Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
My 12 year old son and I have covid right now. Worked out monday. Very Good leg workout. Felt a drag on Tuesday. Son didnt go to school. Skipped baseball practice. Felt yucky Wednesday took covid test bc I had a left over one. Was positive. Felt like crap Wednesday and Thursday
Sat on couch since 2 pm Thursday, felt better Thursday night Woke up today (Friday) feeling better. Really bad sore throat though. Tuesday night through Thrursday Evening Was the worst of it. Completely plugged up nose and Scratchy throat to worst sore throat of all time. Maybe a fever here and there, but done in 3 days as far as feeling yucky. Today feel pretty normal
Have some Water Poop, but other then a super sore throat and stuffed up nose its over... I think.

Short Flu. Def didnt feel good tho. I did not isolate and went to the store all days but Thursday
My wife and son both had a sore throat and felt a bit crappy the past few days. Didn't test. Went to school. Carrying on. Hope you guys heal up quickly.


After the devastating fires in Maui, Lahaina resident Mike Cicchino tells his horrifying story of having to flee the fires with his wife and child, taking refuge in the ocean for hours. He details his family’s experience, the loss of their home, and separates fact from fiction. Also, hear from two experienced disaster relief responders on the ground in the fire’s aftermath with their take on where the government's disaster warning systems and relief have failed.

Cliffs? What's the takeaway?

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Reason given: The statement that no military was present was considered a false statement.

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Hawaii fire

English spoken

People losing their homes, loved ones, lives, everything to a fire and getting no military help and a measly $700 check is funny. Every time it’s that same stupid brainwashed mother fucker. Karmas going to be a real bitch. Wish I could see it when it happens
People losing their homes, loved ones, lives, everything to a fire and getting no military help and a measly $700 check is funny. Every time it’s that same stupid brainwashed mother fucker. Karmas going to be a real bitch. Wish I could see it when it happens
We are laughing because of the blatantly false tin foil hat information in the posts. The fire themselves are awful and the people using them to spread conspiracy theories are even worse.
Yep, he's looking for an echo chamber that reflects his beliefs, which is fine. He's entitled to do that. Heck, go start your own thread on this platform doing just that.

I do have a suggestion though, if you are earnest about a free exchange of ideas. When you see something you disagree with, instead of espousing the media narrative and approved propaganda (whether it's true or not, or whether you believe it or not), ask WHY someone believes what they espouse here. You're coming into a senior level class without even going through the 100 level courses, and challenging the curriculum.

"Senior level"... This thread has been deteriorating into an echo chamber for 2 or 3 years. There are enough serious questions directed at Don Trump to fill an encyclopedia, and not a soul herein can give a reasonable answer "why". The few who've tried can just babble 'the economy was great' or 'he didn't know'. Accompanied by a steady stream of Maga memes that ceased to be funny 3 years ago when Trump lost.

Once again today Don Maga affirmed his love and support for Ronna Romney. The same RNC Head that Kari Lake claimed refused to help her with her legal fight in AZ. Not a peep from the cult of Trump. If Desantis had said something similar, the pages would be filled with virulent tweets about establishment Ron or some such. They deride others for imagined and fabricated connections, and yet cannot bring themselves to even consider now most obvious conspiracy of all. You know, that the father of the vaccine, the guy who recently praised Lindsay "killing Russians is best $ ever spent" Graham with something like, "Trust me, I promise you, he's doing great things" might not be what his campaign speeches claim he is.

No accountability for his kill shot, nor a hundred other failures. Many ITT screech for accountability for the crimes inflicted by gov't on the country. Just no one hold Don Maga accountable.
You married a mud shark? And Id hunt that cop down and kill him if that happened to my son. This is a cse of needing to be better at his job. Hope the kid made it.

That's nonsense. Some cops have been shown to be trigger happy, and few ITT have pointed that out more than me, but someone pulls a gun out of their waistband, the cop did what he had to do. Society cannot expect a policeman to wait around and see what kind of gun it is. I hope the kid is ok, too, but he did an incredibly stupid thing, and paid the price for it. That's not an 8 year old, the kid was 15.
I just finished reading this last week. The information contained in this book blew my mind. There are at least 2 things in this book that are “oh shit” moments in the book, and in history. I too would highly recommend this book.

