Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The destruction of the central banker cabal caste system is collapsing before our eyes. Now you know why aliens are buzzing the tower and the russo-chino alliance will destroy the world. haha SKOL!
Trump's 4 years bought sometime but the ass clowns blew that. And yah China/Russia and now the rest of the world are abandoning the USD fast plus the western Matrix.
There are lots of terms that have been used against me, a white boy from rural West Virginia, every bit as nasty as we have been told that particular term is, but nobody gets crucified for using any term but that particular one. I’m not sure I’ve ever understood that logic. Language...

Whatever Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man, cracker, whitey, Pillsbury Dough Boy, honkey, white-boy. ;)

Good and Bad in Every Race

Whites - White Trash
Latinos - Spics
Chinese - Chinks
Italians - Wops
Black - Niggers

Unfortunately Here is How it Breaks Down on a Statistical Basis +/5 Margin of Error

All Other Races/Ethnicities

95% Good Hard Working People
5% Worthless Pieces of Shit

American Blacks (Not Jamaican, African, Bahamian Etc)
60% Good Hard Working People
40% Worthless Pieces of Shit

I've been in environments and witnessed first hand where blacks from around the world have as much if not more disgust for the American Hood Rat - they don't want to be associated or affiliated with them.

The sad part is that this is the White Man's Creation and Fault

In particular the LIBERAL White Man that destroyed the American Black Family Unit with Welfare - We're Talking LBJ and his ilk here.

Thus they created Generational Welfare and are to blame for all of the ramifications from it.

Again -

Act like a human, respect other humans, carry your weight in society, make the world a better place, follow the 10 Commandments and no matter your race you will be accepted with open arms.

I have ZERO tolerance for anyone of ANY race that does not abide by the above.

That does NOT make me or you or anyone a Racist.

It makes you a realist.

They first did it to the blacks in America now they are trying to destroy all races and civilization with welfare for all.

Fuck It If You Cannot Handle the Truth
...and I might add that I was very athletic in my younger days and was called some pretty ugly things by people who were a darker color than me on the athletic fields and courts. I guess some folks get away with that with the excuse of “that’s just trash talk” when we do it. When I was a kid growing up in the late 60’s, my Dad told me a story about a black friend that he had in Huntington, WV where he worked. He worked at a local hardware store. There was a lot of rioting going on in the area...and particularly on 16th Street, (Now renamed Hal Greer Boulevard) One day, my Dad asked his friend what was going on over on 16th Street. I’ll never forget what the man said to my father...”Mr Dale, it ain’t us good colored folks who are causing all the problems. It’s those damn “insert N word.” My Dad told me...”Son, they come in every color...”

I’ve always judged people by how they treated me and by their character...I’ve really never had a problem getting along with “any” person who is of good character. I grew up among poor people. I’ve never forgotten where I came from.

...and if you’re going to get salty with someone, don’t get offended if their salt is saltier than yours.

Sorry I was late to the party again you said it better than I did in my post.
It’s definitely an agenda. The difference here is, we are wise enough not to engage and allow ourselves to be painted with a fake brush. Usage of any pejorative to provoke someone is ignorant. Publicly using a politicized pejorative, like that word has become, is asking for consequences. None of us wants that.

You sound like my dad and that's a good thing.
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Gen Z is here, they’re queer, and right-wing nuts are completely freaking out about it

A recent Gallup poll has revealed that young adults are even queerer than you’d think — and right-wing politicians are terrified.

A newly published survey conducted in 2022 of over 10,000 adults in the U.S. revealed that an approximately 7.2% of those surveyed identify as LGBTQ+ across all age groups.

When you zero in on Gen Z (specified as young adults born between 1997 and 2004), a whopping 19.7% self-identified as LGBTQ+. That’s right; there was 1 queer young adult for about every 5 Gen Z respondents surveyed.

This is a remarkable uptick from surveys of this kind taken in the past, even as recently as the 2010s. Gallup information from 2017 put the national estimate of LGBTQ+ adults as low as 4.5% (though the number of Gen Z adults at the time was likely too low to draw conclusion from).


