This is for all the people trying to push the CBDC fear porn just to get clicks & views.
• Digital (ISO-20022)
• Physical (Basel 3)
• Electronic (Visa/Master Card)
• Paper (US Treasury Notes)
Will all coexist under one system parallel to one another. No one will be forced to only use CBDC against their will like the Federal Reserve or IMF would have done if Hillary Clinton was in office. Remember when Klaus Schwab called for Western nations to ban all cash? Guess who he works for? The Khazarians. Why do you think you seen pictures of Klaus & Bibi shaking hands? Who is the head of the Khazarian Mafia? B. Netanyahu.
Donald Trump has told us multiple times that he does not support Crypto as the only source of currency to replace the American dollar. Why do you think they outlawed Gold & Silver in 1971? So you can only use the paper money they were manipulating by endlessly printing it because they (Fed-Reserve) was not beholden to any Gold/Silver reserves that could have put a limit on how much they can print.
Guess what? They want to do the same thing with CBDC by outlawing physical cash. This was supposed to happen while we were still under Quarantine/Lockdowns because they were going to use the contagion to ban the use of physical money to prevent "The Spread" to usher in the CBDC exclusively because it would have been safer sinse no one would have to touch anything.
You understand now?
Remember Quarantine/Lockdowns were supposed to last until 2030 under the "Vaccine Mandates". Now that this has been lifted they no longer have any warranted excuse to use the virus to remove all physical money to force us to use only digital because they want to save lives by having all transactions take place through a centralized digital system. People would have supported this due to how deadly the virus was. Mind you only seniors and babies were vulnerable.
People this is not hard to understand. It's a tired worn, torn, and used playbook. Remember what comes online on the 19th. This is how you will know for certain that the manipulation of our currency will be over.