Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Influx of trolls lately. Some of them are working together. Spotted this one pretty quickly.
Didn't know it's a trump fanboy forum only. The title of the forum implicates that free speech also invites people with all kind of opinions. You can unlock your door, I will be gone as soon as I find the delete account button - no reason to be at this place and interrupt your Trump party.
Which people are those? Where is critical thought exercised anywhere here? Because we have a truckload of people ITT - as an example - singing the praises of RFK Jr pretty regularly. The same RFK Jr who said that "climate deniers" should be imprisoned, along with a lot of other loony tune ideas. But because Don Maga praised him, all that goes out the window in their minds and he's a potential VP candidate. Critical thinking, indeed.
You are cut from the same mold as Kamala. You Will from Church and Kamala. Out of touch and not smart but think you have something figured out. While the rest of us just shake our heads at how simple and stupid it is. "The bus goes here and the Bus goes there. Bc thats what busses do. Thats you.
I still get an uneasy feeling about Vivek, but he says things like this that are what our republic was closer to being about to begin with and he gets me to pay attention to him more. I am still withholding calling him a wolf in sheep's clothing, but at the very least, he is putting stuff out there that we here have been clamoring for years to see happen.
This is me exactly. I want him to be as good and as wholesome as I hope. And comes off. Im not sure though
Didn't know it's a trump fanboy forum only. The title of the forum implicates that free speech also invites people with all kind of opinions. You can unlock your door, I will be gone as soon as I find the delete account button - no reason to be at this place and interrupt your Trump party.
When has your free speech ever been limited in the time you've been here?
When has your free speech ever been limited in the time you've been here?
My freedom of expression has not been restricted, but it makes no sense to be in a forum where 99% of all participants believe in conspiracies or similar nonsense. I thought this was a serious forum where you could exchange all kinds of ideas. In the end, it turns out that one's expectations were too high and therefore one might be disappointed. To make it short, I do not fit here. Which is no problem. I wish you a lot of fun with the mutual confirmation of your anyway already consolidated opinions. It's certainly a nice way to pass the time.
Didn't know it's a trump fanboy forum only. The title of the forum implicates that free speech also invites people with all kind of opinions. You can unlock your door, I will be gone as soon as I find the delete account button - no reason to be at this place and interrupt your Trump party.
When did NWO MIC Deep State propaganda become opinion?

Anyone can listen to the WHO, WEF, MSM et al and validate their 'opinion'.

It's like the Russian Ukraine SMO. The US position is Russia is bad, evil, wicked, mean, and nasty, never mind that the US has not only violated the Minsk agreement, but expanded NATO. The truth is the opposite. (NATO = US = NATO)

You can come here and spout the US position, but we know you are spreading false information, i.e., don't pee on my neck and tell me it's rain.

It's the same as what you espouse as your 'opinion'. We know you're peeing on our neck and we're calling you on it, i.e., you're wasting everyone's time here....

to wit:

"Not One Inch": A Brief Review Of The Archives On NATO Expansion​

Yet U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the conflict “was never about NATO enlargement” or “about some threat to Russia’s security.” Blinken also claims that Russia’s assertion that it was promised NATO would not spread eastward after the collapse of the USSR is false.

So who is telling the truth? Let’s look at the record.

On Bet-David’s June 28 PBD Podcast, Macgregor explained that Putin has “been talking at least for 15 years about his opposition to the movement of NATO to his borders. He’s made it very clear that he regarded it as a threat. One of the reasons he moved into Crimea was that he saw that becoming a NATO naval base principally for the U.S. Navy, obviously in the Black Sea. So, he moved on that first and then said, look, this has got to stop.”

Declassified documents in the National Security Archive at George Washington University show that former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, starting in 1990, was given many assurances by U.S. and European leaders that they would not expand NATO eastward to Russia. “Not one inch eastward,” said then-Secretary of State James Baker.

Ukraine, the cradle of Kievan Rus (Russia), is on Russia’s western border, and western Ukraine borders Poland, Hungary, and Romania.

The archives document that one of the earliest assurances to Gorbachev came from a speech by the German foreign minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, in January 1990. In a cable to Washington, DC, the U.S. Embassy stated that Genscher made clear that NATO should rule out an “expansion of its territory towards the east, i.e., moving it closer to Soviet borders.”

My freedom of expression has not been restricted, but it makes no sense to be in a forum where 99% of all participants believe in conspiracies or similar nonsense. I thought this was a serious forum where you could exchange all kinds of ideas. In the end, it turns out that one's expectations were too high and therefore one might be disappointed. To make it short, I do not fit here. Which is no problem. I wish you a lot of fun with the mutual confirmation of your anyway already consolidated opinions. It's certainly a nice way to pass the time.
Go ahead and read this thread from the beginning. You will find that much of these soo called conspiracies', are in fact not so. In the end you simply couldn't take the heat, so you are bailing.
My freedom of expression has not been restricted, but it makes no sense to be in a forum where 99% of all participants believe in conspiracies or similar nonsense. I thought this was a serious forum where you could exchange all kinds of ideas. In the end, it turns out that one's expectations were too high and therefore one might be disappointed. To make it short, I do not fit here. Which is no problem. I wish you a lot of fun with the mutual confirmation of your anyway already consolidated opinions. It's certainly a nice way to pass the time.
Well, bye
Just because you can use debt to make money doesn’t mean debt is money.

