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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

For those considering putting their work on the X platform, consider that Tucker Carlson’s show when he was on TV, had single digit million viewers.

Strong by legacy news standards.

Views for his episodes on X now exceed the population of the United States.

Talk to Earth via X!


Jul 27, 2023
Maybe my perception is wrong, but I would prefer this thread to be more informative than bulllshit gif posts and arguments. Especially with someone intent on disrupting.

This The Free Speech Forum, it this thread has its own rules. Let’s start with removing the low hanging fruit. Then we get back to work.

So what exactly was your issue about my suggestions for dealing with that shit?

I mean ffs mate, ya bloody well state right here that you are eager to remove the low hanging fruit and I'd guess by "informative" you're prolly meaning along the lines of increasing overall onesided content quality,...?

🤨 Seriously, I literally gave ya a piss easy solution which may accomplish precisely what you've been screeching about — yet instead ya outright rejected and smeared my suggestion as some kinda marxist fuckery.

I rarely use this thread anymore because I'm tired of the echo chamberism circular jerklery, tbh Irdgaf about whatever goes on in here anymore,... however as ya'll obviously been having a major drama—I went out of my fuckin way to find a simple Xenforo upgrade that basically does the same thing I described.
Ya just plug & play.

What does it do?

It enables ya'll to self moderate.

It's called: Crowd Moderation

To be clear. It gives each of you the power to deal with shitfuckers yourselves.

Eg: Say some cunt like me is proactively pissing ya'z off here—but rather than hypocritically bitching & moaning like teenaged girls—ya'll would instead be able to begin reporting me—once ten reports pile up—💥—I'd be auto-thread bant.
Simple as that,...😎job fuckin done.
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