Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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And can't/ won't do anything about it.
There will be camps.

There will be summary executions.

The Communists are winning.

Face reality before it kills you.

Then act accordingly.

View attachment 170897
How can some of the approval numbers be so high
Mentally handicapped
Haha! I’ll ask Pelosi for her version of events on Jan 6th.

Bottom line is Bama looks terrible letting this young man play when no AD worth their salt would. If this was summer ball he would be suspended pending the results of an investigation.
How do you know he hasn’t been cleared? You’re going off of the media’s accounts, and we all know how that goes. There are plenty of videos supporting his statement. 48hr rule is in effect to everything the media is spewing.
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White House and CIA now threatening China over last 24 hrs. Major Diplomatic Crisis unfolding with China. China being threatened over Military Aid to Russia. In last 24 hrs Biden is escalating with China now.

Threats did not work with Russia will they work with China?
Go ahead and start a bail fund. I'm going to be on every list. Especially when I pull the scholarships and teachers awards until sanity makes an appearance. Somehow, nobody has figured out that I am 'the decider'.

They're about to.

I'll send you a couple of bottles of Bourbon from Texas.

I want you all "Sauced Up & Sassy" when you go after those assholes!
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White House and CIA now threatening China over last 24 hrs. Major Diplomatic Crisis unfolding with China. China being threatened over Military Aid to Russia. In last 24 hrs Biden is escalating with China now.

Threats did not work with Russia will they work with China?
It's all theatre to gin up the masses. More fear porn and quite frankly their last card before it all comes in on them. JMHO but this is propaganda 101. This White House is not in control. SKOL!
The destruction of the central banker cabal caste system is collapsing before our eyes. Now you know why aliens are buzzing the tower and the russo-chino alliance will destroy the world. haha SKOL!
Lots of prominent people in Texas (and elsewhere) during that time were members of the KKK. It was common in the early years of the 20th Century. KKK meetings were as common as Mason's, Rotary Clubs, Elks Clubs, and others and likely had crossover membership rolls.
I'm not doubting your info here, but where did you learn this?
The destruction of the central banker cabal caste system is collapsing before our eyes. Now you know why aliens are buzzing the tower and the russo-chino alliance will destroy the world. haha SKOL!
Don't be sad @orng_blud. This needs to happen for true freedom to occur. The satanists were never going to go quietly into the still night. Prepare for some service interruptions but the light called freedom and truth is near. If my reading of the tea leaves is correct. JMHO. SKOL!
Holy hell. You call cincinatus a racist for his comments about Jews but you are ok saying this? Pot meet kettle.

In a little know happening on Apple using Siri

Used to if you used the "N" word with Siri she would reprimand you.

Now she doesn't even acknowledge the word. Tries to correct you to the word nagger on occasion didn't even know that nagger was a fucking word.

But if you ask her about a "Chink" she goes off on you.

My theory - Chyna owns Apple & Xi hates black people thus only letting her reprimand you for saying "Chink".

@ChingChongDingDong "No Offense" bruver!
Am I wrong?

Is it because I’m white?

I’ll call a spade a spade all day long just like there’s redneck white trailer trash out there.


Good and Bad in Every Race

Whites - White Trash
Latinos - Spics
Chinese - Chinks
Italians - Wops
Black - Niggers

Unfortunately Here is How it Breaks Down on a Statistical Basis +/5 Margin of Error

All Other Races/Ethnicities

95% Good Hard Working People
5% Worthless Pieces of Shit

American Blacks (Not Jamaican, African, Bahamian Etc)
60% Good Hard Working People
40% Worthless Pieces of Shit

I've been in environments and witnessed first hand where blacks from around the world have as much if not more disgust for the American Hood Rat - they don't want to be associated or affiliated with them.

The sad part is that this is the White Man's Creation and Fault

In particular the LIBERAL White Man that destroyed the American Black Family Unit with Welfare - We're Talking LBJ and his ilk here.

Thus they created Generational Welfare and are to blame for all of the ramifications from it.

Again -

Act like a human, respect other humans, carry your weight in society, make the world a better place, follow the 10 Commandments and no matter your race you will be accepted with open arms.

I have ZERO tolerance for anyone of ANY race that does not abide by the above.

That does NOT make me or you or anyone a Racist.

It makes you a realist.

They first did it to the blacks in America now they are trying to destroy all races and civilization with welfare for all.

Fuck It If You Cannot Handle the Truth

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