Not a lot of faggots down here & we like it that way.
Ukraine attacks Belarus base. Blows up Russian AWAC on ground
Could be an interesting few days perhaps.
How do you know he hasn’t been cleared? You’re going off of the media’s accounts, and we all know how that goes. There are plenty of videos supporting his statement. 48hr rule is in effect to everything the media is spewing.

The Police state that Miller received a text from Miles to bring his gun (Miles) to him (Miles). Even if the evidence doesn't support an Accessory to murder charge this is still a horrible look. That's all I am saying here. Before the local prosecutor made the statement that there wasn't enough evidence to support the charge of accessory this was a horrible look. He never missed a game throughout! Bama's best B-ball team ever!

What if the State Prosecutor convenes a Grand Jury and that Grand Jury charges Brandon Miller with Accessory to Murder? All I am saying is that all things being considered you err on the side of caution in these situations.

Now, Let's pretend Brandon Miller is an Auburn Tiger. What would be your stance then?

The Commies Never Quit. Yah Biden will ban half the gas stoves in USA with his new rules.
Wakes up in the morning with a diaper full of shit and decides you don't need the gas stove you got. But you will have to buy one he approves of instead.
Major rejection of Biden and US Threats.
China has entered the war with Ukraine with Russia.
Chinese PLA has opened the largest weapons depot in China to Russia.
Russian team has been there 8 days now shopping. Shipments of Chinese Artillery systems has began already.
massive lift of equipment
I knew it... Lol. You think that is such revolutionary thought process. FFS. Im not sure whats worse the fact that you believe it or the fact that you think that is some deep thought process. Like you are so enlightened and thought out, and deep. Lol This is all you came back with? You twined all that together. Im laughing. Not at the accusation, which is obnoxious. Just what you think proves youre right.

What do you suggest then. What is youre thought of what should happen.
I think I include 'this is obvious" in almost every single one of my no point have I considered my worldview to be one of heroic insight or wisdom

It is my opinion....and I think the view that trump is an ied his supporters are engineered to attach themselves too is way more persuasive and coherent than whatever rebuttal you compile

Trump was used to bring in the masses....antifa/blm/etc what have you are there, the gates open, the flags are flying, captain viking horns is on site, podiums are at risk and bada bing bada boom you have a ridiculous psyop that somehow fools the majority of people

The "we have it all" guy didn't see the trap.....or he was the trap

It ended the fake election integrity move for the gop, ginned up the truly clueless left wing, and set the stage to classify any citizen targeted as a "threat, terrorist, etc" and also made trump look like the victim....he goes to mar a lago and sells nfts meanwhile his supporters continue down a very perilous path

Or maybe I'm wrong and it isn't warp speed don, it's "whoopsy daisies don"

Don is a psyop...and that will only become increasingly obvious

I just urge those ITT to be the next person to see it and not the last. He is a great opportunity for unity. Maybe if you have family members that have been lost due to politics and may be they are embarrassed by the covid charade, articulating the truth about don may enable them to articulate their truly feelings about covid, transhumanism, etc

Whatever the case, the truth shall set us free
Food, water, energy, housing.....the time for voting, referendums, debates, tweets, etc has come and it has gone. Trust the politicians and we will be slaughtered
She’s definitely a little wild, but no libs get thru the initial conversation with me lol. Sadly, 7-8 years ago I wouldn’t have cared...anyone claiming lib gang these days is not someone I want to be around. I’m more worried about my future kids being fucked because momma is poisoned.

I quiz em right away lol. She’s in the two doses and done with it camp, so at least not a covid nut job. Just wish I could find someone who immediately saw right thru that shit.

If wanting to have kids someday I’d think hard about it. She may not be able to.
No @MortgageHorn is correct. We all knew better. We knew what these sadistic bastards were doing. Now they scream uncle. Fuck that. No mercy and your tender mercies fall on deaf ears. Skol!
I’d be asking them what they have done now to make up for their errors, if they are starting to see the light. We need them all on our side, regardless, because you know the club that we ain’t in is going to try it all again. But, Doctors, newscasters, reporters, politicians and anyone in an official capacity that pushed this bullshit? Nail all those motherfuckers to the wall.

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