The chapter on the assassination of General Heydrich and subsequent Nazi response was pretty intense.

The whole history and training of the Jedburghs was interesting and then how it was emulated in Vietnam. Some of those Vietnam scenes caused me to set the book down and reflect for awhile. U-g-l-y.

The Billy Waugh stories read like those of a superhero. Unbelievable how they spanned from the AsiaPac WWII theater all the way to Afghanistan. He is one of the topics from the book I plan on digging into some more. Reading some of his stories made me feel like a huge pussy. Dude was running special ops missions into his 70's. He was one tough Texan.

I was unaware of the level of pedophilia within the Afghan ranks. Interestingly enough, we pretty much had a media black out on that subject in the western press. I wonder why?
Go ahead and read this thread from the beginning. You will find that much of these soo called conspiracies', are in fact not so. In the end you simply couldn't take the heat, so you are bailing.

Go ahead and read this thread from the beginning. You will find that much of these soo called conspiracies', are in fact not so. In the end you simply couldn't take the heat, so you are bailing.
If that's how you feel. To me it looks more like a huge waste of time with you Trumpists. I don't have that time to waste. Go ahead with your internet and living room revolution, I'm looking for that in real life, at least try so and hope to find some people who think alike. This is definitely not the place for it. You guys are letting some multimillionaires take you up on their cause while they make a nice life for themselves. How stupid and simple-minded do you have to be to believe all this Q-drops nonsense?
Senior level"... This thread has been deteriorating into an echo chamber for 2 or 3 years. There are enough serious questions directed at Don Trump to fill an encyclopedia, and not a soul herein can give a reasonable answer "why".

I agree.

Nothing has shown me that Ron will be any different than Bush. At least a vengeful more experienced Trump may do something

With Vivek you at least have the off chance that he's the antichrist and we can move this simulation into the interesting part.

To me the most annoying thing about that video is Joe acting like he could have ever kicked anyone’s ass.

Tells people he is a public servant. No. He perpetually has screwed the public his entire career.

Pretends he is smart. No. Nothing could he further from the truth.

Calls his opponents racists. No. He has a track record of racist statements.

Now why in the hell should I believe he could kick ass?

If he ever existed, I wish I could meet Corn Pop…
This is just an illusory inversion caused by Trump's Russian Bot Armies. More people actually watched the debate than the Tucker/Trump/X interview. You're a single celled cerebral fool if you think otherwise. Pedro Gonzales, Maggie Haberman, WaPo and FiveThirtyEight have already spoken on this topic. It's time for you Trump cultists to move on from this.
"Senior level"... This thread has been deteriorating into an echo chamber for 2 or 3 years. There are enough serious questions directed at Don Trump to fill an encyclopedia, and not a soul herein can give a reasonable answer "why". The few who've tried can just babble 'the economy was great' or 'he didn't know'. Accompanied by a steady stream of Maga memes that ceased to be funny 3 years ago when Trump lost.

Once again today Don Maga affirmed his love and support for Ronna Romney. The same RNC Head that Kari Lake claimed refused to help her with her legal fight in AZ. Not a peep from the cult of Trump. If Desantis had said something similar, the pages would be filled with virulent tweets about establishment Ron or some such. They deride others for imagined and fabricated connections, and yet cannot bring themselves to even consider now most obvious conspiracy of all. You know, that the father of the vaccine, the guy who recently praised Lindsay "killing Russians is best $ ever spent" Graham with something like, "Trust me, I promise you, he's doing great things" might not be what his campaign speeches claim he is.

No accountability for his kill shot, nor a hundred other failures. Many ITT screech for accountability for the crimes inflicted by gov't on the country. Just no one hold Don Maga accountable.
I agree.

Nothing has shown me that Ron will be any different than Bush.

