Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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We pulled our kids out of public school this year. I just ran into some friends of ours and they let me know that their sons class, who is my sons best friend (same grade) had to take a white privilege test at school today.

They lined all the kids up. If you answered questions a certain way you went to the unprivileged line. So at the end you had two lines, privileged and unprivileged. T

The indoctrination is out of control it is nothing more than creating haves vs have nots and creating division at an early age

Sick of these fucks.
We pulled our kids out of public school this year. I just ran into some friends of ours and they let me know that their sons class, who is my sons best friend (same grade) had to take a white privilege test at school today.

They lined all the kids up. If you answered questions a certain way you went to the unprivileged line. So at the end you had two lines, privileged and unprivileged. T

The indoctrination is out of control it is nothing more than creating haves vs have nots and creating division at an early age

Sick of these fucks.
What state?
LOL the Dems see no issue and are fighting like Hell for more of this.

Transgender woman rugby player injures female opponents


As the debate surrounding transgender women participating in women’s sports rages on, a transgender women’s rugby player has been accused of injuring opponents with “dangerous” tackles that resulted in expulsion from the match.

Last month, Diana Murphy – who claims to be the former official photographer for former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien – posted a thread on Twitter where she revealed that a “transwoman” rugby player had to be removed from the game after injuring three of her opponents.

“Last weekend 3, yes three women’s rugby players had to be removed from a game and treated for injuries from hits sustained by a transwoman.

The referee, after repeated dangerous tackles, had to remove the trans player from the game,” Murphy said in a tweet.

This is why we need more old skool rednecks. When I was in HS or college... if some dude did this stuff to our girls we would have replaced our whole girls team the next game and just beat the hell out of all of them.. parents and fans too.
Take that test when you have the flu - just curious what the result might be.

Also suggest you consider Dr. Z

Dr Zelenko rose to international prominence as the first doctor who discovered the effective treatment for CV-19 and become the Dr. who treated President Trump.

He has been vilified for his attempt to save millions of people and is now being proven right in his treatment that led to 4000 patients back to health.

Dr. Zelenko's ZStack Supplement...

View attachment 195666
Isn't there an online Dr. Prescribing this type of treatment over the phone?
What state?

New Mexico. Which ironically is a state where my son is a minority. It’s hilarious, their whole ideology falls apart here.

Whites have privilege because

1. They are the majority and;
2. They are in charge of and run the power structure.

Well, whites are a minority here and Hispanics are in charge of and run the power structure.

It destroys their whole entire argument. Only Hispanics can be racists here not whites according the their own rules and justification. Whites ain’t running shit.

Bunch of lame brained retards pushing this shit.
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His constant fight against ESG, Disney and their homo agenda, appointing his surgeon general to the task of determining the lethality of the vax, his firing of Soros prosecutors, his re-routing illegal aliens out of his state, his state having their biggest budget surplus ever, 6 week abortion ban, ban on trans surgeries for kids...what part of that says Bush to you? Saying he wants to shut down the border and limit the power of the Fed and Trump's buddy, Jerome Powell? Desantis has generally stood against everything the Bush family pushed on us for 25 years. His mortal sin is running against Trump.

Trumpers have an opinion of Desantis, based solely on what Don Maga and his paid army of Twitterbots told them about him, true or not. This thread reflects that to a T. Through most of the thread's history, there has been praise for Desantis (including from Don Maga himself), right up until just before the mid-terms, when it occurred to Trump that Desantis was the only person who could take the R nomination away from him. Trump then did a 180 on Desantis, and like sheep, his followers did the same.

Essentially the same thing with Swami and RFK. Vivek has reversed course on everything, yet you and the other Trumpers seem to trust him. Because he says the right things? Nope. If that were why you'd at least be troubled by him reversing course on almost everything in the last few years, or in some cases, doing a 180 from a few months or weeks ago. You admire him because Don Maga told you to. Just like there's been an awful lot of affection expressed ITT for RFKJr, once again, because Trump told you to. Some herein have suggested that "Why, he'd make a great VP!!" While forgetting or ignoring that RFKJr has at various times called for banning guns and putting "climate deniers" (which seems to include most of us ITT) in prison.

Critical thinking and reasoning have been tossed aside for blind allegiance to a man.
The problem on the Disney and ESG stuff is that he started that fight and then went to run for president and isn't finishing the fight. When he leaves office, if a rino or dem wins, they would be able to undo everything he did in 1 month. He needs to do the job he was elected to do before he goes for another job.
New Mexico. Which ironically is a state where my son is a minority. It’s hilarious, their whole ideology falls apart here.

Whites have privilege because

1. They are the majority and;
2. They are in charge of and run the power structure.

Well, whites are a minority here and Hispanics are in charge of and run the power structure.

It destroys their whole entire argument. Only Hispanics can be racists here not whites according the their own rules and justification. Whites ain’t running shit.

Bunch of lame brained retards pushing this shit.
Sorry to hear all of that. I don't know your situation, so I won't make any suggestions or assumptions, but I will say that a family from New Mexico bought my parents' house here in TN a few years ago. They bought based on the listing and a video taken by the real estate agent. The first time they saw the house was after the closing.

Northeast Tennessee is a nice place to live.
I was watching Jimmy Dore the other day and they had a story of a mother that was kept out for weeks and was missing her son. She finally got to go to her home and found the burnt remains of her son clutching the family dog in closet. This isn't on the news because it's going to be that bad.

Locals know 1,000’s are missing. There is a lack of files missing persons to back that up. Why? Whole families perished so there’s no survivor to report. But we got a got damned jackass here that thinks it’s fuckin funny.
Sorry to hear all of that. I don't know your situation, so I won't make any suggestions or assumptions, but I will say that a family from New Mexico bought my parents' house here in TN a few years ago. They bought based on the listing and a video taken by the real estate agent. The first time they saw the house was after the closing.

Northeast Tennessee is a nice place to live.

We love our location. We like the community. It’s a very conservative part of the state. The faggots in ABQ and Santa Fe vote for retards. Our fuckin governor is related to one of the biggest cartel families in the state. The corruption here is crazy. Good state for homeschool right now though. Close to both sides of the family.
My freedom of expression has not been restricted, but it makes no sense to be in a forum where 99% of all participants believe in conspiracies or similar nonsense. I thought this was a serious forum where you could exchange all kinds of ideas. In the end, it turns out that one's expectations were too high and therefore one might be disappointed. To make it short, I do not fit here. Which is no problem. I wish you a lot of fun with the mutual confirmation of your anyway already consolidated opinions. It's certainly a nice way to pass the time.
My freedom of expression has not been restricted, but it makes no sense to be in a forum where 99% of all participants believe in conspiracies or similar nonsense. I thought this was a serious forum where you could exchange all kinds of ideas. In the end, it turns out that one's expectations were too high and therefore one might be disappointed. To make it short, I do not fit here. Which is no problem. I wish you a lot of fun with the mutual confirmation of your anyway already consolidated opinions. It's certainly a nice way to pass the time.

Peddling ideas built on propaganda fed by the establishmen and mocking bird media isn’t considered seriously here.

We are talking past each other.
New Mexico. Which ironically is a state where my son is a minority. It’s hilarious, their whole ideology falls apart here.

Whites have privilege because

1. They are the majority and;
2. They are in charge of and run the power structure.

Well, whites are a minority here and Hispanics are in charge of and run the power structure.

It destroys their whole entire argument. Only Hispanics can be racists here not whites according the their own rules and justification. Whites ain’t running shit.

Bunch of lame brained retards pushing this shit.

Well shit dude the name of your state is New Mexico. Why do you think Mexicans wouldn’t be running it?

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