Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
She ain’t lyin’.

The internet has made information so accessible that the Global Elites can no longer control the masses through the media.The only way to maintain control is though food and energy scarcity.Why do you think Bill Gates is buying up so much farmland? Why do you think Biden keeps attacking our energy sector?They're trying to get it where you won't be able to feed your family or drive a car unless you comply with an ever-changing set of edicts that will control your daily life.
PLEASE Help Spread This Message, They Are LYING TO YOU About The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Victims

Maui Victim “WE ARE NOT OKAY” People Living Out Of Their Cars, No Shelters”

“People that live here are the only ones that are helping at all”

NO HELP From Our Own Government

“Okay, I don't really know how to start this, but I just wanted to spread the message to people on mainland about what's really going on here because the media isn't doing us any good at all. Um, we're not okay. We're not okay. Um, we are emotionally damaged. A lot of people are physically injured. A lot of people have lost their family members. Only 25% of the burn zone has been searched and there's already been 110 deaths and it hasn't been the high impact zone like we're fucked. There's over 1300 people without a roof over their head right now, me included. I'm lucky enough to have friends but all of us are fucked.

They're putting us in 30 day like hotel stays in order to find everybody houses but in a place where it's hard enough to find housing and hard enough to find jobs as it is, now that there is more people looking for jobs and there is less houses available on the island, everybody's fucked.

And the thing, the thing for me is that...There is this grand sense of community here, like nothing like I've ever seen before. The gay pride marches, Black Lives Matter protests. I have never seen so many people come together and give up their own beds for people that just lost their house. But that's the problem. It's that nobody else is doing anything. Nobody is helping. It's all kanaka. People that live are the only ones that are helping at all.

People that live are the only ones that are helping at all that all of the people on mainland are doing anything wrong. It's not your fault, but the government helping it all. And nobody seems to have any idea what's going on over here. This is the biggest natural disaster. It's caused the most deaths in US history. Like isn't there more fucking going on? Like I've calmed down.

I've talked to so many of my friends on mainland that quite literally have no idea that there is 1300 people packed in shelters and living out of their cars and having to move onto the streets and that aren't getting assistance and that aren't getting walked through these steps. They have no idea that the death count is so big. They have no idea that the majority of people that have perished are going to be the elderly and the children. They have no idea that our alarm system on this island is the biggest strongest in the entire nation. I think it might be the strongest in the whole world, but not a single fucking sign off.

Why is this not bigger news? Like, our government fucked us, didn't give us any warning, we had to flee our houses, we lost fucking everything, and nobody knows. 1300 people are displaced right now and hundreds are fucking dead. Why does nobody know?

And I'm sorry, I wanted to add one more thing. It's that this isn't like, a fast road. There's almost no recovering from this, especially not in a decade, maybe not in two. Who's to say?

But our biggest industry over here is tourism, and now that our biggest tourist city burnt down, we are going to lose so many jobs. So many people are going to continue to lose their houses. People are going to have to sell their land to sources that they shouldn't, just because nobody's going to be able to afford anything. Like, this isn't... This isn't... a ball game. This... We're going to be working on this for decades, and we're going to need support for decades, and it's pretty obvious that...

No one is gonna stick around and help. Nobody showed up in the first place, really. So, just spread the message. Yeah, it's sad, but spread it.

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons

#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons

That was made clear when you wished for civil war if your political candidate didn’t win.

To be fair, I think a civil war between ideologies that involve right and wrong, good and evil, needs to take place regardless of who wins. There is no co existing anymore on a national level. Abortion, sexualization of kids, attacks on religion, justice, etc comes from one side. If there is as another way I would be for it. I’m fine with another stolen election to be the catalyst to get things going.
To be fair, I think a civil war between ideologies that involve right and wrong, good and evil, needs to take place regardless of who wins. There is no co existing anymore on a national level. Abortion, sexualization of kids, attacks on religion, justice, etc comes from one side. If there is as another way I would be for it. I’m fine with another stolen election to be the catalyst to get things going.

House Speaker Says Republicans Could Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry As Soon As September​

Guess we will see soon. I think if McCarthy doesn't start doing something other than talk some Pub will do a motion to vacate.

House Speaker Says Republicans Could Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry As Soon as After the 2024 Election
There are some people that want some users outright banned, some that want thread bans, some that want an elaborate scoring system and others that just suggest the use of the ignore function

At what point do we distinguish between a troll and a difference of opinion? Some are more obvious than others, some imply sarcasm, some are just being assholes. I feel that moderation, unless outright necessary, is a very slippery slope for something we call a Free Speech Forum. Once you set the bar for moderating someone, it just keeps getting lower and lower. We’ve seen it happen on so many websites and platforms

I’ve done something about users who have spammed the thread or posted porn. In the meantime, I suggest using the ignore function if someone is bothering you.
I think they should be forced to take every Booster past present and future. That would solve the problem.
The problem on the Disney and ESG stuff is that he started that fight and then went to run for president and isn't finishing the fight. When he leaves office, if a rino or dem wins, they would be able to undo everything he did in 1 month. He needs to do the job he was elected to do before he goes for another job.

He did the greatest job as a governor of any in modern times. And the best you can come up with is "didn't finish the fight"? He has fought. Trump surrendered to the elites before he even took the oath. And yes, Desantis keeps winning in court, keeps cranking out Ws, while the Trump campaign would have you believe Desantis can only win if he's behind a desk in Tallahassee. No governor has a resume even close to Desantis.

Easily undone? More Trump propaganda. His reforms can't be undone easily, most of them were legislative, and he turned a purple state that Trump barely won blood red. OTOH, most of what Trump accomplished - if signing an executive order is considered an accomplishment - was undone in 2 days by our Mr. Magoo president, and any thing else of note will be gone in 2 years, even Paul Ryan's tax cut. Trump did take time to codify dems' massive spending increases into law to guarantee that future budgets will be bloated. Didn't finish the fight? Vs. didn't even begin to fight. Insults and verbal sparring through social media is not fighting. It might make Trump fanboys feel good as they high five each other, most people just look at it as childish and sad.

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