Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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As someone who's followed legal proceedings for years as a journalist, here's my initial take on Sidney Powell agreeing to plead guilty to 6 misdemeanor charges in exchange for prosecutors dropping the felony counts she was facing:

Innocent people accept plea bargains in our justice system all the time. You need look no further than Gen Flynn accepting a plea deal to protect his son from being prosecuted by the Mueller Special Counsel.

Innocent people plead guilty if they come to the conclusion going to trial will lead to a bad outcome.

If Sidney believes the fix is in if she took this case to trial, [and it certainly looks that way at this point], she would get hit with 15+ years in prison after being convicted.

The smart tactic would be to accept a plea deal exchanging 15+ years in prison with 6 years of probation and fines.

Let me be clear here: I don't think any of Sidney's conduct in litigating the 2020 election theft was in fact illegal or a crime. None of this is going to stand up to honest jurisprudence in the future.

By accepting a plea deal, Sidney is 'locking in' the state's position that her completely legal litigation & activity in challenging the 2020 election theft in Georgia was a 'crime'.

This is no longer a politicized stunt by a weaponized local DA. Someone pleaded guilty. There will be repercussions from this.
Bannon said on War Room that its being reported he's giving 6B to Ukraine and 10B to Israel. He said he wasn't able to confirm but those numbers are being floated around. Someone came out saying that is not true, but in my opinion, Jordan will give to both Ukraine and Israel. And he'll do another CR.

They really got to Jordan with the Ohio State wrestling accusations. He probably has skeletons in his closest and will roll over to keep it covered up.
I was way off on Ukraine money, only by 54B.
Jim Jordan folded after 2 votes.

  • According to World Bank data, for all countries receiving more than $2 billion international aid in 2012, Gaza and the West Bank received a per capita aid budget over double the next largest recipient, at a rate of $495.
  • In 2021 and 2022, the US was the largest single donor to UNRWA, contributing over $338 million in 2021 and $344 million in 2022. UNRWA received over $1.18 billion in donations in 2021 and over $1.17 billion in 2022 from various nations and organizations. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
  • Non Arab donors provide more than 77% of all aid that goes to Palestine
  • Over the last 28 years Palestine has received over 40 billion in international aid
  • On a per capita basis, Palestinians have received more aid than any group in human history

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