can only afford one war.
  3. Cool down the Middle East.
  4. Confront China aggressively. This is where we spend our blood and treasure, not on twentieth century conflicts.
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If Don wins, I am taking the day off November 6th and 7th and I am going to watch MSNBC for 48 hours straight.

The recriminations and gnashing of teeth is going to be amazing.
They won't call it in the first week. Will be a while, no matter what, as 18 wheelers bring ballots to secret windowless buildings where they will be counted. Trust us will be the mantra


Just saw an ad on Monday Night Football from kamala. The ad said project 2025 and a national ban on abortion would be what you would get with Trump. The lies are amazing.
yeah they are. I don't know how these groups are allowed to get away with lying constantly. It's really annoying and sadly, a lot of people will believe the lies

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