Dat big hairbarr, who orda hair on cat? Dat sick madafucka right dare.
When my kids were small I had a Maylasian Chinese college student who boarded in our home.
He was like part of our family. My boys loved him as he was always doing the Kung Fu moves on them.
Anyway he got homesick for Maylasian food.
One day he said I want to cook for you guys tomorrow OK.
Of course it was OK Chou.
He made Maylasian Coconut Chicken It was awesome. He had a small bottle of sauce beside his plate and he would put some on his food.
Finally I got curious and asked for some and what is that stuff.
With his inscrutable Chinese face he says just some flavoring.
Shit was so hot it melted my head. He was laughing and coughing food everywhere. Yah real funny you little prick.
A month later I made a nice traditional roast beef dinner. And I knew a good German Deli near by.
I went there and asked the old German woman for the hottest horse radish she had, she brough some out and said most folks don't like this too hot.
I said oh no problem its for a guest and he always asks for this for his roast beef.
Well its meal time. I put big dollops o the side of my plate. And he wants some.
I give him a big dollop, on his plate and show him how I like it. He is suspicious but takes the bait.
In goes the loaded beef. Holy Shit he leaps from the table, his eyes running with tears and snot running out of his nose.
"You poison me" You poison e. As he holds his head under the kitchen sink.
Ha Now I got you you little prick.
Then he ran outside spitting, blowing his nose.
Oh Yah when he melted my head he could not stop laughing.
Ha ha ha you no take hot food. H Ha H. American no have hot food.
Anything I put out after that he had questions. What This.
Great guy.