Okay. This is not a humble brag. Really. It's a this is sumkindabullshit.....
Many of y'all know that we are very fortunate to have family Master's badges. My husband's grandfather got them in 1958 and was grandfathered in with the whole will thing, so they went to his wife. My mother in law got 2 more through the lottery. So for a while, we had four but now we're back to 2.
Here's the thing. I'm going this year. (Sat/Sun. My SIL and BIL are going Thurs/Fri) The only time I've been was the first year my husband and I were married...25 years ago. ( Mark O'Meara won. Matt Kuchar was the amateur. His dad was his caddy and they were adorable. Just having the time of their lives) it will also be my 50th bday weekend, so...I'm going. (Masters is usually over my bday). I've always had my husband take friends, my dad, and our kids so they could really enjoy and experience something truly special. While I like golf, I don't love it enough to deny somebody else the experience. Golf is a huge part of our lives. We seriously wouldn't be here without it. (I was the beverage cart girl who met her future husband, the new pro, by missing running him over by 5 feet....and laughed

. I'm also the girl who told Arnold Palmer (a couple months later) my bar was closed at his OWN FRIGGING TOURNAMENT...and then wound up having a drink with him)
Anyway, of course I've been having a blast being extra snotty to Max that I'm going this year and he gets to stay home with the (admittedly adorable) dog.
And then....today...it all went to hell.
I get a call from his best friend's mom needing to know his lacrosse schedule. His friend has been told to pick a friend to go to the Masters and of course it's Max. It just happens that his best friend's grandfather is a member (amazing and incredibly interesting man. And just lovely. He loves my kid something fierce) and wants to take the boys...on his plane. And they will have member badges. Funny thing, this will be the first time my kid's friend has ever been and my son is more excited for him to go than he is to go with. (My kid has been 3 times) They were all supposed to go together in 2020 and.....covid. So it didn't happen.
I cannot tell you how my chickens are coming home to roost. Not so little smug shit. He's having a blast. Just looks at me and starts snickering

. I might kill him before April 7 and it will be justified. Y'all get ready to serve on my jury.
As an aside, the only positive that came from covid was Max's golf game. He started seriously playing because what else was there to do? And within 2 years was down to a 6. He refused to play for the hs team because it's his one sport he wants to keep for himself and solely for fun.
All of our kids play to varying ability. They are their father's children. I just ride around and call it my rolling cocktail party.
*Edit: I can't believe I feel like I have to add this, but no...I'm not actually contemplating killing Max. At least not today.