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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Finer Things Club President
Dec 9, 2020
Well that one is that I go out with currently and not into the sharing thing.

But if you want to make the trip down here, she has lots of friends.

Here is one of her friends that we set my best friend up with for this week while he’s visiting me

View attachment 199948

I know how to take care of my friends that visit.

We went riding four wheelers in the mountains with them yesterday

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View attachment 199950

You need variety so here is my blonde I date here - went out with her Wednesday night. We’re going out again Monday night and will head to the lake next weekend.

View attachment 199952

I keep telling you beautiful girls literally almost grow on trees down here.

If you’re single, and not looking to book a reservation, you’re gay 🌈

I’m an excellent host, tour-guide, matchmaker and translator 😎

Have An Amazing Weekend!!

I love it when you post pics of the hookers you hang out with bro!!


One of the Main Maniacs for Sure
Dec 2, 2020
Not even close. She was rubbing a dudes cock in public. We can be Democrats and not have standards or we can be honest what we'd say if it was AOC or Ilhan did that to her brother.
While I agree with this to a certain extent, I also bet we could get some really entertaining video if we covertly followed AOC or IO around with a night vision equipped camera 24/7.


Jan 9, 2021
46 GOPers blast Schumer for relaxed dress code. Too bad they can't get near unity for more important stuff like spending.
Completely meaningless bs by a completely worthless representation of conservatives in the senate. Pretty much what republicans have had to deal with for as long as I have been alive. They literally show zero effort in everything and capitulate to democrats every time they can but they’ll fight a dress code? This is really not a surprise


Dec 1, 2020
"Agent of Egypt".

This guy has always been corrupt AF even the Dems agree but there is something off about this action by Biden's DOJ.

He most likely is guilty but he just went against Biden's hostage exchange with Iran which has Obama's fingerprints all over it.

The FBI raid on him happened 18 months ago so they have been sitting on it. Now and only now they decided to take him down after his comments and now the corrupt DOJ can also say see we go after Dems also.

In reality, what he did that they are calling crimes is a mirror image of what Hunter and Joe have been doing for years but on a much grander scale.

Why is the Southern District of NY Prosecutor handling this instead of the one in New Jersey?

Notice how many Democrats have come out calling for him to resign.

It just feels different in a suspicious way.


Jan 9, 2021
I suspect none of us will be voting.

But no, if Trump is on the ticket, I'll vote for some 3rd party or not at all.

What I won't be doing is voting for Trump. He's just as vile as the democrats. Whether he aids them intentionally or through incompetence matters not to me. Few if any dems have ever done anything approaching the destruction of Trump and his covid mess.
Sorry for being 100+pages behind. Family/kids #1 in my life so I apologize for the late reply:
Good thing you only have one vote…. Or do you?1695437663643.gif


Luchador Campeon
Dec 9, 2020
This guy has always been corrupt AF even the Dems agree but there is something off about this action by Biden's DOJ.

He most likely is guilty but he just went against Biden's hostage exchange with Iran which has Obama's fingerprints all over it.

The FBI raid on him happened 18 months ago so they have been sitting on it. Now and only now they decided to take him down after his comments and now the corrupt DOJ can also say see we go after Dems also.

In reality, what he did that they are calling crimes is a mirror image of what Hunter and Joe have been doing for years but on a much grander scale.

Why is the Southern District of NY Prosecutor handling this instead of the one in New Jersey?

Notice how many Democrats have come out calling for him to resign.

It just feels different in a suspicious way.

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