Go pay your electric bill with your credit card bill and let me know how that works out for you.

Stick to making an ass out of yourself by wishing for civil war. No need to make an ass out of yourself with other topics as well.

Why can't he pay his electric bill with his credit card?
Why can't he pay his electric bill with his credit card?
He could but the credit card company is still using currency to pay the electric bill in exchange for the debt he is taking on with them.

It’s common sense stuff but in a thread where people swear Trump’s interview with TC got 240M views and that there is less oil being produced today in The US than there was during 2019 then sometimes you gotta point out the crazy.

My 12 year old son and I have covid right now. Worked out monday. Very Good leg workout. Felt a drag on Tuesday. Son didnt go to school. Skipped baseball practice. Felt yucky Wednesday took covid test bc I had a left over one. Was positive. Felt like crap Wednesday and Thursday
Sat on couch since 2 pm Thursday, felt better Thursday night Woke up today (Friday) feeling better. Really bad sore throat though. Tuesday night through Thrursday Evening Was the worst of it. Completely plugged up nose and Scratchy throat to worst sore throat of all time. Maybe a fever here and there, but done in 3 days as far as feeling yucky. Today feel pretty normal
Have some Water Poop, but other then a super sore throat and stuffed up nose its over... I think.

Short Flu. Def didnt feel good tho. I did not isolate and went to the store all days but Thursday
Go ahead and read this thread from the beginning. You will find that much of these soo called conspiracies', are in fact not so. In the end you simply couldn't take the heat, so you are bailing.
Yep, he's looking for an echo chamber that reflects his beliefs, which is fine. He's entitled to do that. Heck, go start your own thread on this platform doing just that.

I do have a suggestion though, if you are earnest about a free exchange of ideas. When you see something you disagree with, instead of espousing the media narrative and approved propaganda (whether it's true or not, or whether you believe it or not), ask WHY someone believes what they espouse here. You're coming into a senior level class without even going through the 100 level courses, and challenging the curriculum.
Go ahead and read this thread from the beginning. You will find that much of these soo called conspiracies', are in fact not so. In the end you simply couldn't take the heat, so you are bailing.
Yea because trusted sources like Scott Ritter, IlluminatiBot, and Laura Loomer really clear things up!
Yep, he's looking for an echo chamber that reflects his beliefs, which is fine. He's entitled to do that. Heck, go start your own thread on this platform doing just that.

I do have a suggestion though, if you are earnest about a free exchange of ideas. When you see something you disagree with, instead of espousing the media narrative and approved propaganda (whether it's true or not, or whether you believe it or not), ask WHY someone believes what they espouse here. You're coming into a senior level class without even going through the 100 level courses, and challenging the curriculum.
Why somebody believes a falsehood is irrelevant in most cases.

For example, I don’t care why some people believe that men can have babies. Every second they spend explaining their belief would be a second of my life wasted.

The same principle applies to many other topics.
Felt yucky Wednesday took covid test bc I had a left over one.
Take that test when you have the flu - just curious what the result might be.

Also suggest you consider Dr. Z

Dr Zelenko rose to international prominence as the first doctor who discovered the effective treatment for CV-19 and become the Dr. who treated President Trump.

He has been vilified for his attempt to save millions of people and is now being proven right in his treatment that led to 4000 patients back to health.

Dr. Zelenko's ZStack Supplement...

It hurts my heart to see. The kid has terrible parents or no parents. I raised my step son from 1 year old and he was a minority, but you damn sure KNOW I told him how to act in a case like this. If EVER stopped or questioned by police you do EVERYTHING they ask and do not fucking deviate at all. If that poor kid would have just laid down, the officer could have retrieved the bb gun himself. You lay face down hands spread out and you verbally tell the officer, I have a bb gun in my waist. The officer will then get it from you. No chance this kid had any adult guidance on how to interact. And if there was adult guidance it was more than likely, "F Tha Police!"
You married a mud shark? And Id hunt that cop down and kill him if that happened to my son. This is a cse of needing to be better at his job. Hope the kid made it.
Someone here recommended this book a week or two ago and I finished it last night. I’d recommend it to anyone wanting a good glimpse into the hidden hand option our government/executive branch possesses when diplomacy and overt war are no longer options. It’s a little broad stroked in its approach, but still provides excellent real world accounts of events dating back to WWI and II. I plan on digging into some of these events in greater detail in other books listed in the bibliography. Thanks to the poster who recommended.
Someone here recommended this book a week or two ago and I finished it last night. I’d recommend it to anyone wanting a good glimpse into the hidden hand option our government/executive branch possesses when diplomacy and overt war are no longer options. It’s a little broad stroked in its approach, but still provides excellent real world accounts of events dating back to WWI and II. I plan on digging into some of these events in greater detail in other books listed in the bibliography. Thanks to the poster who recommended.
I just finished reading this last week. The information contained in this book blew my mind. There are at least 2 things in this book that are “oh shit” moments in the book, and in history. I too would highly recommend this book.


After the devastating fires in Maui, Lahaina resident Mike Cicchino tells his horrifying story of having to flee the fires with his wife and child, taking refuge in the ocean for hours. He details his family’s experience, the loss of their home, and separates fact from fiction. Also, hear from two experienced disaster relief responders on the ground in the fire’s aftermath with their take on where the government's disaster warning systems and relief have failed.

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