Not sure this has been posted ....interesting.
Interesting part of that Arizona video, go to the 41:20 mark. Senator Bennett (who is clearly compromised and a traitor) keeps asking questions that gets individuals out in the open. Could that be so the cartel knows WHO to take out? Anyway, he specifically asks the woman who invited her there today to speak and she kinda reluctantly says Representative Harris. Harris, the woman in the middle of the panel, looks at her and sort gives her a throat slash and head nodding basically what it looks like to me saying, "thanks you just killed me." Unbelievable shit.
We had a horse that was half thoroughbred and half quarterhorse. He was fast as shit and every once in a while, he would just get wide eyed and run as hard as he could until he wore himself out and there was nothing you could do to shut him down.
Poor Australia. Gave up their guns and gave up their sovereignty. Foreign boots on the ground.
I think I have said this on the board before my dad served 3 years in WW2 in the South Pacific with some Australian soldiers.I heard that Australia's military is so undermanned that they have subs without sailors, tanks without soldiers and bases that have been given over to the US because they don't need the room.
Beautiful Boy. Little guy who was trapped for 128 hrs alone in Syria in the rubble of collapsed building.
Here he is after a bath and food.
If you need financing for any of it give me a jingle will give you the LAC friends and family discount and my ties into private banking are awesome for my clients.
Good and Bad in Every Race
Whites - White Trash
Latinos - Spics
Chinese - Chinks
Italians - Wops
Black - Niggers
Unfortunately Here is How it Breaks Down on a Statistical Basis +/5 Margin of Error
All Other Races/Ethnicities
95% Good Hard Working People
5% Worthless Pieces of Shit
American Blacks (Not Jamaican, African, Bahamian Etc)
60% Good Hard Working People
40% Worthless Pieces of Shit
I've been in environments and witnessed first hand where blacks from around the world have as much if not more disgust for the American Hood Rat - they don't want to be associated or affiliated with them.
The sad part is that this is the White Man's Creation and Fault
In particular the LIBERAL White Man that destroyed the American Black Family Unit with Welfare - We're Talking LBJ and his ilk here.
Thus they created Generational Welfare and are to blame for all of the ramifications from it.
Again -
Act like a human, respect other humans, carry your weight in society, make the world a better place, follow the 10 Commandments and no matter your race you will be accepted with open arms.
I have ZERO tolerance for anyone of ANY race that does not abide by the above.
That does NOT make me or you or anyone a Racist.
It makes you a realist.
They first did it to the blacks in America now they are trying to destroy all races and civilization with welfare for all.
Fuck It If You Cannot Handle the Truth
I’ve been looking at Fincas lately
football transferred their rights and privileges to the bball team after a down year. We could have used couple killers on defense( pun intended)Apparently they transfer to the basketball program, too.
If this is real I’ll be getting in contact with you. Access to funds is the name of the game in RE.
Never think we don't love you in this thread. You are a smart guy and an MD keep protecting us with your knowledge in the medical field.that must of been really good tittie milk.
Costa Rican Coffee Plantation's.I’ve been looking at Fincas lately
And lots of it, he is reenergized.that must of been really good tittie milk.