With Vivek you at least have the off chance that he's the antichrist and we can move this simulation into the interesting part.

His constant fight against ESG, Disney and their homo agenda, appointing his surgeon general to the task of determining the lethality of the vax, his firing of Soros prosecutors, his re-routing illegal aliens out of his state, his state having their biggest budget surplus ever, 6 week abortion ban, ban on trans surgeries for kids...what part of that says Bush to you? Saying he wants to shut down the border and limit the power of the Fed and Trump's buddy, Jerome Powell? Desantis has generally stood against everything the Bush family pushed on us for 25 years. His mortal sin is running against Trump.

Trumpers have an opinion of Desantis, based solely on what Don Maga and his paid army of Twitterbots told them about him, true or not. This thread reflects that to a T. Through most of the thread's history, there has been praise for Desantis (including from Don Maga himself), right up until just before the mid-terms, when it occurred to Trump that Desantis was the only person who could take the R nomination away from him. Trump then did a 180 on Desantis, and like sheep, his followers did the same.

Essentially the same thing with Swami and RFK. Vivek has reversed course on everything, yet you and the other Trumpers seem to trust him. Because he says the right things? Nope. If that were why you'd at least be troubled by him reversing course on almost everything in the last few years, or in some cases, doing a 180 from a few months or weeks ago. You admire him because Don Maga told you to. Just like there's been an awful lot of affection expressed ITT for RFKJr, once again, because Trump told you to. Some herein have suggested that "Why, he'd make a great VP!!" While forgetting or ignoring that RFKJr has at various times called for banning guns and putting "climate deniers" (which seems to include most of us ITT) in prison.

Critical thinking and reasoning have been tossed aside for blind allegiance to a man.
If that's how you feel. To me it looks more like a huge waste of time with you Trumpists. I don't have that time to waste. Go ahead with your internet and living room revolution, I'm looking for that in real life, at least try so and hope to find some people who think alike. This is definitely not the place for it. You guys are letting some multimillionaires take you up on their cause while they make a nice life for themselves. How stupid and simple-minded do you have to be to believe all this Q-drops nonsense?
Well then, that about says it all.
His constant fight against ESG, Disney and their homo agenda, appointing his surgeon general to the task of determining the lethality of the vax, his firing of Soros prosecutors, his re-routing illegal aliens out of his state, his state having their biggest budget surplus ever, 6 week abortion ban, ban on trans surgeries for kids...what part of that says Bush to you? Saying he wants to shut down the border and limit the power of the Fed and Trump's buddy, Jerome Powell? Desantis has generally stood against everything the Bush family pushed on us for 25 years. His mortal sin is running against Trump.

Trumpers have an opinion of Desantis, based solely on what Don Maga and his paid army of Twitterbots told them about him, true or not. This thread reflects that to a T. Through most of the thread's history, there has been praise for Desantis (including from Don Maga himself), right up until just before the mid-terms, when it occurred to Trump that Desantis was the only person who could take the R nomination away from him. Trump then did a 180 on Desantis, and like sheep, his followers did the same.

Essentially the same thing with Swami and RFK. Vivek has reversed course on everything, yet you and the other Trumpers seem to trust him. Because he says the right things? Nope. If that were why you'd at least be troubled by him reversing course on almost everything in the last few years, or in some cases, doing a 180 from a few months or weeks ago. You admire him because Don Maga told you to. Just like there's been an awful lot of affection expressed ITT for RFKJr, once again, because Trump told you to. Some herein have suggested that "Why, he'd make a great VP!!" While forgetting or ignoring that RFKJr has at various times called for banning guns and putting "climate deniers" (which seems to include most of us ITT) in prison.

Critical thinking and reasoning have been tossed aside for blind allegiance to a man.

I can overlook someone's past.

I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004, Obama in 2008 before I knew what I was doing

We all have the capability of fucking up
I can overlook someone's past.

I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004, Obama in 2008 before I knew what I was doing

We all have the capability of fucking up
For me to overlook someone's past I would need reason to believe there is hope for better outcomes in the future.

There is no such hope with Trump.

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