Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Now do ‘Enter Sandman’.
I tried to get my voice to do anything screamo or metal for months, I cant. Just pitchy whines like fatman scoop ... And welp, what do you know, couldn't remember his name, looked him up, he died yesterday.


Prophetic ... As ... Fuck ... I was thinking about learning his songs all day long ... Around about when he died.


56 Muslim countries' foreign ministers met in Saudi Arabia and voted upon taking Palestinian refugees to resolve the issue. The results are: 45 countries politely voted, "No"11 countries voted non politely, "No Fucking Way"

This is why America is in the condition it's in. Our children are being taught to be stupid and comply with what their told. Independent thinking is all but gone, people are paying a fortune for this crap.



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