Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The U.S. fell into an escalation trap when it has allowed the Ukraine leadership to lead the country towards disaster:

By virtue of its decision, Ukraine, along with its closest partners in Poland and the Baltic nations, became the classic “trojan ally” — smaller countries whose desire for regional clout against the extant middle power (Russia) is predicated on their ability to persuade an external great power and its global military network (here, the US and, by extension, Nato) to step in militarily on their behalf. As we noted in our study, “this comes at great risk to the regional balancer and at great cost to the external great power”. For ultimately, the arrangement depends on “the threat of the use of force and military intervention” by that external great power, without which the regional balancer would fail.
That is exactly where we are. Ukraine's pathological hater Vladimir Zelenski is leading the U.S. into an ever deeper commitment to win by ultimately destroying Russia.

But any direct confrontation with Russia would lead to nuclear war. The U.S. can not risk that. It is therefore pushing Ukraine to speed up its commitment to suicide:

This has been my concern from the start. Why would they kill of those that obeyed?
Exactly, it does not make sense

I think the overpopulation angle is also misunderstood...the powers that be would much prefer 7 billion slaves than 500,000,000 self reliant, vigorous, virtuous, etc people

So the jabs do kill and they certainly endanger and possibly "transform." But they may mainly be the avenue by which dissidents are wiped out. Hence the major push in the US where the people are best equipped to overthrow the overlords

And sidenote,,,when trump says he saved 100 million lives....he may actually be telling the truth, but in this context

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