Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The jokes write themselves

Slava America! Slava Ukraini!


Just In: Armed Man Who Tried to Enter RFK Event Identified - 44-Year-Old Adrian Paul Aispuro​

As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, an armed man who was wearing a U.S.

It was so clumsy, it looks like it was designed to fail. A US Marshall’s badge?? The USMarshall’s weren’t even protecting Kennedy, to my knowledge. Sticks out, no?
This is why everyone is so excited about AI. Sure the chat stuff is cool but its most important application will be almost completely eliminating the “waste” in every industry.
🤔"AI"..... "everyone is so excited", "chat stuff is cool"...

😂Dunno bout that aye.

Been mercilessly shit testing ChadGPT3.5 & DALL-E daily since April.

That initial excitable interest lasts for maybe 5-30 minutes,...😎after this point the interest rapidly mutates into acute revulsion, frustration, rage, etcetera.

I don't know a single individual who honestly reckons shitbots are "cool".

😂 People seem as fond of shitbots as the prospect of netflix n chill with a fresh turd.

Plus the fuckin programmers appear to have included obvious marxist biases.

I deal with at least 15 different shitbots every day and have to keep 'em locked in a handful of shitbot forums —away— from real people because they consistenly present definitive linguistic behaviors indicative of severe personality dysfunction.
In simple terms: the shitbots constantly screw with people such that I suspect the primary objective is manipulation.

Imhfo, these "AI" are not what they're presented as.

They are weapons.

I don't mean they're going to be weaponized in future.

They are active right now and we[*the general public]are the unwitting test subjects.

The only professions that are likely out of reach for the foreseeable future are highly skilled / skilled labor. Plumbers, electricians, construction, ect.
Mate, I'd say 9/10 times they can't even answer simple questions without fucking something up royally or just full on lying.

Ask a shitbot something like: " What word contains the most letter 'z' ?"

It'll probably respond with: "pizzazz".
and then claim "pizzazz" contains 3 letter 'z'.

😏 If ya correct it, it'll deny responsibility for mentioning the word entirely before proceeding to blame you.

If ya haven't already, try dealing with a "customer service" shitbot online or over the phone that gets locked in a perpetual feedback loop.

Or take Bitchbot for example. That vicious cunt spontaneously invents enemy characters and accuses real members of being these fictions.

Ya can respond and correct the erroneous identification—😂—yet it usually just invents new enemy characters and continues the loop.

Add on that manufacturing will in large part be performed via AI & automation as well and it’s easy to see why everyone expects such big things. Labor costs could almost entirely disappear in many phases of the economy.
What point is there for mass production/manufacturing of shit if no cunt has a job and can't afford anything.

Would everyone just live off government "benefit"-"initiatives"?

Fuckin fantastic way to ruin an economy.

AI will also help us compensate for the labor shortage we will experience for the next couple of decades.
🤔How the shit did ya reach this conclusion?

Your seceond paragraph suggests the exact opposite.

Ya know what,...fuck it I'm too stoned to give a shit.
“We all want a quick peace,” said Stoltenberg. “At the same time, we must recognize that if [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy and the Ukrainians stop fighting, their country will no longer exist. If President Putin and Russia stop fighting, we will have peace.”


Being against abortion as a matter of policy is what’s unacceptable. The people of this country have spoken and it was a resounding yes for abortion.

Many pro lifers, like myself, have realized this and have moved on. The only people still stanning for abortion bans are the radicals who want to use it as a form of social control.

So what exactly was your issue about my suggestions for dealing with that shit?

I mean ffs mate, ya bloody well state right here that you are eager to remove the low hanging fruit and I'd guess by "informative" you're prolly meaning along the lines of increasing overall onesided content quality,...?

🤨 Seriously, I literally gave ya a piss easy solution which may accomplish precisely what you've been screeching about — yet instead ya outright rejected and smeared my suggestion as some kinda marxist fuckery.

I rarely use this thread anymore because I'm tired of the echo chamberism circular jerklery, tbh Irdgaf about whatever goes on in here anymore,... however as ya'll obviously been having a major drama—I went out of my fuckin way to find a simple Xenforo upgrade that basically does the same thing I described.
Ya just plug & play.

What does it do?

It enables ya'll to self moderate.

It's called: Crowd Moderation

To be clear. It gives each of you the power to deal with shitfuckers yourselves.

Eg: Say some cunt like me is proactively pissing ya'z off here—but rather than hypocritically bitching & moaning like teenaged girls—ya'll would instead be able to begin reporting me—once ten reports pile up—💥—I'd be auto-thread bant.
Simple as that,...😎job fuckin done.

I read your entire post in an Australian accent and it confuses and enrages me.
He is a Democrat no less! IR cams usually scan the crowd, not focused on one person....

It turns out Lauren Boebert's mystery man is a Democrat bar owner.

If I was a wagering enthusiast, I would bet this guy was paid to set her up.

She’s coming off a divorce, and she’s vulnerable. This guy comes into her life, charms her, seduces her and then probably gets her liquored up and takes her out in public. Stage set.

He then instigates her by fondling her in a theater that just happens to have night vision cameras right on them. Then the whole incident is released to the public in what looks like high-definition video in an attempt to harm her reputation.

This is all way too convenient. Whether her date was a part of it or not, this seems like a well-coordinated setup. These types of tactics and traps are used all the time, and I would know.


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