ISO-20022What's the 19th?
More feral democrats in action.
He should stay in his lane by working on the budget, aid for Ukraine, ect.Who didn't know that?
Mike Johnson: ‘Depraved’ America Deserves God’s Wrath
Citing the increase in queer youth, Johnson called American culture "dark and depraved" on a call with a Christian nationalist
Israel claiming definsive strikes on Syria.... I think we have different definitions for defensive.
i need some help with a medical excempt form, catholic school mandating vaccinations requirements for middle schoolers here in pensacola fl
religious exemptions no longer suffice
can anyone provide a link
It’s a private school so I’m not 100% sure
We’re still researching options
I’m contacting America’s front line doctors in the am
I told her to transfer her children, don’t finance the enemy
If someone is telling you to do something against ur will then they are the enemy